Verbs and Subject / Verb Agreement
1. A network of railroads to unite the continent and encourage western settlement ______before the civil war by Asa Whitney. (A) when proposed (B) a proposal (C) was proposed (D) to propose.
2. The invention of fresh metaphors today continues to make it possible the vivid expression of emotions.
3. Each of thechemical elements haveits own standard symbol.
4. It is about 125 years for the cedar tree to reach its full height.
5. The first laser is made by an American scientist called Theodore Maiman working in California in 1960.
6. Mushrooms get their food by causing vegetable matter decaying.
7. Albany, a city on theHudson River, wasthe capital of New YorkState since 1797.
8. The Pueblo Indians have traditionallylive in stone or adobe structurethat resemble apartment buildings
9. Fabrics woven from plastic fibers feel soft, but the fibers are make from hard plastics.
10. Nearly all chemical agents are harmful to living tissue if enough of themis taken.
11. Most mollusks have a hard shellthatis protected their soft bodies.
12. The Dewey system is widely used by libraries throughout the world; the classificationbe constantly revised.
13. Many fruits contain large amounts of vitamin c, as well as sugar, which provide energy.
14. Morse code was an important way to send messages before the telephone and radio are invented.
15. Pewter ranks as one of the oldest known alloys and may have been used as early as 1500 B.C. ago
Exercises on Verbs
From the four words or phrases, choose the one that best completes the sentence.
1- The first systematic chart ever made of an ocean current ______by Benjamin.
(A) published (B) was published (C) publishing (D) has been published
2- Petroleum______on every continent and beneath every ocean.
(A) is found(B) found(C) are found(D) find
3- Animals ______on Earth for at least 700 million years.
(A) living(B) lived(C) have lived(D) have been lived
4- During the Ice Ages, glaciers ______and retreated several times over large areas of the earth.
(A) had been advanced(B) were advanced(C) have advanced(D) advanced
5- Some fish ______distortions of electrical field through special receptors.
(A) sense(B) are sensing (C) are sensed(D) senses
6- The Widespread use of oil and gas to make chemicals______during the 1920s.
(A) has begun(B) began(C) beginning(D) begun
From the four underlined words or phrases, identify the one that is not correct.
7- The American architect, Frank Lloyed Wright, developed a theory of architecture stressed the needs of the people whoused it.
8- Pelicans have a long, straight bill with a flexible pouch makes of skin on the underside.
9- In some countries, octopuses and snails are consideredbeing great delicaciesto eat.
10- Many dyslexics have difficulty to remembering the sequence of letters in a word and in distinguishing right from left.
11-Men and Women in the Peace Corps work with people in developing countries to help them improving their livingconditions.
12- Seahorses spendmuch of their time clung with their tails to underwater plants.
* From the four underlined words or phrases, identify the one that is not correct.
1- After Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793, the cotton market had boomed.
2- Certain bats used their own sound to locate food and to avoid obstacles as they fly at night.
3- Professional medical schools were organized in the 1780's and surgery made major gains when anestheticswas perfected in the 1840's.
4- The name " vitamine " is proposed by Casimir Funk, who suspected that these substances were essential for life .
5- The hot dog's popularity begun in St.Louis in 1833 when a sausage peddler named Feuchwanger slipped one of his franks into a bun.
6- During the early part of the Colonial period, living conditions were hard, and people have had little time for reading and studying .
7- Migraines were usually worse than tension headaches and can be so intense as to cause vomiting and vision problems.
8- Tea did not become popular in Europe until the mid-17th century when ithas been first imported to England and Holland.
9- The term Neanderthal Man was used to describe widely dispersed populations thatlived between 110,000 and 35,000 years ago.
10- From the vibrations of the web, was set up by a trappedanimal, a spider learns much about the nature of its catch.
11- The Augustinian monk, Gregor Mendel, performed many experiments whichhave won him the title of "Father of Genetics"
12- The body temperature of a cold-blooded animal is varying with that of its environment and may reach a temperature of above 98 in the sun.
13- Both bowling and ice-skating was introduced by the Dutch whocolonized the New World in the 1600's.
14-Statisticsshow that the greatest number of B.A. degrees in recent years has been conferring in the fields of business management, education, and social sciences.
15- Penicillium is one of the many molds that produces the antibiotics usedto control disease.
16- Before the industrial Revolution come to America, the vast majority of the population lived in rural areas
17- The process of making Egyptian sun-dried mud bricks are much the same today as itwas in prehistoric times.
18- Forgetting something usuallymean an inability to retrieve the material that isstill stored somewhere in the memory.
19- The electrical activity of the brain causes the transmission of brain waves that can be recorded and interpreted in terms that explains the types of mental activity.
20- It was only after 1850 that a distinctive American literature had begunto appear with writers like Wahington Irving & cooper