Summer Veterinary Scholars Program 2017

Program Application

DUE 5:00 pm MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2017

Please complete this form, save it, and submit via email along with your current resume/CV to Kate Barry in the Office of Graduate Programs at . You may prepare a project summary for up to two projects (second is optional). More than one student may apply to each project. Applications are accepted only for projects previously submitted by faculty and approved by the Summer Scholars committee. Late applications not accepted.

Selection Criteria:

For information, contact Dr. Mark Rutherford () or Ms. Kate Barry ()

  • Statement of program interest
  • Quality of project description
  • Prior research experience
  • GPA (3.2 minimum)
  • Mentoring environment
  • Funding availability

For information, contact Dr. Mark Rutherford () or Ms. Kate Barry ()

Expectations for student participation in the CVM Summer Scholars Program:

  • Attend bi-weekly Summer Scholars learning seminars (as arranged)
  • Work full time during program period, no vacations from May 15- Aug. 4
  • Attend the 2017Merial Summer Veterinary Scholar Symposium
  • Prepare and present a poster in the CVM Research Day in Fall 2017

Expectations for faculty participation in the CVM Summer Scholars Program:

  • Allow the student to attend Summer Scholars learning seminars as necessary
  • Assist the student in preparation of and pay for a poster for CVM Research Day in Fall 2017
  • Contribute $400 toward student travel to the Merial Summer Symposium

Expectations of the CVM Summer Scholars Program:

  • Provide a summer stipend of $4,750
  • Arrange Summer Scholars learning seminars and field trips as necessary
  • Arrange student travel to the MerialVeterinary Scholars Symposium in August
  • Provide travel costs over $400 per student for Merial Summer Symposium

Name exactlyas it appears on photo ID (for travel):
Date of Birth (for travel arrangements):
Phone Number:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Veterinary School:
Year in Program:
Educational Objectives/Reason for Interest in Summer Scholars Program:
Project(s) of interest: (please indicate up to three projects of interest to you):
Project 1/Mentor:
Project 2/Mentor:

Project Narrative 1 (REQUIRED): In the space provided, prepare a 1 page maximum description of the faculty project of interest to you. You may discuss the project with the Principal Investigator, but you must develop the proposal on your own. Include Introduction, Significance of the Problem, Specific Aims, and Approach. Use no smaller than 10 point Arial or 12 point Times font.

Project Title:
Project Description:

Project Narrative 2 (OPTIONAL): In the space provided, prepare a 1 page maximum description of a second faculty project of interest to you. You may discuss the project with the Principal Investigator, but you must develop the proposal on your own. Include Introduction, Significance of the Problem, Specific Aims, and Approach. Use no smaller than 10 point Arial or 12 point Times font.

Project Title:
Project Description:



Birthday (mm/dd/yy): Do Not Wish to Provide / Social Security Number: xxx-xx-
U of MN ID: / Gender: M F Do Not Wish to Provide
Citizenship: / U.S. Citizen Permanent Resident (green card) Non-citizen
Ethnicity: / Hispanic or Latino Non-Hispanic or Latino Do Not Wish to Provide
Race: / American Indian or Alaska Native Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Asian Black or African American White Do Not Wish to Provide
Disability: / Yes No Do Not Wish to Provide
If Yes, categories of your disability: / Hearing Mobility/Orthopedic Impairment
Vision Other
Are you from a disadvantaged background? / Yes No Do Not Wish to Provide


Name of Institution, Dept. and Location (city, state, country if foreign) / Month & Year Attended / Degree(s) Received / Major Field / Minor Field
From / To / Degree / mm/yy
GPA: / Honors:
GPA: / Honors:


If not attending UMN, list name of Institution, city, state / Month & Year started / Current GPA

For information, contact Dr. Mark Rutherford () or Ms. Kate Barry ()