ICA CAT Business Meeting

Navis C

Hilton Fukuoka Seahawk, Fukuoka

June 12th, 2016

Chair: James Danowski

Vice chair: Lee Humphreys

Secretary: Marjolijn Antheunis

Meeting began at: 5.10pm


  1. Review & approval of 2015 minutes
  2. Chair Report
  3. Vice Chair Report
  4. Awards
  5. International Liaison Report
  6. Doctoral Consortium Report
  7. ICA Board meeting report
  8. Discussion of submissions
  9. Bylaws discussion
  10. New business

Jim starts the meeting asking whom of the attendees is there for the first time at ICA, and first time at CAT business meeting (BM).Then he asks people to write on little piece of paper some associations with CAT. After that,he asks the attendees to introduce themselves to their neighbor and talk about your association with CAT.

He welcomes our new officers Nicole Ellison (vice-chair) and Katy Pearce (Secretary)

And he also thanks the other CAT appointed officers:

Doctoral Consortium Director: Benjamin Hill Detenber, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Awards Committee Chair: Mike Yao, University of Illinois, USA

International Liaison: Jung-Hyun Kim, Sogang University, Korea
Student Representative: Renee Powers, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

  1. Review & approval of 2015 minutes

Jessica Vitak motioned to accept the minutes and Robbi Ratan seconded the motion.

All approved


The meeting was shortly interrupted by ICA’s president to give some information about the ICA next year in San Diego. He did not visited the hotel, which is Hilton San Diego Bayfront, himself. But told us that it is ‘awesome huge and perfectly located’, with for example around 100 restaurants close to the venue. Part of the conference will be the same (e.g., papersessions, panelssessions, posters) but there will be also some new aspects (research creative proposals to discuss your research ideas) and the theme sessions will be more formalized. Also there will be a conference game: a realtime game during the four days of the conference. He ended his short presentation with the announcement that the weather should be very good


  1. Chair report

Jim reports on Tuesdays ICA’s board meeting by giving the highlights:

•ICA Archive to be established of all administrative documents

•Encourage more students to apply for travel grants

•New ICA Journal approved: CommunicationHistory, Dave Park (ed.)

•New affiliate Chinese communication journal; others coming.

•Every member advised to read Ethics Policy on ICA website to avoid some of the lesser known specifics underneath the plagiarism umbrella.

•More Fellows nominations needed

•Next meeting in San Diego (visitor to our meeting will randomly appear).

•Next Regional ICA conferences in Nairobi Kenya, also Maylasia; others coming: India & Italy

•What should be the role of divisions’ International Liaison?

Jessica Vitak asks for clarification on plagiarism

Jim: ICA has task force that resolve all the cases that have come up so far.

Furthermore, Jim is giving an overview of the development of CAT from 2010-2016

•As seen from my eyes as the Founding Chair 35 years ago of the interest group that became the CAT division, and again as CAT Secretary in 2010, then elected as Vice-Chair/Chair.

•My role as Chair ends after this conference.

Jim points out the CAT goals that are accomplished in the last years:

•Became the first in ICA to do tweets about conference sessions in real time.

•Katy Pearce volunteered to organize tweeters from each CAT session at the Singapore 2010 ICA meetings, then continued to expand @ICA_CAT with Jessie Fox

•Increased the publishability of members’ CAT papers:

•Provide more quality feedback, particularly written

•Changed review rating scales to parallel the standard sections of an APA journal article.

•Grew submissions to become more numerous than any other division’s

•Reduced “pseudo – paper session“ panels reduced in favor of more competitive paper sessions.

•Became the largest ICA division, moving ahead of Masscomm in number of members.

•Tested the new high density interactive sessions based on extended abstracts to increase paper slots and acceptance rates from mandated 34% to 50%+.

•Converted award honoraria into student travel. Last year CAT gave $$$ to every student that asked (n=14).

•Doubled the size of the CAT Officer Team by appointments to distribute leadership tasks, to increase member engagement, and to improve decisions made.

•Formalized the CAT Doctoral Colloquium as a core CAT activity with the Director an integral member of the officer team.

•Stimulated analytics through reporting in ICA newsletters about semantic networks across papers to aid members tracking trends and positioning their research.

•Increased CAT’s student friendliness. Students now a majority of the members.

•Broadened international membership, which last year for the first time exceeded the number of USA members.

Finally, Jim wants to give a special thanks to:

•Each of you who submitted a paper

•All the reviewers

•Incoming Chair Lee Humphreys for an excellent job planning these Fukuoka meetings -- and numerous other activities supporting the Chair.

•Outgoing Secretary Marjolijn Antheunis for superior performance in informing CAT members of meeting minutes, job opportunities, calls for papers, and participating in decision-making.

•Katy Pearce & Jesse Fox for their pioneering management of CAT’s presence on Twitter

•ICA Staff particularly Executive Assistant Jennifer Le and outgoing Executive Director Michael Haley

•Each of you who attended the business meeting

•All CAT members

  1. Vice chair report

First Lee hands out the award for Jim because he served for 8 years and done such a great job for CAT. Thank you Jim!

Then Lee gives us some stats of this years’ submission and the review process:


•CAT was allocated 55 program slots, an increase of 31% over 2014 – highest number of submissions at ICA.

•Paper submissions for 2016 increased 18% to 472 (25% were extended abstract papers).

•Panel submissions numbered increased to 22 from 20.

•Accepted 204 full papers (58%), 40 extended abstract (33%), 8 panels (36%)


•Thank you, each of the 302 Reviewers!

•At least 3 reviewers (1 student) assigned to each full paper, and two reviewers for abstracts.

•The modal number of submissions assigned to reviewers was 6.

•The average rating across the reviewers for each item resulted in ranking papers on this basis. Scores were normalized and acceptance based on this.

  1. Awards

Then it is time for the award ceremony

Lee hands out the awards for the top faculty papers, top student papers and top interactive paper.

Top Faculty Papers

“Cross-Sectoral Hyperlink Network and Issues Management: A Cross-National Study”

By Aimei Yang andWenlin Liu, University of Southern California - Annenberg School for Communication

“Cultural Implications of Mobile Texting in China ” By Yun Xia, Rider University

“I Shut the Door”: Interactions, Tensions, and Negotiations from a Location-Based Social App”

By Colin Fitzpatrick and Jeremy Birnholtz, Northwestern University

“Virtually Old: Embodied Perspective Taking and the Reduction of Ageism Under Threat”

By Soo Youn Oh, Jeremy N. Bailenson, Erika Weisz, and Jamil Zaki, Stanford University

Top Interactive Paper

“Interpersonal Rejection Sensitivity and Mobile Instant Messaging”

By Borae Jin, Seoul Media Institute of Technology

Top Student Papers

“Ser Técnico: Localized Technology Transfer, Emerging Technical Actors, and the Brazilian Computer Industry” By Beatrice Choi Northwestern University

“I read your updates, I read you: Spontaneous trait inferences on social media ”

By Ana Levordashka and Ruoyun Lin, Leibniz-Institut fuer Wissensmedien

“Track Me, Track Me Not: Support and Consent to State and Private Sector Surveillance”

By Nili Steinfeld, Ariel University

“The Role of Customization, Brand Trust, and Privacy Concerns in Advergaming”

By Verena Wottrich, University of Amsterdam

Awards committee chair nomination

•Awards Committee Chair: Mike Yao, University Illinois

•Committee Members: Leah Lievrouw, Simon Yates, Lee Humphreys

•Administered two awards: Dordick Dissertation, Frederick Williams Prize

Dordick Dissertation Award (handed out by Mike Yao)

“The Strategic Opinion Leader: Personal Influence and Political Networks in a Hybrid Media System”

Elizabeth Dubois, PhD, Oxford University


“Policy as Text and Tech: Exploring the Intersection between Policy and Technology Implementation within a Healthcare Organization”

Casey Pierce, PhD, Northwestern University

Frederick Williams Prize (handed out by Mike Yao)

Janet Faulk

Annenberg School, University of Southern California

Mike strongly encourages more nomination (also self-nomination)

Lee takes back the floor

CAT student travel awards

7 awards (last year 14)

The reason is perhaps that it is only 250, for Fukuoka that does not make the difference. She thinks that next year that number will rise again.

  1. Siyuan Yin, U Mass- Amherst
  2. Nili Steinfeld, Ariel University
  3. Nadia Andayani, Florida State
  4. Andrew Gambino, Penn State
  5. Sarah-Rose Marcus, Rutgers
  6. Lei Huang, Hong Kong Baptist University
  7. Soo Youn Oh, Stanford University

*everyone who submitted by 3/1 deadline was funded $250

A note about the budget

Total budget = $3324.00

•Student Travel Grants$ 1450.00

•CAT Doctoral Consortium$ 200.00

•Reception$ 1650.00

Next years budget will propably higher as the division will get an extra 2 dollar per member.

  1. International Liaison Report
  • There should be two major drives in CAT internationalization policies à 1) Making international scholars and students feel comfortable to participate in ICA, and 2) Encouraging diverse epistemological approaches in conducting research (e.g. theories, methods).
  • It is true that more and more non-US participants are coming to ICA, but most of them are from Europe or Asia. More support for African or South American participants is needed.
  • Some ideas for augmenting internationalization of CAT:

1) Mentoring session for international scholars and students (e.g., sharing experiences of being faculty in US universities as non-US Americans, being connected to international academic scenes as non-US university scholars, etc.)

2) A session to match-make diverse International researchers with common research areas

4. Need to hear more opinions from CAT division’s international scholars and students on what they lack or need

5. More non-US members are needed for CAT leadership.

  1. Doctoral Consortium Report

Benjamin Detenber, NTU, Singapore is the program director. He gives a little summary of the DC.

The Doctoral Consortium (DC) is now running for seven years. It was held June 9th. This year was again a success. As in the last years, 16 students were selected and there were 12 mentors. There were 4 groups of four students and 3 mentors each. Every student got 45 minutes one on one attention. There were also two poster sessions, so that every mentor could see the work of all the students and give some feedback. In the next years we want to continue this format as it has proven to be very successful. Also this year the NTU Singapore sponsored the DC, because we did not got a local host and the hotel was very expensive. Next year we try do to it offsite for budget reasons (75 dollar registration fee does not cover the costst when it is at the conference hotel). Please note that a high proportion of the Dordick winners are DC alumna.

We want to keep the numbers of applications high, so spread the word.

We look forward to continue it in San Diego

  1. ICA Board meeting report

Review Process

•Recurring issue of concern

•Survey in September for keywords

•Encourage authors to include: method, theory, topic as keywords

Conference Structuring

•“Mini papers” (2014) became “Extended abstract” (2015) submissions

–Hybrid Interactive sessions only

–Tended to get lower scores than full papers

Lee asks if we should keep the extended abstract and thus the hybrid interactive sessionsfor San Diego?

Katy Pearce: it’s a great way for authors to get intimate feedback on their papers. There are some logistical challenges. And there is challenge in the 3 minute teaser. Not everyone is familiar with that.

She likes the idea of Org com: very specific about the format, 5 minute, different way to do it logistically.

Aaron Shaw: With except of the slides issue his experience is that the discussion around the poster is very good. Org comm does not has that, so there is less depth in the discussion there.

Jimadds the reason why the ICA wants us to experiment with that was to raise the acceptance rate up to 50%.

Drew Margolin: difficult to rate just one or 2 extended abstract because you don’t have a benchmark.

Nicole Ellison: Give reviews either extended abstracts or papers. That can solve that problem.

Lidwien van den Wijngaert: Wants to think about more interaction in session with Lee. Lee thinks that it is a good move that we don't have respondents anymore.

Lee asks the CAT members to mail her if they got other ideas.

  1. Bylaws discussion

•Are outdated and need to be updated

•Will need to be voted on in October

•We have discussed in the CAT’s board meeting


•OLD: “The Vice-Chair and Secretary are elected in alternate years, and the Vice-Chair automatically becomes Chair after the second year.”

•NEW: “The Vice-Chair automatically becomes Chair after the second year.”


•OLD: “Elections shall be by mail vote on a ballot that is incorporated with the ballot for election of officers of the International Communication Association.”

•NEW: “Elections shall be by vote on a ballot that is incorporated with the ballot for election of officers of the International Communication Association.”

Do we need a motion for that?

Joe: We can not vote if it was not on the agenda. Bylaws should allow for vote.

Lee: It is on the agenda. Unfortunately it is not on the slides, so let’s vote on that in October

  1. New business

Jim takes over to discuss new business

Increasing CAT Income

•If CAT had more money what might we do with it?

•Current CAT dues of $3 have never been increased in 38 years when I was a founder of the interest group that became the CAT division.

•Dollar has inflated ~10 times more than 1978 value. In 2016 dollars the CAT fee would be $30 per year. Put another way, you currently pay only 30 cents for CAT membership in 1978 dollars.

•Previously ICA returned divisions their annual membership fees at $3 per official member.

•New: ICA gives back whatever the division fee plus $2.

•Three divisions have already increased to $6. None lost membership.

•If we increase to $6, we will have an annual budget of ~ 8,000 instead of ~ $2,300.

•New: Divisions can roll over unspent funds from year to year to accumulate $$$ for larger projects.

Motion: CAT annual dues become $6, as of the member’s next renewal and continuing each year until further revision.

–Note that this is not a binding vote but a show of sentiment, a Straw Vote.

–Actual increase requires a 2/3 vote of the membership.

–It would appear on the October ICA Ballot for current CAT members to vote on.

James Danowski and Stewart Geiger seconded the motion.

There were 3 votes against and more than 2/3 was in favor of this motion. So it will be on the ballot in October.

Jim ends the meeting with a specials thanks to:

•All the reviewers

•Katy Pearce & Jesse Fox for helping the division on Twitter

•ICAT Staff particularly Executive Assistant Jennifer Le

•Each of you who attended the business meeting

Meeting ends at 18.20