Mrs. Courtney Parker
Room B119 /
Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year! I am so excited to have you in my class, and I hope you are excited about your junior year atSaginaw High School. This is an overview of what to expect in AP U.S. History this year.
AP U.S. HistoryCurriculum
The APUSH course is a college-level course designed by the College Board to give you a foundation in the subject matter of U.S. History and in major interpretive questions that derive from the study of selected themes. We will use a survey approach covering from the arrival of man to the Americas to the present. Our text is a college-level text entitled Give Me Liberty!, and we currently use the 3rd (AP) edition. We will also be supplementing our study with readings, documents, essays, and books with special themes. You will be required to analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources, evaluate historical documents, interpret charts, graphs, tables, maps, and cartoons. You will also be required to summarize college-level text materials, take accurate notes, research a given historical problem, develop a working historical vocabulary, and show your ability to write analytical essays.
Required Supplies(Note: Please remember that items such as paper and writing utensils are consumable and will need to be replaced periodically throughout the school year. Please let me know of any concerns regarding the acquisition of classroom supplies.)
Binder – this needs to be an APUSH-dedicated binder that will serve as an exam preparation guide.
Spiral notebook – college rule, minimum 100 pages
Notebook paper
Ink pens – blue and black; additional colors will be beneficial
Additional supplies as needed for projects or research papers (may include items such as poster board, scissors, glue, index cards, etc.)
Students should consider purchasing a supplemental resource to help them prepare for the APUSH Exam in May. There are many preparation resources available, but the most beneficial to past students has been United States History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (aka AMSCO). This book can be purchased from the publisher, Perfection Learning, or from other retailers. Scan the QR code to visit the publisher’s website for purchasing information.
Students are expected to read their college-level textbook outside of class. A calendar of the reading requirements will be given every six weeks. Reading quizzes will be given on a weekly basis. Quizzes may be multiple choice or short answer, and will vary based on the discretion of the teacher. Chapters are assigned weeks in advance, and students are encouraged to break the chapter into sections to better manage the content. Students who wait until the night before to begin reading their chapters are doing so at their own choosing, and should understand the potential results of this choice.
All school rules provided in your student handbook will be followed in this classroom.
Use patience and respect when communicating with classmates and teachers.
Intolerant or disrespectful remarks regarding other people’s views, beliefs, opinion, culture, or lifestyle is not acceptable behavior in this classroom.
Come to class prepared and ready to begin learning immediately upon entering the classroom.
Have supplies in class each and every day.
Absences can negatively affect your grade, so consistent attendance contributes to your success.
Tardies disrupt the learning environment. Be in your seat and working when the bell rings.
Cheating and plagiarism are unacceptable.
Talking, using electronic devices, and/or copying from another student’s paper during a test/quiz is considered cheating. The test/quiz will be taken up, and the student will be given a zero. The student’s parent will also be notified.
Plagiarism of any sort will result in a zero. “Cutting and pasting” off any web page is considered plagiarism. In addition, copying off of another student’s paper is also plagiarism. Allowing another student to copy off of your paper is also cheating.
Food is not allowed in my classroom. Bottled water may be brought into this room, so long as trash and spilling doesn’t become an issue. If bottles are left behind, the privilege may be revoked for all.
Technology Device Expectations
Device must be silenced (not on sound or vibrate please).
Device WILL be used in the classroom at appropriate times as designated by Mrs. Parker.
No ear buds in ears during class. Up and away throughout the day!
Use the restroom before you enter the room. You have a five minute passing period – that is more than enough time.
Major Grades – 70%Minor Grades – 30%
You will have at least 3 major grades per six weeks.
You will have at least 4 minor grades per six weeks.
Quiz grades may be averaged together to create a summative test grade each six weeks.
Reassessment – Please see Retesting (Reteach/Redo) Procedures
Extra credit will not be assigned to help students with grades that are missing or to replace zeroes. It will also not be offered to individual students.
Grades can be checked anytime by logging into Skyward Family Access via the EM-S ISD website.
Late work is defined as any assignment not turned in on the assigned and teacher communicated due date.
An assignment may be turned after its due date under the following district approved guidelines:
1 day late – maximum score is 80
Example:A 100 would record as an 80 (100 x .80)
An 80 would record as a 64 (80 x .80)
2 days late – maximum score is 65
Example:A 100 would record as a 65 (100 x .65)
An 80 would record as a 52 (80 x .65)
3 days late – maximum score is 55
Example:A 100 would record as a 55 (100 x .55)
An 80 would record as a 44 (80 x .55)
No late work will be accepted after 3 school days and a zero will be recorded in the grade book.
Class starts immediately at the sound of the tardy bell. If you are tardy, enter the class so as not to be disruptive, sign the tardy notebook (located on the table by the door), and join in. Tardies will only be excused with a written note or phone call from school personnel.
Tardies will follow the procedures established in the SHS Student Code of Conduct.
Absences and make-up work
Students are responsible for getting assignment(s) when they return to class.
Students should check the assignment calendar upon their return to class as well as speak to me directly for instructions and paperwork.
Studentsshallhaveatime equalto daysabsentfrom classplus one dayto completeall missedassignments. Additional time may be given for extended absences.
If a test was administered, students must be prepared to take the test upon returning to class (unless new material was covered). Tests may not be made up during class time (so as not to lose additional instructional time) and must be done during tutorials. If a project or long-term assignment was due while they were absent, they must turn it in upon their return. Tests and project due dates are always announced in advance so that students can be well-prepared.
If students are absent due to a school-related event, it is their responsibility to turn in assignments or to take their test prior to that absence.
Failing Grades – Students who have earned a grade of 69 or below on a major assessment have an opportunity to reteach/retest based upon the following criteria:
The student must make the request to redo the major assignment for which he/she earned a failing grade within 3 days of the failing grade being posted in the grade book. Students must make a verbal request to the teacher and complete a “Request for Improvement” form.
The student will be required to attend tutorials prior to the opportunity to redo/retest. The number of tutorials or reteach opportunities is determined by the teacher. Students will establish times with the teacher during scheduled tutorial times or lunch periods to complete test corrections in the classroom – test corrections may not take place outside of the classroom. Tests must remain secure and cannot leave the classroom in keeping with College Board regulations.
The teacher will determine the redo/retest due dates based upon the assignment/assessment length and/or timeline for tutorials/reteach.
The assessment may be of an alternative variety from the original assignment/assessment as long as it is coverage of the same content and at the same level of cognition as the original assessment.
The highest available grade on the reassessment for a failing grade is a 70%.
The opportunity to reassess is a one-time offering per assessment.
Students will only be allowed to retest if effort was given on the original assessment. Grades of zero are not permitted to be changed by retesting.
Re-teaching and redo/reassessing provisions do not apply to daily assignments (minor grades), quizzes, six weeks tests given the last week of six weeks, and semester final examinations.
Passing Grades – Students who have earned a grade of 70-84 on a major assessment have an opportunity to retest based upon the following criteria:
The student must make the request to redo the major assignment for which he/she earned a failing grade within 3 days of the failing grade being posted in the grade book. Students must make a verbal request to the teacher and complete a “Request for Improvement” form.
The student will be required to attend tutorials prior to the opportunity to redo/retest. The number of tutorials or reteach opportunities is determined by the teacher. Students will establish times with the teacher during scheduled tutorial times or lunch periods to complete test corrections in the classroom – test corrections may not take place outside of the classroom. Tests must remain secure and cannot leave the classroom in keeping with College Board regulations.
The teacher will determine the redo/retest due dates based upon the assignment/assessment length and/or timeline for tutorials/reteach.
The assessment may be of an alternative variety from the original assignment/assessment as long as it is coverage of the same content and at the same level of cognition as the original assessment.
The highest available grade on the redo/retest of a passed major graded assignment or assessment for an initial grade of 70-84 is an 85.
The opportunity to redo/retest on a passed major graded assignment or assessment is a one-time offering per assignment/assessment.
Re-teaching and redo/reassessing provisions do not apply to daily assignments (minor grades), quizzes, six weeks tests given the last week of six weeks, and semester final examinations.
Please note that these procedures follow the established grading guidelines as adopted by EMS-ISD.
Tutorials are to be determined. Please note that tutorial offerings are subject to change due to meetings and other unforeseen circumstances.
There are multiple ways you can stay aware of the happenings in APUSH. Parents and students are encouraged to utilize the both of the following resources:
/ @mrs_parker_shs / Text 81010 to@sagapush17
The policies and procedures stated in this syllabus are subject to modification, so please note that there may be some changes and/or additions as necessary. To be successful in this class, it is imperative that the lines of communication remain open between me, the students, and the parents. Please contact me about any questions or concerns you may have. I am very excited to be sharing this school year with all of you. It is going to be a GREAT year!
Mrs. Courtney Parker
Teacher Contact Information
Conference:7th Period (2:35-3:25)
/ APUSH Syllabus Acknowledgement Form /Welcome to APUSH!
An online copy of the AP U.S. History syllabus has been provided for your viewing. Please visit my webpage at and click on the “Syllabus” link located on the left menu bar. The same syllabus can also be viewed from Mrs. Parker’s Canvas page using your student access code (given to you at registration/schedule pickup). After reading and reviewing the course syllabus, please fill out the information below and return this sheet to Mrs. Parker no later than Friday, August 26th.
For APUSH Students: (Check all that apply)
I have visited Mrs. Parker’s website ( or Canvas page to access the AP U.S. History 2016-2017 Syllabus.
I have read and understand the policies and expectations as outlined in the above syllabus.
I would like to be provided with a hard copy of this syllabus.
Student SignatureDate
For APUSH Parents: (Check all that apply)
I have visited Mrs. Parker’s website ( or Canvas page to access the AP U.S. History 2016-2017 Syllabus.
I have read and understand the policies and expectations as outlined in the above syllabus.
I would like to be provided with a hard copy of this syllabus.
Parent SignatureDate
Email Address