MATH 0310



Office Location: Building-___ , Room #___

Office Hours: TBA

Office Phone: (361) 354-

E-Mail Address:

A. Course Description:

MATH 0310 is designed to assist the student who scores 0 to 179 on the math section of the THEA test or 0-31 Arithmetic or 0-45 Prealgebra on the math portion of the ACCUPLACER test. This course is the first in a sequence of three developmental math courses. The purpose of this course is to strengthen students’ basic mathematical skills. This course is a non-credit bearing course which is nontransferable and does not count toward Associate in Arts or Associate in Science Degrees.

B. Textbook/ Supplies:

1. Textbook: Wright, D. F. (2005), Prealgebra 4th ed., Hawkes Learning Systems

2. Calculator (4-function only)

3. Paper & pencil

4. Index cards (optional)

5. Flash drive

6. Headphones

C. Course Objectives:

1. To improve student’s basic mathematical skills.

2. To strengthen students’ mathematical skills in the use of exponents, prime numbers and

fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, signed numbers, percents and applications;

metric and American systems of units; perimeter, circumference, area, and volume.

3. To prepare students for MATH 0321.

D. Student Learner Objectives/Competencies: the student will be able to

1. add, subtract, multiply, divide integers

2. reduce, add, subtract, multiply and divide with fractions.

3. add, subtract, multiply and divide with mixed numbers.

4. solve complex fractions.

5. apply order of operations to solve equations.

6. read, write, and round-off decimal numbers.

7. add, subtract, multiply and divide using decimal numbers.

8. solve equations using decimal numbers, fractions, and mixed numbers, and integers.

9. apply use of percentage to solve problems.

10.applications in geometry and measurement.

E. Method of Assessment of Learner Outcomes & Methods of Evaluations:

1. Class attendance, participation, and demonstration of preparedness will be carefully noted

and appreciated accordingly.

2. Students will be required to complete all HAWKES homework assignments.

3. Students will be required to complete a departmental midterm and final exam.

4. Students will be required to take chapter tests.

5. Students will participate in skill enhancement activities.

F.  Grades will be based on the following weight system:

Skills Enhancement 5 %

Homework 25%

Midterm 15%

Chapter Tests 40 %

Final Exam 15%

A=90-100 D= 60-69

B= 80-89 F= Below 60

C= 70-79

Grades received in developmental courses do not impact a student’s GPA; however they do indicate how well prepared the student is to go to on to the next sequenced course, and they do have an impact on student financial aid and academic status at Coastal Bend College. A student must receive a “C” or better in this course to proceed to MATH 0321.

G. Attendance Policy:

The instructor wants students to be successful in their academic goals and feels that a student’s high rate of attendance is essential in accomplishing this goal. For this reason, students are encouraged to attend all class meetings and assigned labs. If a student misses a total 6 hours of lecture or lab or combination of, the instructor will submit an excessive absence report to the registrar’s office of Coastal Bend College and request that the student be dropped from the class. Being dropped from a course may have a negative impact on a student’s full-time status and financial aid.

H. Course Component Specifics:

1. If a student misses a test due to an absence, he or she will receive a zero for the first test

attempt. Only if a student informs the instructor in advance that he or she will be

absent on a test date will a make-up exam be considered for the first attempt.

2. Homework will be assigned regularly. Because the chapter tests are based on the homework

topics, it is essential that students make their best effort to complete the homework before an

assigned test day. Homework must be completed before a second attempt at the test

will be permitted.

3. Lab attendance is a requirement—not an option. Students will report to the computer

lab immediately after lecture to utilize the Hawkes internet-based software. Students are

required to attend a 1 hour 20 minute lab twice each week for reinforcement and practice

of the topics taught in class. Students who do not attend lab will be dropped from the


I. Academic Dishonesty: Acts prohibited by the college for which discipline may be administered include scholastic dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating on an exam or quiz, plagiarizing, and unauthorized collaboration with another in preparing outside work. Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their thought, work, research or self-expression. Academic work is defined as, but not limited to, tests, quizzes, whether taken electronically or on paper; projects, either individual or group; classroom presentations; and homework. Students will be held accountable for infractions of the following codes of conduct:

1. Collusion: having someone else do your assignments for you which are required for the course

2. Cheating: copying from another student’s test/work, or using unauthorized materials or electronic

or web-based sources during the test; giving or receiving aid unauthorized by the instructor during

assignments or tests.

3. Plagiarism: unacknowledged quotation and/or paraphrasing of some else’s words, ideas, or data

and passing it off as your own work submitted for credit or grade.

Students caught cheating on a math test will receive a grade of zero for the test. The student will have the option of making an appointment with the instructor or math case management specialist and retaking the test in a supervised setting. If the student is caught cheating a second time, he or she will receive a zero on the test with no option of retesting. A third offensive will result in the student receiving an “F” for the course.

J. Classrooms Rules of Conduct:

1. Food or drinks are not allowed in the lab.

2. If a student is tardy, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor at the end

of class with a note to verify his attendance and avoid being marked absent. Habitual

tardies may result in being counted absent.

3. Cell phones must be turned off during class and lab times. Cell phones are not allowed in

lab, not even for use as calculators. Cell phones must be kept in backpacks and purses.

4. Students carrying on a cell phone conversation during lecture or lab and students consistently texting

during lecture or lab will be asked to leave the classroom or lab.

5. Students should demonstrate mature behavior and civility by showing respect for a

diversity of ideas and opinions within the classroom. Students will take turns when

speaking and not interrupt others. They will refrain from name-calling or other personal


6. Classroom behavior should support and enhance learning. Behavior that disrupts the

learning may result in the student’s removal from class for that day. In more serious

situations, the student may be withdrawn from class.

K. Special Needs: Students with disabilities, including learning disabilities, who wish to request accommodations in this class, should contact the Counseling Office as soon as possible to make arrangements. In accordance with federal law, a student requesting accommodations must provide documentation of disability to the Special Needs Counselor. For more information, please go by the Counseling Office, or contact:

Beeville Counselor, Eddie Rojas, (361) 354-2731 or 2720

Alice Counselor, Dee Berthold, (830) 569-4222

Kingsville Counselor, Pete Trevino, (362)591-1615

Pleasanton Counselor, Lauren Denver,, 830-569-4222, Ext. 1203

Students who are requesting accommodation must provide the instructor with a letter of accommodation form the Counseling Office (OSD). Accommodations can only be made after the instructor receives the letter of accommodation.

Coastal Bend College does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability.

Math 0310 Course Outline

Unit 1: Integers

·  Introduction to Integers

·  Additions with integers

·  Subtraction with integers

·  Multiplication and division of integers

·  Order of operations

·  Applications (integers)

·  Combining like terms and evaluating polynomials

·  Solving equations with integers

·  Chapter 1, Section 6

·  Chapter 2

Unit 2: Prime Numbers and Fractions

·  Test for divisibility

·  Prime numbers

·  Prime factorization

·  Least common multiple

·  Reducing and multiplication with fractions

·  Division with fractions

·  Addition and subtracting fractions

·  Chapter 3

Unit 3: Fraction and Mixed numbers

·  Introduction to Mixed numbers

·  Multiplication and division with mixed numbers

·  Addition and subtraction of mixed numbers

·  Complex fractions and Order of operations

·  Solving equations

·  Ratios and proportion

·  Chapter 4, Sections 1,2, 3, & 6 (no probability)``

Unit 4: Decimal Numbers

·  Reading, writing and rounding off decimal numbers

·  Addition and subtraction with decimal numbers

·  Multiplication and division with decimal numbers

·  Decimal fractions & scientific notation

·  Solving equations with decimal numbers

·  Chapter 5, Sections 1, 2, 3, 5, & 6

Unit 5: Percent with Applications:

·  Understanding percent

·  Solving percent problems

·  Applications with percent

·  Simple interest only

·  Chapter 6, Sections 1, 2, 4, & 6 (simple interest only)

Unit 6: Geometry and Measure

·  Angles and triangles

·  Length, area, and perimeter

·  Chapter 10, Sections 1, 2b, 3b, and 4b

Important Test Dates

·  The mid-term will be administered during Week 8 of the semester. The exact date will vary according to the calendar year.

·  The final exam will be administered in adherence to the final exam schedule which will be posted on the Coastal Bend College Website. Instructors will not vary from the schedule.

Coastal Bend College

Developmental Math Lecture/Lab/Attendance Contract

Academic Term: ______

Absences do not have to be consecutive.

In mathematics courses, it is extremely important to be in class and that you not get behind in your work if you expect to have a chance at being successful in any course. Students will receive notification after 3 hours of class and/or lab absence. Students will be reinstated on the last day of class if they have not exceeded 6 hours of absence total. Students will be permanently dropped if they are in excess of 6 hours of absence total.


Signature: ______

Course:______Section: ______

Date: ______

Fold and detach bottom portion.

(Student's Portion)

(Instructor's Portion)

Coastal Bend College Developmental Math Lecture/Lab Attendance Contract

Name: (Print) ______Academic Term: ______

(Signature) ______Course: ______Section: ______

Date: ______

In order to be successful in developmental math courses, a student must regularly attend their scheduled lecture and lab. Being absent from class compounds any difficulties that a student may already have in understanding math by forcing them to catch up on material that has already been covered and explained by the instructor. This attendance policy is for developmental math courses and by completing this form the student indicates that they have read and agree to the conditions stated herein.

Coastal Bend College
Academic Dishonesty

Academic Term: ______

I understand that the consequences listed below are the results of participating in an act of academic dishonesty during a math test:

1.  First Offense: Grade of zero (0) with an option to retest within 24 hours under supervision.

2.  Second Offense: Grade of zero (0) with NO option to retest.

3.  Third Offense: Automatic grade of “F” for the semester.

Signature: ______Date: ______

Course: ______Section: ______

Fold and detach bottom portion.

(Student's Portion)

(Instructor's Portion)

Coastal Bend College

Academic Dishonesty

I understand that the consequences listed below are the results of participating in an act of academic dishonesty during a math test:

1.  First Offense: Grade of zero (0) with an option to retest within 48 hours under supervision.

2.  Second Offense: Grade of zero (0) with NO option to retest.

4.  Third Offense: Automatic grade of “F” for the semester.

My signature below indicates that I have read and understand this department policy.

Student Name: (Print) ______Term:______

(Signature) ______Course: ______Section:______

Date: ______