Application Form
Your application for funding will need to include the following:
(A) TYPE OF APPLICATIONType / Individual (please fill in sections BI and D) Organisation (please fill in sections BII, C and D)
Discipline / Dance Music Theatre Literary Visual Digital Arts Multi-Disciplinary
Name of Individual(as in NRIC)
Full Name / NRIC No.
Primary Country of Residence
Employer’s Name and Address / Date of Birth / Sex
Address / Contact
(H) (O)
Name of Organisation
Registration No.
Organisation Type (e.g. LLP, CLG etc.)
For Profit or Non-Profit?
Organisation Website / Registered Address of Organisation
Name of Contact Person at your Organisation
Office Tel (HP)
(C) FURTHER INFORMATION (For Organisations Only)
Brief Description of Organisation, your Artistic Vision and Activities (not more than 150 words)
(I)Key Organisation Members
ID No ID Type Name Designation
(II)Office Bearers/Board of Directors/Management and Staff
ID No ID Type Name Designation
FY2015 / FY2016 / FY2017
Past 3 years’ financial performance / Net Profits
Total Expenditure
No. of full-time staff
No. of part-time staff
Working title of project
Brief description of project (e.g. to produce and market an exhibition in 10 cities)
When is the project expected to take place? / Project venues/cities:
Total cost of project: S$ / Amount requested from NAC: S$
Have you received funding for this project from other sources (including other NAC grants)? Yes / No
Have you applied for funding for this project from other sources (including other NAC grants)? Yes / No
If you answered Yes to either question above, please include this in your budget and indicate if your other funding sources are pending or confirmed.
Do you have outstanding reports on the use of NAC grants beyond the stipulated deadline? Yes / No
If yes, please state which grant(s):(e.g. Name of Grant Scheme, Month, Year)
Your proposal is an important part of our assessment of your application. Submitted as a separate document, it should not exceed 2,000 words and should address all four sections (I to IV) below. In each section, there are guiding questions to help to draft the proposal. As the list of questions is non-exhaustive and may not be relevant to every project, do indicate other pertinent points which reflects more about your project. It would be useful to refer to the Assessment Criteria in the Production Grant Guidelines.
I / What Would You Like To Do?- What is it you want to do?Explainthe central idea of your activity, your objectives and milestones.
- How different is your project from your past works and other works you see today in your domain?
- What is the scale and significance of your project? Why isan undertaking of this scale requiredto achieve a successful outcome?
- How do you think your projectcan impactthe arts in Singapore and/or internationally?
- Does your project seek to address any gaps in the arts scene?
- What will the success of your project look like to you?
- If your project involves the strong use of digital technology as part of its creation and production process, and/or audience engagement plan, please elaborate in greater detail especially in terms of research, administration and operations to realise the final work.
II / Who Is Involved?
- Who are the artists and other main people involved/featured in your project?
- Who are the partners and platforms you plan to collaborate with? What will they contribute to the execution of your project?
- Do you plan to actively engage a dramaturge / mentor / curator / consultant / editor / impresario in your production process (please specify their roles in the project)?
III / How Will You Carry Out the Activity?
- What stage of planning are you at now?
- How will you manage and execute the main stages of your activity?
- What experience do you have in successfully managing a similar activity?
- What resources (financial or otherwise)have you identified to successfully produce and present your work to a wider audience?How do you plan to obtain these resources (e.g. do you have a sponsorship target)?
IV / How Will You Get the Word Out?
- How do you plan to market and publicise your work?
- Who are the people your project primarily aims to reach, and why are they important to you?Please be specific, e.g. students aged 13-18, people new to art etc.
- What do you hope your audience will take back from your project?
- How would you describe your existing audience base? Are you planning to engage new audiences with your project?
- How many people do you hope to reach with your project?
Annex 1 (A): CV
<Please attach your CV / biographical information of the key individuals involved in the project
Annex 1(B): Summary of Past Work(for first-time applicants)
Please submit a minimum of two samples of your or your organisation’s past work in the last 2 – 3years. This will help us better understand what you have done so far, and whether you have the artistic vision and capacity to execute your current proposal. Please use the table below to summarise your past work. Guidelines for supporting material can be found below.
ITEM 1Title
Applicant’s role or involvement
(eg artist, composer, curator, choreographer, playwright, director, producer etc)
Format (e.g. scripts, DVD, CD)
Date of Presentation / Production
Brief description of how the supporting material demonstrates the applicant’s artistic vision and ability to successfully complete the current proposed project
(please also indicate final audience figures and audience feedback/response, if any)
Supporting Material for Past Works
- Clearly label your supporting material with your name and the name of the project for which you are applying for funding.
- If you are submitting digital support material, please limit each item to a maximum of 15 minutes in duration. The selected segment should best represent your past achievements and support your proposal. Note that you are responsible for providing materials that will play on standard electronic/digital equipment. Preview your samples before submitting them to ensure that there are no technical problems that might interfere with staff’s / the assessment panel's review of your work.
i)Audio samples on CD: A 5-minute selection of excerpts is recommended. Place each selection on a separate track. Indicate the track number(s) that you want reviewed, in priority order.
ii)Digital images on CD, DVD: in MS Windows readable format that contains up to 12 electronic images in JPEG, TIFFs etc. Image size should be consistent; suggested size is 800 pixels x 600 pixels.
iii)DVD-R, or DVD-ROM: A 3 – 5 minute selection of excerpts is recommended. Files should be in one of the following formats: QuickTime (.mov),Real Player (.rm), Windows Media Player (.wmv), or .mpeg. Format each selection as a different chapter. Provide a title menu for ease in navigation during application review.
iv)Text samples: Submit two copies of up to 15 pages from a book, lyrics, libretto, or script.
- Please do not submit original copies as we are unable to return artistic support material. All support material is securely recycled after each funding cycle.
Annex 1 (C): Copies of Work to be Produced/ Presented (if available)
Please submit a copy of the complete work to be produced if it is available, e.g. draft scripts, manuscripts, scores, prototypes/demos, images/video excerpts of work. For Theatre projects, submission of full-length script is required. For Music projects, submission of programme or repertoire is required.Please note that submissions without these required materials will be considered ineligible for assessment.
Annex 2 (A): Timeline
Please include a timeline that details the schedule of your production and marketing plan, and make your statements as specific and detailed as possible. Below is a sample:
Example 1
Stage of Production / Venue(if relevant) / Start Date / Completion Date
Casting – open call for both emerging and established participants / November 2018 / December 2018
Annex 2(B): Budget
<Please download the budget form, fill it up accordingly and attach it to your proposal.>
Annex 2 (C): Checklist
To ensure that your application gets a thorough and fair assessment, pleasecheck against the boxes below to ensure that you have submitted the following documents:
Part I: Applicant and Project DetailsPart II: Detailed Project Proposal (on separate sheets)
CVs / biographical information of the key people involved in your project /
Samples of past work (for first-time applicants) /
Copiesof work to be produced/ presented (for Theatre projects, the submission of full-length scripts, and for Music projects, the submission of programme or repertoire is strictly required) /
Detailed Project timeline
Budget breakdown of the project’s estimated expenditure /
This Checklist
Annex 2(D): Declaration
The grant applicant (for individuals) or primary contact (for organisations or collectives) must sign and date the Declaration. Unsigned applications will not be accepted. If the applicant is an organisation, the declaration must be carefully read and signed by the Chairperson, President or Director of the organisation.I, the undersigned:
- Certify that the information given above, additional attachments and the budget form are accurate and complete.
- Agree to let NAC use this information for the purpose of assessment, which includes making the information available to an NAC-appointed panel of assessors. I acknowledge that the assessors will be bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
Name /
All applications must reach NAC by 11.59pm on 15 May 2018.Please email your application . [Please specify the discipline in your email header]
If you prefer, you can also mail your application in one package to:
National Arts Council
Production Grant FY2018[please specify discipline]
90 Goodman Road
Blk A #01-01
Singapore 439053
Alternatively, you may also drop off your application at the National Arts Council reception from Monday through Friday, 9am – 12pm or 2pm – 5pm.
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