Giggleswick entries in Archdeaconry Visitations to 1640

Reference / Date / Names / Offence / Action taken
V1567-8 CBI f.91v / 1567-8 / Richard Chewe of the parish of Giggleswick / It is reputed that he haithe [hath] begotten a Childe in adultery by one whose name is not knowne he beinge maryed and his wif lyvinge / Postponed for three weeks because of insufficient evidence
V1567-8 CBI f.91v / 1567-8 / Alice Chewe of the parish of Giggleswick / It is reputed that she had a Childe begotten in fornication by one Richarde Tailiour now dwellinge in London / Excommunicated
V1571-2 CB f.114r / 1571-2 / William Hall of Settle and Margaret Cam of the parish of Giggleswick / They had a Childe in fornication together about 2 yeres sence and have done no penance for the same / Hall produced marriage certificate
Case dismissed without any further punishment
12 pence
V1575 CBI f.16r & 16v / 1575
V1575 CB2 f.43v / 1575 / Agnes Siggeswicke wife of Michael Siggeswicke and Thomas Claypham / “they have committed adulterie together as they both have confessed and he beinge deade did confesse that he was burned by her wheron he dyed” / Agnes appeared and confessed the allegation to be true “savinge she sayeth she dyd not burne him [for which the court] for her abhominable offence dyd decide her to be committed to the Kydcote [lockup or prison] ther to Remayne till she shalbe from thence enlarged ….[And afterwards on the ninth day of September 1575 it was considered and a penalty was imposed on her] videlicet to be presente in gygleswicke church upon sonday the xviij [18th] of September instant and in the markett at Setle upon the tuesdaie then next folowinge and ther penitentlie performe such declaracion as shalbe prescrybed in a schedule therof to be made”
V1575 CB2 f.43v / 1575 / Hugh Claypham and Ellen Claypham / “they lyve together as man and wife and they were married without bannes askinge if they be married at all” / Claypham and his wife appeared and Hugh confessed “that about Easter Last past he was maryed with the said Elene at a house within a myle of Waddyngton in the nyght tyme by a preist unknowne to him , the bannes not beinge asked and that he gave the preist vjs viijd [six shillings and eight pence] for maryinge them four persons beinge present at the same maryage and sence the same tyme hath lyved with her as man & wife” Ordered him “not to departe the cyttie without licence till further order be taken”.
It was certified by Master Abbott, deacon, “that they marriage is proved before him to be done in the house by the preist confessed … savinge his fathers name is blakeburn dwellinge nighe Waddington”
Friday in the Octave of Michaelmas…
V1575 CB2 f.44r / 1575 / Isabella Marser widow / “she refuseth to pay her sessementes to the reparacions of the churche and Clerke Wages” / [nothing entered]
V1578/9 CBI f.80v / 1578-9 / Master Francis Tunstall lessee of tithes of the Rectory [of Giggleswick] / The chauncell is in decay in his defaulte / Penalty reserved until Friday next after the feast of St Bartholomew the Apostle next
V1578/9 CBI f.80v / 1578-9 / Anthony Twistleton and Jane Franckelande alias Twistleton / “beinge brothers children are maryed together” / Dismissed
V1578/9 CBI f.217v / 1578-9 / John Mydleton gentleman lessee of tithes of the Rectory [of Giggleswick] / The chauncell is in decay in his defaulte / “On which day…”
No record made
V1578/9 CBI f.217v / 1578-9 / John Paley and Margaret Feildehous / fornicators / Margaret has done penance
John Paley to do penance in parish church of Giggleswick on the next Sunday and in church of Long Preston on the next Sunday week
18 pence
V1578/9 CBI f.217v / 1578-9 / John Cookeson and Isabella Fothergill / fornicators / Isabella to do penance in parish church of Giggleswick on the next Sunday
V1578/9 CBI f.217v / 1578-9 / Agnes Garnett late servant of Richard Chewe / fornicatrix / “On which day…”
No record made
1586 f.79r / 1586 / George Myddleton Esquire / Ther chauncell is in decay / “On which day…”
No record made
1586 f.79r / 1586 / Richard Chew / “he hathe bene enjoyned pennaunce for adulterie but he hath not done it” / Advised to perform penance before the feast of the purification of the blessed virgin Mary next, otherwise to reappear on the Friday next afterwards.
?1586 f.79v / ?1586 / Alexander Victour alias Christopher Lawrence / “he hath had a child begotten in adulterie with one Jane Chambers the wife of …. Chambers he him selfe beinge a married man as is reported” / Alexander advised to perform penance in the usual habit in the church of Giggleswick on the next Sunday and to return on the Friday next before the feast of Saint Matthew
?1586 f.79v / ?1586 / Selleby
[may not be Giggleswick] / “a maryed man hath had a child begotten in adulterie with a woman unknowen” / “On which day…”
No record made
?1586 f.79v / ?1586 / Wife of Nicholas Nicholson [may not be Giggleswick] / “she is reported to have allowed dyvers men into her company in evill manner” / “On which day…”
No record made
?1586 f.79v / ?1586 / Thomas Franklyn and his wife
[may not be Giggleswick] / “they do not lyve together she liveth in lancashyre about mytton” / “On which day…”
No record made
V1590/1 CBI f.288v / 1590-91 / Master George Middleton of Leghton Esquire, lessee of the Rectory [of Giggleswick] / The chancel of there churche is in decay in his defalte / Middleton to repair the said chancel before the feast of Saint James the Apostle and to record it on the following Friday
V1590/1 CBI f.288v / 1590-91 / Margaret Frankeland wife of Thomas Frankeland / An obstinate recusante these dozen yeres / “On which day…”

No record made

V1590/1 CBI f.288v / 1590-91 / William Carr and Elizabeth Lupton / fornication / “On which day…”
No record made
V1590/1 CBI f.288v / 1590-91 / Richard Sill and Janet Coulton / fornication / “Jane Coulton shall acknowled[ge] her falte” in the parish church of Giggleswick on the next Sunday and the Sunday after that
V1590/1 CBI f.289r / 1590-91 / John Walmesley and Elena Sigswicke / Fornication / Walmesley denied charge and alleged “that Robert Squire is the reputed father and did releve her wekelie with corne which he sent unto her by a stranger”
21 May 1591 Walmesley appeared before Master Swinburne seeking absolution and produced as compurgators Thomas Harison and Richard Harison
Squire appeared before Master Swinburne… [difficult to decipher photocopy here]
V1590/1 CBI f.289r / 1590-91 / Richard Chewe / An adulterar with Agnes garnet / “he is punished by tharch[deacon]”
“Because he is already punished for this cause by performing corporal punishment in penitential habit ………therefore he is not to be called or trobled further”
V1590/1 CBI f.289r / 1590-91 / Thomas Preston blacksmith / “he did not communicate at Easter last paste for that he gave some offence touching the catechisme” / Preston to communicate in the parish church and to report on Friday to Proctor Hill
21 May 1591 Preston appeared and certified that he had received communion and was dismissed.
V1590/1 CBI f.289v / 1590-91 / Christopher Frankeland / “did not communicate this laste yere he is diffamed both with these and suspicion of lewde life he haith said that he had as leve heare a pyper as a sermon” / “On which day…”
No record made
V1590/1 CBI f.289v / 1590-91 / John Stackhouse the elder / “he did stryke Thomas Bankes upon the face with his fiste in the church yard upon the Sabbothe day the xij [12th] of Julie in the presence of Roger Carr one of the Sworne men” / Stackhouse appeared and confessed and submitted himself “and forasmuch as his neybours do well report of him, therefore he is dismissed”
V1594 CB
f.51v – 52r / 1594 / Mr Christopher Shutt vicar / “he dothe not baptize children with the signe of the crosse, he useth not the perambulation” / 9 July 1594 Shutt appeared before the venerable John Gibson doctor of laws in York Minster. Instructed to “[ad]minister the sacrament of baptism to some one childe with the signe of the Cross before Christmas [Easter crossed out] next in Giggleswick church. And also to use the perambulation as is required by her majesties Injunctions & to certifie of baptizme” on Friday next after Hilary next “and that he useth the perambulation” on the Friday next after Trinity Sunday [?]
1 October 1594 Ven John Gibson doctor of laws appeared in the Minster and made oath that Mr Shutt had baptized infants in the sign of the cross in the church of Giggleswick
Margaret Frankelande wife of Thomas / A recusant / 17 May 1596 Mr Shute certified the conformity of the said Margaret to the venerable J [……] doctor of laws and she was absolved [but ordered to pay costs ?]
V1594 CB
f.51v – 52r (cont) / Richard Frankelande / “He caused his childe to be christened further of his owne parishe churche”
Alice Iveson and William Wilkinson of Nappay / “she had a childe in fornication, he the supposed Father”
Christopher Baylife / “a Drunkarde”
Robert Kydd / “he refused to coom to be cathechised” / Appeared before the venerable John Gibson on 22 November 1594. Kydd to make declaration in Giggleswick parish church according to schedule and to return on Friday next before the feast of Thomas the Apostle.
V1595-6 CB3 f.109r / 1595-6 / “The chancel is in decay in defalte of Mr George Middleton of Leighton Esquire”
John Payler / Curate excommunicate for not appearinge in the visitation
Jane Remyngton wife of Thomas Remyngton / “an adulterar who confessed one Thomas Brayshay a married man had carnall knowledge of her bodie”
V1595-6 CB3 f.109r (cont) / John Stackhouse junior Isabell Lupton / Fornication
William Hall 1595/96 / An excommunicate person
Alice Kidd / Excommunicated
Isabell Browne / An excommunicate person
John Catterall gentleman / “refuseth to repaire a churche windewe belonginge to him to repaire”
Mr Shutt there vicar / “dothe not use the perambulacion”
V1595-6 CB3 f.112v / 1595-6 / John Paylay clerk, Curate of Giggleswick / In list of “Persons excommunicate for not appearinge in the Visitacion”
V1600 CBI f.166 / 1600 / John Salesburie / “he disturbed Mr Shutt in tyme of cathechysinge [catechism] the seconde of marche laste and refused him selfe to be cathechysed” / “John Salesbury to submit him selfe to Mr Shutt, and make suche a declaracion of his faulte as he shall sett downe”
Thomas Howson Waller / “wente furth of the churche in sermon tyme” [on 12 May 1599] / [Judgement on 19 April 1600]
V1600 CBI f.166 (cont) / John Proctor / “A fornicator with Isabell Paylay and also with an other woman not named”
Thomas Gregson
Jane Catterall / Suspected of fornication
William Chester
Eliz Wyldeman / Suspected of fornication
V1600 CBI f.167 / 1600 / Richard Catterall
Margaret Teale / Fornication / “he is said to be punished …”
Robert Kydd / Ex[communicated] “being presented to Mr Arch[deacon] for going furth of the churche in seryvce tyme”
Roberte Kydd aforesaid refuseith to pay churche dues because, as he saithe, he standes excommunicate and cannot coom to churche”
Margaret Iveson / Ex[communicated] for fornication / 24 April 1600 ………..
“to Repayre to Mr Archdeacon of York and undergoe suche penance as he shall appoint”………..
V1604 CB f.5 / 1604 / John Sigswick / “a married man gone away with Margaret Singleton”
V1604 CB f.5 (cont) / Agnes Paylay of Settle, widow / “she bore a child in fornication Thomas Howson suspected father” / 2 November 1606 Mr Shutt vicar of church of Giggleswick certified the said Agnes Paylay
………. And she was absolved and dismissed.
Henry Ash and Elizabeth Chapman / fornication
Thomas Brayshay and Jane Remyngton wife of Thomas Remyngton / Suspected of adultery / [detail illegible in photocopy]
Margaret Frankland widow / A recusant
John Burton / A recusant halfe a yere
Richard Catterall gentleman / Excommunicate
Isabella Browne widow / Excommunicate
Anna Carr and William Nowell / “married without bannes asking or lycens” / Nowell swore “that he was maryed to the said Anne Carr in Novemer last in Whally churche without banes askinge, and without lycence from York but by lycence from the B. of Chester”
10 December 1604 …….. [in margin, indecipherable in copy]
Friday 4 April 1606 Before Matthew Doddesworth….. appeared the said Nowell seeking absolution for himself and his wife ……. “that he and the sayd Anne Carr were maryed together in Whally churche …… by the vicar of Whalley ……absolved…..
V1607 CB f.31 / 1607 / Thomas Somerscales / “one of ther churchwardens dyd not appeare in the vysitacion and was therefore excommunicated” / Dismissed because for certain ?justifiable reasons he was absent from the visitation
Thomas Bordly and Elizabeth Carre widow / fornication
Christopher Foster and Janet Winder widow / fornication / November 1609 before Matthew Dodsworth……. Janet absolved having done accustomed penance in Giggleswick and Long Preston churches…
John Burton and one […….] Parsons / “excommunicated for a yere and more”
Richard Catterall / “… reputed fornicator maryed, maryed (if maryed at all) without banns askinge or lycence”
V1615 f.70v-72r / 1615 / William Lunde
Alice Harling
Joan Broadley
Christopher Willan / “for refuseing to come to be catechised” / Case against Willan dismissed with warning.
Harling appeared and alleged “that she was sick at the time when she should have bene catechised” … dismissed with warning.
William Ellis and Jervaise Robinson alias Simond / “for the like” / Ellis similarly dismissed with warning
Jervaise Robinson’s name crossed out
Jervaise Robinson alias Simond / “for a non Communicante at Easter Last” / Robinson introduced a certificate by which it appears that “since Easter last he hath received the Communion in his parish Church” for which he was dismissed with a warning.