Minutes of the PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on THURSDAY 20th AUGUST 2015 in the Main Hall, Plantation Hall, Colchester Road, Heybridge.
Chairman: Michael Edwards
Vice-Chairman: Prof. Lew Schnurr
Councillors: Richard Perry Mike Hall Simon Burwood
Stephen Jennings Dr. Michael Blyth Keith Moodey
Tina Gentry Zofia Edwards
Officers: Laurie Wiebe
Members of Public: 2
District Councillors: Miriam Lewis
Police: None
Other Representatives: Chris Salmon, Heybridge Residents Association
In the Chair: Cllr. Edwards
The meeting started at 7:03pm.
15/143 Recordings of the Meeting
It was noted that there would be no recordings of the meeting.
15/144 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Lawson, Young and District Cllr Bryan Harker.
RESOLVED that the apologies be accepted.
15/145 Chairman’s Announcements
The Chairman reported that he and Cllr. Dr. Blyth attended the Heybridge Primary School on 17th July 2015. They will be meeting the new head teacher after the summer holidays.
The Chairman and Vice-Chairman attended the Farleigh Hospice Open Day on the 17th July 2015 to celebrate 20 years of the day hospice.
The Chairman welcomed the three new Councillors, Tina Gentry, Zofia Edwards and Keith Moodey.
The Chairman thanked everyone who were involved in the Community Festival that was held on the 26th July 2015, including Cllr Dr. Blyth, the Events Committee and Council staff. Unfortunately the Festival was rained out.
15/146 Declaration of Acceptance of Office Forms
The Clerk received the declaration of acceptance of office forms from Cllrs. Tina Gentry, Keith Moodey and Zofia Edwards.
15/147 Minutes
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th July 2015 were received.
The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 6th August 2015 were received.
The minutes of the Events Committee meetings held on the 13th August 2015 were received.
It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 16th July 2015 be approved and confirmed.
15/148 Declarations of Discloseable Pecuniary Interests, Other Registerable Pecuniary Interests, Registerable Non-Pecuniary Interests
15/149 Public Participation Session
Chris Salmon was introduced as the new Chairman of the Heybridge Residents Association.
Mr. Harrison congratulated new Members who were elected at the recent by-election. Mr. Harrison noted that the ‘slow’ markings on the crown of the bridge by Goings Wharf, Colchester Road were in the wrong place and it was not safe for cyclists and pedestrians. Mr. Harrison also noted that works were being carried out at Goings Wharf and expressed concern of a lack of a turn-table and of the gates. Mr. Harrison expressed his opinion that he would like to be presented with copies of the agenda and all agenda supporting papers prior to the date of the meetings.
15/150 District Councillors’ and Emergency Services Report
Dist Cllr Miriam Lewis congratulated the new Members who were elected and reported that:-
- Supported the suggestion to appoint a tourism and leisure representative;
- An independent planning inspector, as appointed by the Secretary of State, was currently examining all the Local Development Plan documents and the findings from Mr. Vickery including the Examination in Public results. A report from the independent inspector was expected end of summer. The Secretary of State was expected to have a balance approach on all areas of the LDP and to suggest recommendations.
- 5 year land supply has now been met
- There had been articles recently in the local newspapers regarding a hospital at Maldon Hall Farm site (which was not part of the LDP). The hospital can only exist if the NHS approve the use of the building on the site. There had been confusion that should the hospital be approved by the NHS that it would jeopardize the opportunity for a dedicated doctors surgery in Heybridge. Cllr. Lewis has been assured that the Heybridge surgery will go ahead with or without the hospital.
- The District Council had commemorated the recent Ashes win by erecting a flagpole to honour Alastair Cook, Captain of the England Cricket Club, at Drapers Farm. There will also be a small memorial garden around the flagpole;
- A designated MDC section106 planning officer took post last week.
A report was received from Dist. Cllr Bryan Harker. It was noted that:-
- The issues regarding Freshwater Crescent moorings along the canal have been addressed by MDC enforcement officers. It was noted that the Canal Company can more or less do as it likes in connection with the business of operating the canal;
- Cllr. Harker and Cllr. Prof Schnurr attended a meeting at the MDC offices with Richard Holmes, the Director of Customers and Community regarding the public toilets in Heybridge Basin;
- A person has admitted to fouling in public places within the Basin and has now been given a warning by the Council;
- Cllr. Harker is the chairman of the Essex Outward Bound Association. They are having a 30th anniversary event on the 2nd December 2015 at Maldon Town Hall.
- MDC have demonstrated a 5 year land supply. The Plume school is at maximum size therefore it may deter speculative development proposals.
15/151 Planning
(a) Planning applications
It was RESOLVED that the District Council be informed of the comments as set out below the following applications:-
i) Application No: FUL/MAL/15/00757 PP-04323174
Proposal: Proposed retention of stone yard for storage of building and landscaping materials, parking, and revised layout and waste ESS/15/14/MAL.
Location: 27 The Causeway, Maldon
Application No: HOUSE/MAL/15/00752
Proposal: Loft conversion with dormers front and rear and install auto opening garage doors.
Location: 11 Battle Rise, Heybridge
Application No: PDE/MAL/15/00861
Proposal: Erection of a side/rear extension to the extensions to the existing garage which would extend beyond the rear wall of the original house by 0m, height to the eaves would be 2.3m and the maximum height would be 3.5m.
Location: 10 Scraley Road, Heybridge
(b) LDP Update
Cllr. Prof Schnurr noted that there were no significant developments regarding the LDP.
(c) It was noted that the District Council policies regarding pre-application meetings exclude involvement of any Parish Council.
15/152 Report from the Clerk
A report was received by Members.
It was noted that the Saltmarsh75 will be held on the 3rd and 4th October 2015.
The Clerk reported that the three 1100 litre refuse bins located in Daisy Meadow Car Park near the canal steps were for the use of 6 boat owners. A further report would be received in September.
Members considered:-
i) Joining the Essex County Council Where does the Water Go Project. The Clerk reported that Goldhanger Parish Council have also been asked to join the project and that both Parish Councils could work together. The County Council had organised training day for the 22nd September 2015;
ii) Appointing two Members as lead for the Where does the Water Go Project;
iii) Ratifying the costs of £289 for repairs to the ladies toilet as caused by a hirer. It was noted that the hirer’s refundable deposit of £100 had been withheld and that the Clerk had written to the hirer for payment of £189. There had not been any response from the hirer to date. Following discussion it was agreed that the Clerk would write a second letter to the hirer indicating that if payment was not received that the Council would take further action;
iv) The quotation received to supply and install window blinds in the Main Hall and also the roof windows in the Claydon Room for £1135 + VAT;
v) Submitting nominations for Maldon District Conservation Design Awards;
vi) Purchasing bulbs for the community spring bulb planting event;
vii) Allowing a bagpipe and drum band use of the Main Hall for one hour per week for a trial period to form a local band;
It was RESOLVED that:-
i) The Parish Council would join the County Council Where Does the Water Go project;
ii) Cllr Hall and Cllr Moodey be appointed lead Members of the Where does the Water Go project;
iii) The cost of £289 to repair the ladies toilet be ratified;
iv) The quotation to supply and install roller blinds in the Main Hall and Claydon Room roof windows for £1135 + VAT be approved;
v) The Maldon District Conservation & Design Awards nomination would not be completed;
vi) 2000 bulbs be purchased for the Community Spring Bulb planting event;
vii) The bagpipe and drum band be given use of the Main Hall for one hour per week for a trial period of 8 weeks.
15/153 Policies and Consultations
Members noted the Proposal on the Provision of Court and Tribunal estate in England and Wales consultation.
Members noted the Public Sector Exit Payment Cap consultation.
15/154 Website
Cllr. Jennings reported that he had yet to meet with a web designer. It was agreed that the Clerk and Cllr Prof Schnurr would arrange a meeting with the web designer.
Cllr Prof. Schnurr expressed concern that there was an issue of ongoing long-term maintenance of the website.
Following a general discussion, it was agreed that websites be further investigated by Cllr Jennings, Cllr Prof Schnurr and the Clerk.
15/155 Appointment of Tourism and Leisure Representative
At the request of Cllr Perry, Members considered appointing a Tourism and Leisure Representative.
Cllr Perry spoke at length his suggestions for promoting Tourism and Leisure within the Parish.
It was RESOLVED that Cllr. Perry be appointed Tourism and Leisure Representative.
15/156 Heybridge Post Office
Cllr Prof Schnurr reported that the post office will be relocating within Bentalls Shopping Complex to a smaller unit. Cllr Prof Schnurr had spoken to the Post Office Exec as they are hoping that an existing business would incorporate the running of the Post Office. It was noted that should no business come forward to run the Post Office by end of the current calendar year that the Parish Council may be approached. It may well be that the Parish Council would have to decide to become more involved in the Post Office in the future.
15/157 Parish Council assets/publications/projects
a) Heybridge Herald – Cllr. Edwards
The next edition of the Herald is due to be distributed in October 2015.
b) Basin Matters – Cllr. Prof Schnurr
Cllr Prof Schnurr met the MDC officers regarding re-instating the public toilet at Daisy Meadow Car Park. MDC officers will be passing information to their budget committee for 2016/2017 for cost to reinstate the public toilet.
c) Project (including 5 year project plan) and Grants Working Group
It was noted that the working group had yet to meet.
Members considered submitting an expression of interest for the Community Initiative Fund grant by 28th August 2015 towards the costs of replacing the Children’s Play Area Equipment at Plantation Hall.
It was RESOLVED to submit the expression of interest for the Community Initiative Fund towards the costs of replacing the Children’s Play Area Equipment at Plantation Hall.
d) Neighbourhood Planning Task and Finish Working Group
The working group will be meeting end of August 2015.
15/158 Financial Matters
(a) Accounts for Payment
The Parish Council received the following accounts (inclusive of VAT) for payment as set out in the payments schedule circulated at the meeting –
L Wiebe / £36.45 / Mileage claim re Mth July 2015 / 4201Row 4 a Reason / £100.00 / Donation / 3301
S Hogg / £100.00 / Hire deposit refund re 15/08/15 / 2301
Blackwater Printing / £150.00 / Festival programmes / 4301
Paul Antonio / £250.00 / Festival appearance / 4301
Angela Hall / £34.20 / Coloured tape supplies / 2501
Blackwater Printing / £90.00 / High vis vests and posters / 4301
EALC / £352.60 / Councillor Training 25/6/15 / 4801
Essex Supplies Ltd / £41.68 / Washroom supplies / 2501
K Locke / £318.03 / Grounds Maintenance re mth July 2015 / 3001
Montrose T.C. Ltd. / £18.00 / Cup engraving / 4301
C Rae / £289.00 / Supply and Fit WC Cistern / 2401
Office Is Ltd / £224.81 / Stationery for Plantation Hall / 4601
Stephensons of Essex Ltd. / £1219.00 / Bus service for months June and July 2015 / 1375
The Window Cleaner / £45.00 / Window cleaning 16/7/15 / 2401
Maldon District Council / £5805.62 / Grounds maintenance re Qtr April-June 2015 / 3001
A&J Lighting Ltd / £127.20 / Amenity street light repair – 122 woodfield cottages / 3601
James Herlihy / £375.00 / Decorate meeting room / 2401
Essex & Suffolk Water / £56.99 / Monthly payment re Water supply at Plantation Hall / 2201
Southern Electric / £123.82 / Monthly payment re Street Lightning / 3601
Green Recycling Ltd / £43.50 / Waste collection month July 2015 / 2201
Maldon District Council / £576.00 / Monthly payment re Rates Daisy Meadow Car Park / 3201
Maldon District Council / £389.00 / Monthly payment re Rates Plantation Hall / 2201
RESOLVED that the above accounts be approved for payment.
b) Statement of Accounts
Members received an updated statement of accounts.
c) Bank Reconciliation
Members received the bank reconciliation for July 2015.
d) Chelmer Canal Trust Membership
Members considered renewing the Chelmer Canal Trust membership for £20.
It was RESOLVED that the Chelmer Canal Trust membership be renewed for £20.
e) Donation to Charity of the Year
Members considered donating £500 to the Heybridge and Maldon Community Responders.
It was RESOLVED to donate £500 to the Heybridge and Maldon Community Responders.
15/159 Highways and Environment Matters
a) Tree Warden – vacancy. The Clerk reported that a member of the public had expressed interest.
b) Public Rights of Way Liaison Warden – Cllr. Young
Nothing to report.
c) Parish Emergency Co-ordinator – Clerk
Nothing to report.
d) Local Highways Panel
It was noted that the white gateway boundary signs request had been submitted to the LHP for verification.
15/160 Reports from Committees
a) Planning Committee
Members received a report from Cllr. Prof Schnurr.
Cllr. Prof Schnurr and Roger Lankester had attended the RCCE neighbourhood planning network coffee morning on 15th August 2015.