Fall 2013

Professor: Matthew G. Maron, CPA


Room: Mandeville 201

Class Schedule: Thursdays 6:15 – 8:45pm

3 Credit Hours

My office is located in Mandeville Hall, Room 209

Telephone number (School) 203-576-4008, (Home/Office) 203-746-3710


Web Page:

Conference hours: Wednesday 1:00 – 3:00pm

Thursday 2:00 – 5:00pm

Required Text:

FINANCIAL & MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING, Warren Reeve Duchac, 12th Edition

ISBN: 978-1-133-95242-8

South-Western Publishing, 2012, 2014

Chapters are available for purchase as “e-chapters” from the publisher’s website.

Course Description:

An introduction to the basic principles of financial accounting, and how to account for business transactions. Emphasis on the understanding of how financial statements are prepared, and how they are used as a basis for decision making by business owners, investors, creditors, government and others interested in the financial condition of an economic entity and the results of its operations.

Course Objective:

(a)  Knowledge Objective.

To obtain an understanding of financial accounting (in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, or GAAP), and the role of accounting information in the overall management and evaluation of a business.

(b)  Learning Objective.

To introduce the students to the use of accounting methods and procedures. To present to the students the basic concepts of recording business transactions in accordance with GAAP. To provide students with the skills and ability to utilize the “accounting cycle”, with the preparation of Financial Statements as the ultimate goal.

Components of Course Grade:

Mid-Term 40%

Final Exam 50%

Class Participation 10%

Criteria for Evaluation of Class Participation:

1) Participation

Students will be evaluated on their demonstrated ability to understand an assigned question, correctly identify the approach to solving the problem, select the appropriate data to use in the solution, select and use the proper quantitative or other analytic tool for the solution, and communicate effectively their response to the question.

2) Attendance

Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each class. You are expected to be in attendance at the start of each class. Habitual late attendance will be marked against class participation.

3) Homework

Students are expected to be prepared for each class. This includes having read any material assigned, and having completed the assigned problems. Homework will be collected at the end of each topic/chapter.

4) Disruptive Talking

“Disruptive talking” is talking and/or interfering while the teacher is lecturing, or while a classmate is asking/answering a question in class. Disruptive talking will be marked against class participation.

Make-up Test Policy:

You are expected to take the mid-term exam on the date indicated. If you miss the mid-term, you must take a make-up, and will receive a ten-point (10) penalty on the make-up (e.g. if you earn a grade of 90 on a make-up mid-term, you will receive a grade of 80). NOTE: THERE IS NO MAKE-UP FOR THE FINAL EXAM.

Miscellaneous Notes:

There will be NO MAKEUP for missed classes or assignments. It is your responsibility to contact a classmate to obtain notes if a class is missed. A zero grade will be assigned for any missed work.

No electronic devices (except calculators) are allowed in class. Cell phones should be silenced or turned off.

The use of a pencil for homework and exams is highly recommended.

CHEATING - Any student found cheating on an exam will receive a grade of zero (0) for the exam.

Academic Honesty Standards:

It is the student’s responsibility to familiarize himself or herself with and adhere to the standards set forth in the policies on cheating and plagiarism as defined in Chapters 2 and 5 of the Key to UB or the appropriate graduate program handbook.

Syllabus is subject to change.

Key Dates:

Thursday 10/17 – Mid Term Exam

Thursday 12/5 – Last Class

Thursday 12/12 – Final Exam


Fall 2013

Assignment schedule

Class date Topic

Aug. 29 Th Introduction & Chapter 1 (Introduction to Accounting & Business)

Sept. 5 Th Chapter 1 & Chapter 2 (Analyzing Transactions)

12 Th Chapter 2 & Chapter 3 (The Adjusting Process)

19 Th Chapter 3 (The Adjusting Process)

26 Th Chapter 4 (Completing the Accounting Cycle)

Oct. 3 Th Chapter 4 & Chapter 5 (Accounting for a Merchandising Business)

10 Th Chapter 5 & Chapter 6 (Inventories)

17 Th Mid Term Exam (Chapters 1-5), complete Chapter 6

24 Th Chapter 6 & Chapter 7 (Sarbanes-Oxley, Internal Control & Cash)

31 Th Chapter 7 & Chapter 8 (Receivables)

Nov. 7 Th Chapter 8 & Chapter 9 (Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets)

14 Th Chapter 9

21 Th Chapter 10 (Current Liabilities & Payroll) & Chapter 11 (Corporations – Organization, Stock Transactions & Dividends)

Dec 5 Th Chapter 10 & Chapter 11

Dec 12 Th FINAL EXAM (Chapters 6 – 11)


Fall 2013

Written Assignment Schedule


Ch 1 To be assigned in class

Ch 2 To be assigned in class

Ch 3 To be assigned in class

Ch 4 To be assigned in class

Ch 5 To be assigned in class

Ch 6 To be assigned in class

Ch 7 To be assigned in class

Ch 8 To be assigned in class

Ch 9 To be assigned in class

Ch 10 To be assigned in class

Ch 11 To be assigned in class