TSS/Circ./039/2016 ACADEMIC SESSION 2016-17 May 9, 2016




A Habitat is the natural environment in which plants and animals live. This is where they get their food, water and shelter. They also breed in their natural Habitat. The climate of a Habitat, the food available in the Habitat, competition from other species- these are some of the factors that determine whether a species will survive or not.


Science is a dynamic interdisciplinary field. It’s all about exploring our world and generating new ideas. Creativity and Science go hand in hand. Creativity is inventing, experimenting, imagining, making mistakes and having fun. Making models in Science not only enhances creativity but also enables the students to apply learned concepts in real life situations. So let us give shape to our innovative ideas in these summer vacations by preparing models on different assigned themes.

Important points:

ü  The holiday homework includes three segments: Habitat album , capture wildlife and a

3-d model of useful products obtained from animals for poaching.

ü  Habitat album must comprise of five plants/animals/birds/tribes of a particular Habitat assigned by the teacher. The Habitat album to be made creatively with preferably coloured pictures highlighting the striking adaptive features as per the topic assigned by the teacher. The album may include coloured pictures.

ü  Habitat album must include the pictures of adaptive features like drip trips, camouflage and other related adaptive features.

ü  Album must be done on A4 size coloured sheets as a hanging arranged in a horizontal or vertical pattern using ribbons, jute rope or any other material.

ü  The photograph must be glossy and as per the dimensions specified.

ü  3-D model must be made out of waste materials only.

·  CREATE YOUR HABITAT ALBUM: Paste pictures of atleast five different plants or animals or birds or tribes and name them. Write their striking features which makes them well-adapted to their Habitat and specify the details like climatic conditions, food habits , interdependence of organisms and the useful part of animals and birds for Habitat album.

Following points can be used as a reference:


  • Each plant characteristic feature of drip tips and other adaptive feature can be highlighted with pictures and captions. How the leaves, stems and roots are developed. Useful products obtained from these plants like medicinal uses, essential oils etc.
  • Pictures of birds with adaptive features. Useful products obtained from these birds like medicinal uses.
  • Along with the pictures of animals, how animals exhibit camouflage can be depicted through pictures. Useful products obtained from these animals like medicinal uses.
  • Tribes found in rainforest with the tribal name, location, shelter place, food habits and measures they use to survive in that particular Habitat with related pictures.
  • Interdependence of organisms highlighting the food chain of this Habitat.
  • A picture showing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


  • Each plant characteristic feature of salt tolerant trees like mangrove , how the roots , leaves and stem are developed. How mangroves protect the coastal line. Other adaptive feature can be highlighted with pictures and captions. Useful products obtained from these plants.
  • Pictures of birds with adaptive features. Useful products obtained from these birds like medicinal uses.
  • Along with the pictures of animals, how animals exhibit camouflage can be depicted through pictures. Useful products obtained from these animals like medicinal uses.
  • Tribes found in coastal Habitats with the tribal name, location, shelter place and food habits and measures they use to survive in that particular Habitat with related pictures.
  • Interdependence of organisms highlighting the food chain of this Habitat.
  • Picturesshowing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


  • Plants found in this Habitat like freely floating plants, partially submerged and fully submerged plants. How the roots , leaves and stem are developed. adaptive feature can be highlighted with pictures and captions. Highlight if the useful products are obtained from these plants.
  • Corals reef- Rainforest of the sea- life exists highlighting various plants and animals with adaptive features. Composition of coral reefs, distribution of various coral reefs found at different places. Signifance of corals.
  • Aquatic life like octopus, squids no streamlined body shape, flat fish, whales, dolphins.
  • Birds in aquatic Habitat like duck with adaptive features with medicinal uses.
  • Pictures showing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


  • Succulent plants highlighting how the roots , leaves and stem are developed and their adaptive features with pictures and captions.
  • Animals found in desert like camel-ship of the desert, animals like in burrows like kangaroo rat ;snakes and any other animals with adaptive features.
  • Birds found in thisHabitat with adaptive features and medicinal uses if any.
  • Tribes found in desert Habitats with the tribal name, location, shelter place , food habits and measures they use to survive in that particular Habitat with related pictures.
  • Pictures showing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


  • Plants highlighting how the roots , leaves and stem are developed and their adaptive features with pictures and captions.
  • Animals found in region like polar bear, penguin, seal, wolf and birds found in this Habitat with adaptive features.
  • Eskimos and their survival. Tribes found in Habitats with the tribal name, location, how they live in igloo , food habits and measures they use to survive in that particular Habitat with related pictures.
  • Picturesshowing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


  • Grasses and small plants highlighting how the roots , leaves and stem are developed and their adaptive features with pictures and captions.
  • Animals found in region like lion exhibiting camouflage found in this Habitat with adaptive features.
  • Tribes found in Habitats with the tribal name, location, shelter place, food habits and measures they use to survive in that particular Habitat with related pictures.
  • Pictures showing which part of the animal is used in poaching from various animals in this Habitat.


Make a visit to the zoo or any other National Park and click the photographs of any five animals and birds [In case you are unable to visit zoo , students can gather photos from other available sources available].

Develop the photograph of size 5” x 7” (inch). Write the name of the animal/bird, name of zoo/ national park, place with your name and section on the back side of each photograph and submit it in an envelope.

·  Make a 3-D model on useful products obtained from animals for poaching belonging to Habitat assigned to you using lightweight materials like tissue paper, newspaper, plastic ball, shoe box, paper plate, paper cup, cardboards, straw, jute rope, paper tube and any other waste material.

Following points should be kept in mind while making the model:-

1. Prefer to make models from recyclable, biodegradable and waste materials as far as possible.

2. Model should be made by child only under the guidance of family members. It should not be made by professionals available in the market.

3. Give an appropriate and interesting title to your model.

4. A Supporting chart should be made along with model. The supporting chart should consist of principle/ working/ pictures/ uses and other relevant information based on the model.

5. Evaluation of the model and charts will be done on the basis of originality, creativity, innovation, presentation, relevance of content and neatness.

6. The project should be well researched and thought off.

7. Students have to mention the source of information (name of book, website address or any other source- bibliography) used to prepare the project.


Working/Concept/Relevance of model- 2 marks

Originality- 2 marks

Presentation- 2 marks

Chart/Poster/Principle - 2 marks

Sources/Bibliography – 1 mark

Material used – 1 mark


1. The students have to read the following set of suggested readings (unabridged versions):

a) Malgudi Days by R.K. Narayan (Publisher: Puffin/ Penguin Books)

b) The Hidden Pool by Ruskin Bond (Publisher: Puffin/ Penguin Books)

c) Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (Publisher: Macmillan)

2. Imagine yourself as an animal whose Habitat has been taken away or destroyed by humans. Write a diary entry on a ruled coloured A4 size sheetsexpressing your fears, worries and the problems you are likely to face.


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Topic : “Habitat of the living”

दोपशुओंएवंदोपक्षियोंकेरहनेकास्थानढूँढिए -उससेसंबन्धितचित्रबनाकर / चिपकाकरदोवाक्यसंस्कृतमेंलिखिये | [Work to be done on colouredA-4 pastel sheets]

उदाहरण- सिंहःवनेवसति | स: मृगान्मारयति |

[Source: Newspaper/ magazine/ any old book/ your own drawings &creativity]

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Spain has a wide variety of wildlife Habitats as the country has woodlands, forests, and seashore. Research different animals found in Spain and their Habitats.Present it on a chart paper with the help of pictures. Write the English and Spanish translation as well.

Sources : http://www.listofcountriesoftheworld.com/sp-animals.html


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

Migrationis the relatively long-distance movement of individuals, usually on a seasonal basis. It is found in all major animal groups, includingbirds, mammals,fish, reptiles, amphibians,insects, and crustaceans. The trigger for the migration may be local climate, local availability of food, the season of the year or for mating reasons. Migration encompasses four related concepts: persistent straight movement; relocation of an individual on a greater scale (both spatially and temporally) than its normal daily activities; seasonal ‘to-and-fro’ movement of a population between two areas; and movement leading to the redistribution of individuals within a population.Migration can be eitherobligate, meaning individuals must migrate, orfacultative, meaning individuals can "choose" to migrate or not. Complete migrationis when all individuals migrate,partial

migrationis when some individuals migrate while others do not, anddifferential migrationis when the difference between migratory and non-migratory individuals is based on age or sex (for example).

In birds

Approximately 1,800 of the world's 10,000bird species migrate long distanceseach year in response to the seasons.Many of these migrations are north-south, with species feeding and breeding in high northern latitudes in the summer, and moving some hundreds of kilometres south for the winter.Some species extend this strategy to migrate annually between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. TheArctic ternis famous for its migration; it flies from itsArcticbreeding grounds to theAntarcticand back again each year, a distance of at least 19,000km.

In fish

Most fish species are relatively limited in their movements, remaining in a single geographical area and making short migrations for wintering, to spawn, or to feed. A few hundred species migrate long distances, in some cases of thousands of kilometres. About 1200 of the world’s 20,000 species of fishes, including several species ofsalmon, migrate between saltwater and freshwater covering a distance of 20,000 km approximately.

In insects

Some wingedinsectssuch aslocustsand certainbutterfliesanddragonflieswith strong flight migrate long distances. Among the dragonflies, species ofLibellulaandSympetrumare known for mass migration, whilePantala flavescens, known as the globe skimmer or wandering glider dragonfly, makes the longest ocean crossing of any insect, between India and Africa.Around 800 species of insects out of approximately 1500 migrate every year. Exceptionally, swarms of the desert locust,Schistocerca gregaria, flew westwards across the Atlantic ocean for 4500km during October 1988, using air currents in theInter-Tropical Convergence Zone.

In other animals

Mass migration occurs in mammals such as theSerengeti 'great migration', an annual circular pattern of movement with some 1.7 millionwildebeestand hundreds of thousands of other large game animals includinggazellesandzebra. Migration is important in other mammals includingCetaceans, the whales, dolphins and porpoises.Long-distance migrations occur in some bats, notably the mass migration of the Mexican free-tailed batbetween Oregon and southern Mexico. Some reptiles and amphibians also migrate. There are around 2000 of different animals’ species out of 5000 that migrate according to the climatic conditions.

Q No 1: Complete the following table using the information given in the passage:

S. No. / Migrant / Total no. of migrating species / Total no. of species / Approx. Distance covered(km)
1 / Birds / 1800 / 10,000 / 19,000

Q No 2: Represent the information collected in the above table using Double Bar Graph (number of

migrating species & Total no of species).

Q No 3: Find the ratio between approximate distance covered by migrating fishes and birds.

Q No 4: Find the approximate average of overall migration that takes place every year.

Q No 5: Compare the migration that takes place every by finding % of each migrant.

Criteria for Assessment-

·  Calculations (2 marks )

·  Presentation (2 Marks )

·  Originality (1 marks )


Name of the Activity - Depict a Story

Description of the homework – Every Habitat is populated by particular species of plants, animals and different type of organisms. These species have physical features that are suited only in that particular Habitat. This activity will give you a chance to learn about the peculiar features of species and reasons for their existence in a particular Habitat.

You will illustrate the allotted Habitat in the form of a story. In the depiction, you will portray the type of climate, vegetation and wildlife that exists in the Habitat. You will give information related to the same through any creative means.

·  You need to depict the same on an A3 size sheet.

·  Give your story a relevant heading.

Sub-topics- Forest Habitat

Desert Habitat

Grassland Habitat

Water Habitat

Tundra Habitat

(To be allotted by the teacher)


Create a presentation and bring it in a CD on ‘Habitat of living’

The marking for the above will be done on the following criteria:

Design: 3 marks

Effects: 3 marks

Content: 4 marks


A3 Size paper, In any colour medium. / “Habitat of living Reptiles and Insect”- Poster making in Folk Style

Warm Regards

Vincent A. Moses Asha Arora

Principal Class Coordinator

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