2014 Indigo Shire Australia Day Award Recipients

Citizen of the Year:Anne Bilston of Rutherglen is always happy to help out in the community, especially in areas that relate to Children. Since moving to Rutherglen in 1992 Anne has been involved with the Kindergarten, swimming club, Rutherglen Scouts, St Mary’s Parents and Friends, Meals on Wheels, Friends of Glenview and the local agriculture show committee.

Anne has been a leader with Rutherglen Girl Guides for many years and even though she now has no Children of her own attending this group, she continues to provide this service to the girls of Rutherglen and District, ensuring that all girls attending have a very enjoyable experience with Guides Rutherglen. For some years Anne was the only trained leader with the Guides and kept the group going with parental assistance, not an easy task.

Anne joined Friends of Glenview when it seemed the group would cease due to lack of membership and has since held the positions of President and Secretary, as well as the Annual Fete coordinator helping to raise funds for the residents’ comfort at Glenview.

Finally Anne has used her life skills, employment skills, training and multi-cultural empathy and understanding to volunteer extensively in developing Countries, helping the local communities in those Countries to improve their life opportunities.

Young Citizen of the year:Rhys Torpy of Tangambalanga has been an outstanding young man at Tallangatta Secondary College. He is a motivated and focused student who has developed strong relationships with staff and peers. Rhys has demonstrated qualities of leadership, he has empathy for others and is community minded. Rhys has is a committed and purposeful member of the Sandy Creek Football Club and has organised and conducted socials at school and is a keen fundraiser for causes. Rhys is a member of Wodonga Field and Game and has volunteered to assist with Carols by Candlelight in Wodonga over the past years.

Community organisation of the year:The Rutherglen Gold Battery Committee of Management was formed in 2009 to implement the restoration and operation of the Rutherglen State Gold Battery as a tourist attraction in time for the ‘150 years since the Discovery of Gold Celebrations’ which was held in September 2010. To get the Battery machinery into operating order was only a minor matter, but to have it open as a tourist attraction meant adhering to OH&S regulations as well as knowledge of all aspects of the industry, EPA noise level guidelines and workplace practices. With the help of Indigo Shire Officers a grant was obtained to facilitate an enclosed viewing deck enabling people to be able to view a DVD showing operation of the Battery whilst a Committee member gave a commentary and with lighting effects enabling view of the static machinery. The advice and time given to the project by Graeme Price has given a very interesting and credible view of part of Rutherglen’s mining history. Each of the members have played a significant part in bringing about the restoration of an important part of Rutherglen history. In recent months the Battery has been visited by members of the recent “mining Conference’, members of the National Trust, members of the classic Car group as well as a variety of visitors to the town, each have recorded comments of congratulations in the visitor book.

Emma George Junior Sporting Scholarship:Nicole Clark is a 16 year old cyclist who started racing when she was 8 years old. Nicole raced regularly throughout Victoria and Southern NSW. She won the Women’s under 17 A grade aggregate in 2013, was invited to join a team for the 2013 Beechworth Gran Fondo, her biggest ride to date as well as many other races throughout the year.

Barnawarthaand District Certificate of Achievement:Graeme Fisher was born and raised in Browns Plains. Graeme is always the first person to assist when any member of the community is in need and never expects any thanks or payment for his help. He doesn’t even need to be asked, he just arrives and helps. Graeme is a member of many community groups: Browns Plains CFA, Parish Council representative, member of the Victoria Farmers Federation, Barnawartha Cemetery Trust, Gooramadda Hall Committee and the Rutherglen Show Society. Graeme has been described as one of the most generous people in Browns Plains.

Beechworth and District Certificate of Achievement:Tom O’Toole is an exceptionally generous man who has a selfless approach to his community and the Beechworth Bakery is an integral part of the community. Almost every sporting club in Beechworth is sponsored by the bakery as are many volunteer and charitable organisations, even individuals who approach the bakery for a worthwhile cause receive support. Many community BBQs are made more profitable by donations of bread made by the bakery. The bakery is also used regularly as a free meeting place by many community groups large and small. Tom also donates his time as an Ambassador for Lifeline and mentor at the Beechworth Corrections Facility. Tom always goes above and beyond and has done a great deal for his community.

Chiltern and District Certificate of Achievement: Joy Lee is a popular member of the Chiltern Community, as a midwife she brought many locals into the world and is highly thought of by the many women she was so kind and caregiving to. Joy is very involved with all sections of the community from school children, sporting people and seniors. For several years Joy has sold raffle tickets from 6am on a Saturday morning in the main street to support many worthy causes. She was determined to have a skate park for the local children and raised money and obtained funds to make this happen. Since then she has been fundraising to restore the historic 1870’s grandstand at the football ground.

Kiewa - Tangambalanga Certificate of Achievement: Allan Croucher is a tireless volunteer that can only be described with the following:Mr Fix It/ Mr behind the scenes/ Mr go to for help/ Mr Microphone/ music man and Mr Community Historian.

Allan was always one of the first there when a working bee was organised whether it was for the local cemetery, school, kinder, swimming pool, sports park or church. He has given countless hours of repairs and maintenance labour for the benefit of our sporting clubs including footy, netball, tennis and cricket. He was a huge contributor to our past Boys Club Hall upkeep and maintenance and has always been there to cook a BBQ and clean-up for numerous fundraising events. Allan is a quiet achiever who prefers not to be in the limelight but is reliable and dependable when making things happen in our area, often nobody knows the task has already been completed. He is a no fuss, no bother person and a truly valued member of our community.

Yackandandah and District Certificate of Achievement:Suzanne McIntosh is an enthusiastic contributor to our local community and gives her time to and energy to a vast cross section of our Shire. Her volunteering extends from Kindergarten, school, sporting bodies and senior cardio and health activities. Her expertise in the Human Resources field are often relied upon by many of the local sporting groups and other organisations. The saying if you want a job done ask a busy person could have been written for Suzanne, she is currently involved with Net Set Go as a coach and coordinator, night netball secretary and coordinator, Saturday netball umpire, treasurer and player former treasure of the Yackandandah kindergarten and current fundraising committee, and the “Looking Good” Monday Senior Ladies Gym Coordinator and instructor.