1.  Table 5. The matrix of similarities between main North-Atlantic regions (%, resemblance measure – simple matching).

Iceland / Norway / Svalbard / Greenland / Faroes
Norway / 38.0
Svalbard / 64.2 / 22.3
Greenland / 76.0 / 33.0 / 77.1
Faroes / 75.4 / 34.6 / 70.9 / 80.4
Shetland / 72.1 / 38.0 / 68.7 / 76.0 / 81.0

2.  Fig.6. Alona werestschagini, Iceland, adult male: photo, postabdomen. Scale 0.1 mm

3.  Additional references on the freshwater Crustacea (Cladocera, Copepoda):

·  Iceland:

Adalsteinsson H (1979a) Seasonal variation and habitat distribution of benthic Crustacea in Lake Myvatn in 1973. Oikos 32:195-201

Adalsteinsson H (1979b) Zooplankton and its relation to available food in Lake Myvatn. Oikos 32:162-194

Ólafsson E, Ingólfsson A, Steinarsdóttir MB (2001) Harpacticoid copepod communities of floating seaweed: Controlling factors and implications for dispersal. Hydrobiol 453/454:189-200. doi: 10.1023/A:1013196724039

Örnólfsdóttir EB, Einarsson A (2004) Spatial and temporal variation of benthic Cladocera (Crustacea) studied with activity traps in Lake Myvat, Iceland. Aquat Ecol 38:239-251. doi: 10.1023/B:AECO.0000032059.99310.d3

Steinarsdótti MB, Ingólfsson A(2004)Itunella muelleri(Harpacticoida: Canthocamptidae): a marine species with preferences for the upper part of the littoral fringe.J Crust Biol24:440-446. doi: 10.1651/C-2468

Steinarsdóttir MB, Ingólfsson A, Ólafsson E(2003)Seasonality of harpacticoids (Crustacea: Copepoda) in a tide pool in subarctic south-western Iceland. Hydrobiol 503:211-221. doi: 10.1023/B:HYDR.0000008489.41581.d7

the Faroes:

Christoffersen K (2002) Previous studies of freshwater biota in Faroese lakes. Ann Soc Scient Faroensis Suppl 36:7-13

Enckell H (1969) Distribution and dispersal of Parastenocaridae (copepoda) in northern Europe. Oikos 20:493-507

Jensen F (1987) Notes on the benthic stream fauna of the Faroe Islands. Nat Jutlandica 22:73-80

Lauridsen TL, Hansson L-A (2002) The zooplankton community of five Faroese lakes. Ann Soc Scient Færoensis Suppl 36:70-78

Malmquist HJ, Ingimarsson F, Jóhannsdóttir EE, Ólafsson JS, Gíslason GM (2002) Zoobenthos in the Littoral and Profundal Zones of Four Faroese Lakes. Ann Soc Sci Færoensis Suppl 36:79-93

·  Shetland:

George DG, Maitland PS (1984) The fresh waters of Shetland: physical and morphometric characteristics of lochs. Freshw Biol 14:95-107. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2427.1984.tb00025.x

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Shetland Biodiversity Audit (1999) Patrick Steer (ed) Shetland Amenity Trust, London.

·  Svalbard:

Amren H (1964a) Ecological and taxonomical studies on zooplankton from Spitsbergen. Zool Bidr Uppsala 36:209-276

Amren H (1964b) Ecological studies on zooplankton populations in some ponds on Spitsbergen. Zool Bidr Uppsala 36:161-191

Coulson S (ed) (2012) The terrestrial and freshwater invertebrate fauna of Svalbard: an inventory and bibliography. Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter, Tromsø.

Halvorsen G, Gullestad N (1976) Freshwater Crustacea in some areas of Svalbard. Arch Hydrobiol 78:383–395

Husmann S, Jacobi HU, Meijering MPD, Reise B (1978) Distribution and ecology of Svalbard's Cladocera. Verh Internation Verein Limnol 20:2452-2456

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Kubicek H, Terek J (1991) Zooplankton of Svalbard (Spitsbergen). Biologia 46:873-879

Meijering MPD (1979) Life cycle, ecology and timing of Macrothrix hirsuticornis Norman et Brady (Cladocera, Crustacea) in Svalbard. Polarforschung 49:157-171

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Richard J (1897) Entomostracés recueillis par M Ch Rabot à Jan Mayenet au Spitzberg. B Soc Zool Fr 22:193-198

Samchyshyna L, Hansson L-A, Christoffersen K (2008) Patterns in the distribution of Arctic freshwater zooplankton related to glacial history. Polar Biol 31:1427-1735. doi: 10.1007/s00300-008-0482-4

Scourfield DJ (1897) Contributions to the non-marine fauna of Spitsbergen. Part I Preliminary notes and reports on the Rhipozoda Tardigrada Entomostraca. C Proc Zool Soc Lond 784-792

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Wojtasik B,Kur J(2007)Size differences between individuals of Nannopus palustrisBrady, 1880 (Crustacea, Harpacticoida, Huntemannidae) from tidal flats on Spitsbergen. Oceanol Hydrobiol St36(4):97-108

·  Greenland:

Bennike O (2000) Palaeoecological studies of Holocene lake sediments from west Greenland. J Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol 155:285-304. doi: 10.1016/S0031-0182(99)00121-2

Bennike O, Björck S, Böcher J, Walker IR (2000) The Quaternary arthropod fauna of Greenland: a review with new data. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 47:111-134

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Frey DG (1991) First fossil records of Daphnia headshields and shells (Anomopoda, Daphnidae) about 10 000 years old from northernmost Greenland, plus Alona guttata (Chydoridae). J Paleolimnol 6:193-197. doi: 10.1007/BF00233071

Jeppesen E, Christoffersen K, Landkildehus F, Lauridsen T, Amsinck SL, Riget F, Søndergaard M (2001) Fish and crustaceans in northeast Greenland lakes with special emphasis on interactions between Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), Lepidurus arcticusand benthic chydorids. Hydrobiologia 442:329-337.doi: 10.1023/A:1017508211819

Lauridsen TL, Jeppesen E, Landkildehus F, Søndergaard M (2001) Horizontal distribution of cladocerans in arctic Greenland lakes – impact of macrophytes and fish. Hydrobiologia 442:107-116. doi: 10.1023/A:1017517919996

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·  Norway:

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