Right now we (1. work) ______on our final exam, however I (2. feel) ______a little tired because last night I (3. get/ not) ______much sleep. Here is what (4. happen) ______:

While I was walking home from school yesterday, I (5. think) ______about what we (6. do) in our grammar classes for the past two months. I kept (7. try) (8. remember) ______the irregular verbs, the passive voice, the modals… Wow! I (8.think) ______to myself! We (9. learn/ really) ______so much since the winter quarter (10. begin) ______!

My plan was to go home and (11. look over) ______all of my notes and then study for several hours, but all of a sudden I (12. become) ______really hungry. So, I (13. decide) (14. eat) ______before I started (15. review) ______. As soon as I (16. get) ______home, I (17. go) ______into the kitchen (18. make) ______something to eat, but I (19. find out) ______that there (20. be) ______nothing in the refrigerator! My roommate (21. eat) all of the food!

My stomach started (22. growl) ______because I (23. have, not) ______any lunch. Oh no! Consequently, I had to go back out again to the supermarket. I (24. go) (25. shop) ______and (26. buy) ______some sandwich stuff.

By the time I (27. arrive) ______back home, another hour (28. pass/ already) ______Anyway, I (29. make) ______a sandwich and (30. start/ finally) ______to eat.

A few minutes (31. pass) ______when suddenly I (32. hear) ______a knock on the door! I opened it and there was my friend who had come over to visit me! He asked, (33. finish/ not) “______you ______studying yet?” Ha-ha! I (34. explain/ quickly) ______to him that I needed (35. keep) ______reviewing, so luckily he (36. understand) ______and (37. leave) ______.

At last! I (38. open/ finally) ______my grammar book to study. Unfortunately, because I (39. just/ eat) ______I (40. feel) ______really sleepy. I think that I (41. study) ______for only a few minutes when my eyes closed, and I (42. fall) ______asleep on my book!

In the end, I (43. sleep) ______all night and (44. wake up/ never) ______until the morning!

So that is my story L

Now, however, I (45. look at) ______the exam, and I think that this test actually (46. look/ not) ______so difficult. Yay! It (47. seem) ______like everything that we (48. practice) ______for the past couple of months is included. I think I finally do understand all this stuff!

When I receive my final scores though, I (49. laugh) ______or (50. cry) ______, depending on the grade!

Busy Baking Cakes

I had a really cute conversation recently with a little 6 year-old girl named Sasha. From (example talk) talking with her, I found out that when she grows up, she is interested in (1. become) ______a businesswoman and (2. have) ______her own designer cupcake factory!

She imagines (3. spend) ______her work days supervising the making of miniature cakes. (4. invent) ______delicious new recipes and (5. taste) ______unique flavors would be a fun part of her job.

She hopes to become famous for not only (6. bake) ______, but also (7. market) ______. In fact, Sasha plans (8. have) ______folks come to the cupcake factory to take tours.

Sasha would even allow visitors (9. bake) ______their own cakes. I think this is a fabulous dream job and her ideas would be very popular!

Who would object to (10. have) ______Sasha’s cupcake factory in their neighborhood? Not me!

1. The Native Americans ______lived in the Pacific Northwest used giant trees to make beautiful art.

2. The art ______these people made are called ‘totem ‘poles’.

3. It is easy to recognize many of the animals ______are carved on the totems.

4. Beavers, ______are animals commonly found in the Northwest, are easy to identify on totems.

5. Totems were created during a time ______not many white people lived in the Pacific Northwest.

6. Chief Sealth, for ______the city of Seattle is named, was one of the most important leaders of the Native Americans in the Northwest.

7. Many Native Americans, ______homelands are located around the Seattle area, still carve totem poles.

8. Pioneer Square, ______is located in downtown Seattle, has some beautiful examples of totem pole art.

9. Skilled carvers (people), ______were considered specialists, created totem poles for the communities.

10. The Seattle Art Museum is a place ______you can find a lot of historical information about the native tribes that lived in this area.

Note: Use commas if the clause is “extra information.”

1.  There are many kinds of animals. The animals can be seen on the totems.



2. The totem poles tell stories. You can find the totem poles in the Pacific Northwest.


3. Seattle is one of the largest cities in the United States. The city is named after a Native American.


4. Cedar wood is very durable. Skilled carvers used cedar for the totems.


5. Seattle is named for Chief Sealth. Chief Sealth’s tribe lived on Bainbridge Island.


1. We’re going to be late. We left 20 minutes ago.

a. should b. shouldn’t be c. should have d. shouldn’t have

2. A: Was it cold last night?

B: It . The streets were icy this morning.

a. could have b. had to have c. had to have been d. ought to have been

3. A: I’m sorry I had to cancel our date.

B: Oh, I couldn't have anyway. I got sick.

a. been go b. go c. gone d. went

4. A: Did your friends see the Space Needle on their vacation?

B: They . Everyone who visits Seattle sees the Space Needle.

a. could have b. may have c. might have d. must have

5. A: Are you going to go to the party next weekend?

B: I go after I finish work, but it depends on how tired I am.

a. might b. have to c. had better d. should

6. That’s impossible! Anne have known about her surprise party.

a. might not b. ought not to c. couldn’t d. shouldn’t

7. Jack is really unhappy at work. He for another job.

a. has look b. has to looking c. have to look d. ought to look

8. You take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain.

a. don’t have to b. have to c. must not d. must not to

9. A: Are the neighbors at home?

B: They . None of the lights are on.

a. could b. could be c. can’t d. can’t be

10. I writing my essay last night because I am too tired now.

a. should have finished b. should finish c. couldn’t finished d. can’t finish

_____ 1. The dinosaurs could have been killed by a meteor.

_____ 2. Hybrid cars are powered by gasoline and batteries.

_____ 3. The pyramids must have been built with slave labor.

_____ 4. Scientists have been searching for a cure.

_____ 5. My job interview is going to be scheduled for next week.

B. Directions: Write active and passive sentences. Use “they” in active sentences when you don’t know the subject. The first one is done for you as an example.

/ 10 points

Example. (active) The teacher reviews the grammar points every day. (passive) The grammar points are reviewed every day by the teacher.

1. (active)

(passive) Rice has been grown in Asia for centuries.

2. (active) The students are studying the textbooks carefully.


3. (active) Each year, lightning kills many people .


4. (active)

(passive) The class had to be divided into two sections because it was so large.

5. (active) They can’t grow rice in the desert without irrigation.


Part V Conditional Sentences / 5points

Circle the letter that best answers the question.

1. A: Why won’t you come to the movies with us this afternoon?

B: If I go to the movies with you, all the work I have to do.

a. I wish I had finished b. I won’t finish

c. I mustn’t have finished d. I wouldn’t finish

2. A: I didn’t want to come to school today.

B: If you hadn’t come, you missed the test.

a. would have b. had

c. hadn’t d. must have

3. A: Cindy is tired of walking to work.

B: If she got a car, she to drive there.

a. would have b. would be able

c. could be able d. will be able

4. A: If we to Hong Kong next year, will you come with us?

B: I’d love to go with you.

a. go b. went

c. are going d. had gone

5. A: Why didn’t you have a good time on your vacation?

B: The weather was bad. If the weather nice, we a better time.

a. were … would have b. had been … would have had

c. hadn’t been .. . would have had d. were … had had

8. Conditional Sentences /8 points

Directions: Combine the sentences.

Keep the same order and begin the first clause with “if”.

Include commas if needed.

1. I practice. I learn the concepts better. Present real conditionals

2. I talk with other students. I make new friends. Present real conditional


3. I practice. I don’t understand conditionals. Future real conditional


4. I practice writing. I improve my writing skills. Future real conditional


5. I earn more money. I go to Europe. Present/future unreal conditional


6. I win the lottery. I buy a big house. Present/future unreal conditional


7. I have a vacation quarter. I go home to visit my family. Past unreal conditional


8. I stay in my home country. I don’t experience American culture. Past unreal conditional
