International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, July 8-13, 2018, Quebec City, Canada

Template for ISMSC2018 Abstract Submissions

Submitted abstracts should conform exactly to the format of the template on the next page. Colored graphics are allowed for PDF version of abstract book, but the hardcopy of abstract book will be printed in black and white only. Therefore, please confirm the graphic in grayscale.

Step 1.Use the editable template on the next page by clicking on the section you would like to fill in and start your typing or overwriting. This ensures that all your data is in the correct format. Please do not remove the format outlined in the template; abstracts that are different from the format will be returned to authors for revision. If you would like to insert a graphic, insert it in the text box provided, with an appropriate figure caption. All abstracts including your recent photo must fit entirely inone page. Be sure to underline the presenting author. The presenting (underlined) author must be registered for the meeting in order for the abstract to be accepted.

Step 2. Remove the first instruction page.

Step 3.Save the abstract onto your computer (without these instructions) as word document.Maximum size of abstract file is 5 Mbytes. If the size of file is exceeding 5 Mbytes, please reduce size of graphics. This file should conform exactly to the format of the template.

Step 4.Upload your abstract to the conference website at:

International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry, July 8-13, 2018, Quebec City, Canada

Centered Title with All Words Capitalized Except for Articles, Prepositions and Conjunctions

Presenter A. Lastname,a Contributor B. Lastname,b and PrincipalInvestigator C. Lastname*c

aDepartment of Science, Institution, CityAddress, Country. bDepartment of Science, Institution, CityAddress, Country. cDepartment of Science, Institution, CityAddress, Country.

E-mail: nsion

Organizing committee of 13stISMSC strongly recommend you to add one major contributor’s (underlined author) recent photo like left picture (3X4cm), which can make you easily recognize the presenter in any places. The text of the abstract should describe the nature of the presenter’s oral or poster presentation, together with citations, if relevant. The text must be single spaced, fully justified, and must use 11 pt Arial or Helvetica font. The citations should be consecutively numbered as superscripts,1 and should be detailed at the end using ACS format. Please do not deviate from the formatting outlined in this template; abstracts that deviate from this format will be returned for revision. The entire abstract is limited to one page. This space can accommodate an abstract of approximately 350 words, a figure of the size shown below, and a couple of citations. Please note that the presenting author (name underlined) must be registered for the meeting in order for the abstract to be accepted.


1 Lastname, F. A.; Lastname, S. A. J. Import. Res. 2008, 8, 50-57.

2 Author, A. B. In Book Title; Editor, C. D.; Ed.; Series Name and number; Publisher: City, STATE (2 letters) or Country, year; Vol. number, pp. xx-yy.