United Nations Association

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Concept Document:

Empowering Young Girls and Women through Education in the Middle East and North Africa: Towards Achievement of the UN Millenium Development Goals

Case Study of Egypt


Closing the gender gap in education by 2015 is also one of the benchmarks for the Millennium Development Goals. (the global development framework adopted by the United Nations in 2000 for improving people's lives and combating poverty in a sustained and sustainable way by 2015).

Empowering women through education is one of the most crucial concerns of the Millennium Development Goal on gender equality. Education is important for everyone, but it is especially significant for girls and women. This is true not only because education is an entry point to other opportunities, but also because the educational achievements of girls and women is one of the most effective ways to reduce poverty.The United Nations and its agencies have long encouraged the world community to discourage gender stereotypes and to strengthen the status of women within the family and in society as a whole. One of the key ways of doing so is by supporting the education of women, and especially girls.

Education is not only a fundamental human right, but is also essential to global development. According to Mr Koïchiro Matsura, Director-General of UNESCO: "Education is the primary vehicle by which economically and socially marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty, and obtain the means to participate fully in their communities." Education is the basis for development and change for any country wishing to develop. Although access to education has improved dramatically in the Middle East and North Africa Region over the past few decades, the gender gap in education remains a challenge for the region. Tackling this deficit is a pre-requisite to move forward.

For our event, our guest speakers will provide their perspectives on the current status of girls and women’s education in the Middle East and North Africa region, with a special focus on Egypt. Our speakers will also highlight the important role of educating girls and women to the development process. Our goal is to organize a meaningful discussion to help young participants better understand how the promotion of education for girls and women can be used as an effective tool to promote development.

Program details

The speakers will address some key issues, including but not limited to:

1. What is the current educational situation of girls and women in the Middle East and North Africa (main challenges and achievements)?

2. What progress has been made in Egypt and in the MENA region towards achievement of the UN MDG Education goal?

3. What kind of role can international institutions play in improving girls and women’s access to education?

4. Future strategies for promoting the education of girls and women?