
Machinery-Initial Survey Report

Name of ship
Class ID Code (IMO number)
Type of ship
Port of Registry
Date ofKeel Laid
Place of survey
Model, Power & Type of Main Machinery
I, Surveyor toIntermaritime Certification Services
on / in accordance with the ICS Rules has carried out the initial survey
of machinery installationbuilt under the technical supervision of of
The survey showed the following:
.1 / Type of plant – / diesel-electric,steam-turbine,gas-turbine diesel-electricsteam-turbinegas-turbine(1)
.2 / Number of main machinery
.3 / Restricted speed ranges of / main machinery, shaftingmain machineryshafting(1)
.4 / Availability and type of remote control


(1)Delete is appropriate

.5 / Main machinery
Mark, marker’s number / Year and place of build / Power (kW) / RPM / Remarks
Additional information:
.6 / Propellers

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Type of propeller – propeller, nozzle protected propeller, outboard propulsion unit, steerable propeller, vertical-axis propeller, jet (1)

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Number of propeller / Rotational speed
.7 / Propeller
Type of propeller – solid built-CPPsolid builtCPP(1)
Propeller diameter / Number of blades / Material of / Axial shift when fitting / Remarks
blade / hub
Additional information:


Delete is appropriate (1)

.8 / Propeller shaft
Shaft material
Shaft diameter (along the liner/under the lineralong the linerunder the liner(1))
in way of aft bearing
in way of forward bearing
between the bearings
Type of lubrication – oil/sea water/fresh wateroilsea waterfresh water(1)

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Type of liner – continuous solid-cast, continuous welded, discontinuous, corrosion-resistant facing, without liner(1)

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Liner material
Liner thickness
Interliner water-proofing coating
.9 / Seals of sterntube arrangement
Type of seal – lip/face-to-face type/gland typelipface-to-face typegland type(1)
Seal designation
Seal manufacturer
.10 / Shaft bearings (strentube and bracket)
(actual clearancesin mm)
.11 / Propeller shaft alignment: / top-bottom / side-side
Misalignment (mm)
Fracture (mm)


Delete is appropriate (1)

Auxiliary machinery

Name / Number / Type / Power of engines, generators, pump capacity and compressors capacity / Head, compressor pressure (nominal) / Remarks
Diesel generators
Emergency diesel generators
Fuel-oil booster pumps
Fuel separators
Lubricating oil pumps
Lubricating oil separators
Freshwater cooling pumps
Seawater cooling pumps
Piston cooling pumps
Fuel injector cooling pumps
Fuel transfer pumps
Ballast pumps
Bilge pumps
Steering gear
Fire pumps
Emergency fire pump
Others (specify):

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Boiler plant

Boiler steam separator type / Marker’s number / Year and place of build / Type (*) / Design/working pressure,
MPa / Boiler capacity, t/h / Heating surface, m2 / Safety valves set on opening pressure, MPa / Hydraulic tests carried out by the test pressure(**) MPa / Condi-tion(2) / Surveys
Date of carrying out of / Date of the next
internal survey / hydraulic test / external examination / internal survey / hydraulic test / external examination
Additional information:

(*) 1–Water Tube Boiler (WTB) , 2-Fire-Tube Boiler (FTB) , 3–Combined Boiler (CB) , 4–Thermal Fluid Boiler (TFB)

(**) 1.25Working Pressure for Boilers of Types 1, 2, 31.5Working Pressure for Boiler of Type 4

(2) (X) Fit; (--) Unfit; (NA) Not Applicable.

Air receivers

Air receiver (cylinder, tank), purpose / Marker’s number / Capacity, m3 / Design/working pressure,
MPa / Hydraulic test pressure(***)MPa / Safety valves set on opening pressure, MPa / Condition(2) / Surveys
Date of carrying out of / Date of the next
internal survey / hydraulic test 1 / external examination / internal survey / hydraulic test / external examination

(***)Hydraulic test should be carried out the air receivers of 10 years old or above or based on the results or the internal survey.

(2) (X) Fit; (--) Unfit; (NA) Not Applicable.

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

Name / Number / Pressure in primary loop on the side of working medium, MPa / Pressure in secondary loop, MPa / Heat exchange surface are on the side of working medium, m2 / Remarks
Main boilers evaporators
Evaporators of auxiliary boilers for essential services
Condensers main and auxiliary machinery
Feed water heaters
Destilling plant

Refrigerant plant (subject to technical supervision)

Purpose of refrigerating plant
Type of unit (compressor) / Refrigerating capacity, kW, at boiling/condensingboilingcondensing(1) temperatures.°C / Number
Condition (2)
Pneumatic test of the refrigerant system with air/nitrogen/carbon dioxideairnitrogencarbon dioxide(1)at pressure / MPa / X--NA
Vacumm-tight tests of the refrigerant system at a residual pressure (only for Group I refrigerant) / kPa / X--NA
Safety valves of the refrigerant system set on opening pressure / MPa / X--NA
Safety valves between intermediate and final compression stage set on opening pressure / MPa / X--NA
Refrigerant system checked for leakage by / X--NA
Units (compressors) / X--NA
Refrigerant pumps / X--NA
Vessels under refrigerant / X--NA
Refrigerant piping, their fittings / X--NA
Water screen system (only for Group II refrigerants) / X--NA
Main and emergency ventilation system / X--NA
Bilge system for spaces with equipment under refrigerant pressure (independent for Group II / X--NA
Closures of hatches and doors (only for spaces equipment under Group II refrigerant pressure) / X--NA
Protection automatic / X--NA
Date of realization of pneumatic tests / Date of next pneumatic tests


(1)Delete is appropriate

(2) (X) Fit; (--) Unfit; (NA) Not Applicable.

Fire extinguishing systems, engine room

Information on systems / Name
Water fire mainSprinklerPresure water-sprayingWater-screenDrenchingFoam fire extinguishingCarbon dioxidesmotheringInert gasDry powderFluid smothering / Water fire mainSprinklerPresure water-sprayingWater-screenDrenchingFoam fire extinguishingCarbon dioxidesmotheringInert gasDry powderFluid smothering / Water fire mainSprinklerPresure water-sprayingWater-screenDrenchingFoam fire extinguishingCarbon dioxidesmotheringInert gasDry powderFluid smothering / Water fire mainSprinklerPresure water-sprayingWater-screenDrenchingFoam fire extinguishingCarbon dioxidesmotheringInert gasDry powderFluid smothering / Water fire mainSprinklerPresure water-sprayingWater-screenDrenchingFoam fire extinguishingCarbon dioxidesmotheringInert gasDry powderFluid smothering
Type of system (local, fixed) / localfixed / localfixed / localfixed / localfixed / localfixed
Date and place of manufacture
Fire extinguishing medium
Total quantity of fire extinguishing medium
Protected spaces
Number of fire extinguishing medium storage containers (generators of gas
Storage containers capacity
Working pressure in storage containers
System drive (power, pneumatic, electric, etc) / powerpneumaticelectric / powerpneumaticelectric / powerpneumaticelectric / powerpneumaticelectric / powerpneumaticelectric
Pump, type
Pump, fan delivery
Warning signalling system
Fire detection signally system
Additional information of FIRE extinguishing systems

Systems of machinery installation

Bilge, ballast, heel and trim systems / X--NA
Liquid cargo systems of oil tankers, oil recovery vessels and combination carriers, gas carriers and chemical tankers / X--NA
Air, venting, overflow and sounding pipes / X--NA
Ventilation system / X--NA
Fuel oil system / X--NA
Lubricating oil system / X--NA
Cooling water system / X--NA
Compressed air system / X--NA
Steam lines / X--NA
Hydraulic drives system / X--NA
Condensate and feed water systems / X--NA
Fans / X--NA
Fuel and oilseparators / X--NA

Ship’s hoses

For transfer oil:
chemical cargo / X--NA
crude oil and petroleum products / X--NA
cargo vapour / X--NA
fuel and lubrication oil / X--NA
bilge and dirty water / X--NA

Testing of machinery installation and systems

1. / Main machinery was tested / hrs. / X--NA
2. / Machinery (main and standby), boiler plant, systems, pipes and arrangements servicing the main / X--NA
machinery have been examined and tested in operation
3. / Main reduction gear system including: / X--NA

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11

3.1 / Shaftingcomponents (shafts, bearings, couplings, etc)(1)examined and tested in operation
3.2 / CPP (controlled picht propeller)(1)components examined and tested in operation

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4. / Ship power machinery have been examined, tested in operation / X--NA
5. / Emergency generator machinery have been examined, tested in operation / X--NA
6. / Auxiliary machinery servicing ship’s gears / X--NA

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6.1 / Steering gear, anchor gear, cargo-handling gear and systems //// ballast, bilge, fire-extinguishing, ventilation, gas-freeing system for oil tankers and combinations ships, gas-carriers and chemical carriers (1)have been examined, tested in operation according to their purposes

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7. / Equipment and arrangements the preventing pollution from ships have been examined and tested / X--NA
in operation according to their purposes
8. / External surfaces of fuel oil lubricating oil tanks located in engine-and-boiler space, their fittings, instruments, trays pumping facilities, measuring and discharge arrangements etc. have been examined / X--NA
9. / Machinery space-to-bridge communication facilities have been tested in operation / X--NA
10. / Condition of fire extinguishing means and fire fighting equipment of machinery and boiler / X--NA
11. / Measuring instruments of boilers/pressure vessels/essential machineryboilerspressure vesselsessential machinery(1)checking the seals and date of
12. / Provision of spare parts


(1)Delete is appropriate

(2) (X) Fit; (--) Unfit; (NA) Not Applicable.

Special comments and information:
As a result of the initial survey performed the machinery installation is found to be in / fit/unfitfitunfit(1) / technical
conditionand it is recommended to assign/reassignassignreassign(1) theICS Class to the ship with the class notation:
It is recommended to issue a Machinery Class Certificate valid until:
Permanent or temporary restrictions

Final recommendations

THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT: This survey report is correct in all respects.
Issued at : / the / of / of
(Place of issue of the Survey Report) / (Day) / (Month) / (Year)
Name and Signature of duly authorized official issuing the Survey Report
By: Intermaritime Certification Services (ICS)


(1)Delete is appropriate

(2) (X) Fit; (--) Unfit; (NA) Not Applicable

Machinery-Initial Survey Report (2013/02) 1/11