Beaver County Collaborative Action Network Foundation

Advisory Board of Directors Meeting

July08, 2015


  1. Call to Order
  2. Review of the minutes
  3. Finances

1.Huntington Checking Account – see Financial Report

2.Invoice to LCF – for the month of June–Victor - $3,135.00; BCRC - $48.00

3.Bills to be Paid

  1. Bank of America (VISA)$ 2,013.92
  2. See Financial Report
  3. Collective Impact (Agency Directory)$ 360.00
  4. BC Chamber of Commerce (annual dues)$ 231.00
  5. WPIC/OERP (Training CISM)$ 6,600.00
  6. United Way of Allegheny County (211 Fee)$10,000.00
  7. USLI (Directors Insurance)$ 1,423.00
  8. Victor Colonna$ 90.00
  9. Cell Phone Bill ($90.00)
  1. Announcements
  2. Old Business
  3. New Business
  4. Adjournment

BCCAN Monthly Report

1.Web Site–

  1. Collective Impact/Blusik – presently handles our Venue Services that now includes only the Resource Directory; the cost is $30/month ($360/year); with the availability of the 2-1-1 agency database, we may eventually stop using/updating the Resource Directory.
  2. Pacer IT – hosts our web site for $22 per month; provides our email services and backup at no cost.

2.Training–the 3-day (30 hour) Critical Incident Stress Management training in June has been completed and 17 people are now certified for Individual and Group Crisis Intervention.

3.Leadership Forum–the last Leadership Forum was held on June 5th;the next Leadership Forum will be scheduled for September/October.

4.Family Development Credentialing –CYS will not sponsor this class in the future; theyhave decidedthat they want the money that we currently have in our FDC checking account to be returned; a check was given to CYS after the last Board meeting and the account has been closed.

5.211 –we receive weekly reports from 211 listing all of the calls received from Beaver County and the places they were referred; this report is forwarded to the Board; it is also sent to Darcy Casey, Norah Miller and Rosalyn Johnson; it is in our interest to review at least some of this information on a regular basis to ensure they are giving adequate information; we are looking for Board agency funding for 2-1-1 for the next fiscal year – LIFE Beaver is contributing $1,500, United Way is contributing $2,500, I am waiting to hear from Community Development, and BCBH has pledged to commit the remainder of the needed $10,000; Mike and I attended a Regional Advisory Committee meeting on July 7th.

6.New Board Members –Susan Mansuetti is leaving Adult Literacy Action for another position; June was her last meeting; we now have another opening on the Board.

7.Budget 2015/16 –Proposed budget for the 2015-16 year has been sent to each Board member for review and passage at the Board meeting; it has been approved by the Ex. Bd.; passage by the full Board is needed.

8.Bank Signatures – Huntington Bank is requiring that all those allowed to sign checks come to the bank at the same time to show identification and signatures; the Ex. Bd. discussed changing the accounts to allow one signature on each check (mine), and have only me and the current Chair on the bank signature cards; this will be discussed at the Board meeting.

9.New Executive Board Member – the Ex. Bd. discussed adding another Board member to the Ex. Bd. to replace Bev, and a volunteer is being sought; the By-laws state:

Article V. Section 3. The Board of Directors shall fill a vacancy in an office occurring for any reason. Any officer selected by the Board of Directors to fill such a vacancy shall serve until the next regular election.

10.Housing Issues in the County – 1) Beaver County will be facing a huge shortage in affordable housing if/when the Shell facility is approved and construction begins; a shortage has already been experienced due to the influx of “fracking” workers into the area; 2) the Beaver County On-Call System that was developed to provide housing/motel assistance for families left homeless due to a disaster; we are developing a system where housing units are rented from the Housing Authority and donations are sought annually to pay for the rent/insurance; they are asking for approval by the BCCAN Board to accept donations into the VOAD account and make payments to the Housing Authority and the insurance carrier; discussion and decision by the full Board is needed; Atty. John McCreary has been asked for legal advice in regards to liability to BCCAN.

11.REMINDER: The July Board meeting will be held at Beaver County Rehabilitation Center (BCRC) in Center Twp.!!!

Financial Report

The Huntington National Bank (Primary Account)

Checking Account Balance06-01-15$52,429.86

Deposits & CreditsPosted

$ 0

ExpensesNot PostedPosted

1404Bank of America (VISA)($ 202.67)

1405Victor Colonna(cell phone; trng food)($ 1,590.25)

1406BCCAN Foundation (transfer funds)($20,000.00)

Total ($21,792.92)($21,792.92)

Checking Account Balance 06-30-15 $30,636.94

  • Notice of Changes in Temporary FDIC Insurance Coverage for Transaction Accounts.View more information about this program

Deposit Accounts

Account Number / Account Nickname / Today's Beginning Balance / Account Balance

The Huntington National Bank(Family Development Credentialing Account) Account Closed 06/23/15

Checking Account Balance 06-01-15 $28,811.76

Deposits & Credits

Total$0.00 $ 0.00

ExpensesNot PostedPosted

1021Beaver Co. Children & Youth($28,811.76)($28,811.76)

Checking Account Balance 06-30-15 $ 0.00

The Huntington National Bank (VOAD)

Checking Account Balance 06-01-15 $133.83

Deposits & Credits

Total $ 0.00

ExpensesNot PostedPosted

Total ($0.00)

Checking Account Balance 06-30-15 $ 133.83

VISA Credit Card – Charges


05/28/15VerizonPhone bill$ 51.63

06/04/15PSU Beaverfood/drink (training)$1,347.50

06/04/15Giant Eaglesnacks (Leadership Trn)$ 20.96

06/08/15Amb Italian VillaTrng Lunch$ 151.80

06/10/15Giant EagleBd. Mtg. Cake$ 18.99

06/10/15Amb Italian VillaBd. Mtg. Lunch$ 115.00

06/11/15Vocelli PizzaHousing Comm lunch$ 32.28

06/16/15WalmartCoffee/creamer (trng)$ 10.82

06/17/15Amb Italian VillaTrng Lunch$ 145.00

06/22/15Amb Italian VillaTrng Lunch$ 119.94


2014-15 BCCAN Budget

Budget / Remaining / % / to Date / Jun
Coordinator / $30,000.00 / $30.25 / 99.9% / $29,969.75 / $3,135.00
Assistant/Minutes / $2,000.00 / $711.00 / 64.5% / $1,289.00 / $48.00
P.O. Box / $400.00 / -$6.00 / 101.5% / $406.00 / $0.00
Cell Phone / $1,080.00 / $0.00 / 100.0% / $1,080.00 / $90.00
Travel / $150.00 / $76.64 / 48.9% / $73.36 / $0.00
Mailings (printing/postage) / $100.00 / -$7.84 / 107.8% / $107.84 / $0.00
Misc / $250.00 / -$42.53 / 117.0% / $292.53 / $0.00
Chamber of Commerce / $225.00 / -$6.00 / 102.7% / $231.00 / $0.00
Meeting Lunches/supplies / $1,700.00 / -$77.55 / 104.6% / $1,777.55 / $166.27
Phone / $700.00 / $96.88 / 86.2% / $603.12 / $51.63
Consultants / $200.00 / $200.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Insurance / $1,600.00 / $177.00 / 88.9% / $1,423.00 / $0.00
Web Site / $1,595.00 / $1,037.00 / 35.0% / $558.00 / $0.00
Web Site Development / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00
2-1-1 / $10,000.00 / $10,000.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Subtotal / $50,000.00 / $12,188.85 / 75.6% / $37,811.15 / $3,490.90
Meals/Water / $5,200.00 / $347.96 / 93.3% / $4,852.04 / $1,786.97
Trainers / $7,300.00 / $400.00 / 94.5% / $6,900.00 / $6,600.00
Misc(room, credits, coord) / $500.00 / -$746.50 / 249.3% / $1,246.50 / $636.50
Sub Total / $13,000.00 / $1.46 / $12,998.54 / $9,023.47
Sept Training / $8,250.00 / $0.00 / 100.0% / $8,250.00
Sub Total / $21,250.00 / $1.46 / $21,248.54
Instructors / $10,000.00 / $10,000.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Portfolio Advisors / $3,500.00 / $3,500.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Refreshments / $2,400.00 / $2,260.98 / 5.8% / $139.02 / $0.00
Handbooks / $1,000.00 / $1,000.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Credentialing Fee / $1,500.00 / $1,500.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
BCCAN Admin Fee / $3,000.00 / $1,500.00 / 50.0% / $1,500.00 / $0.00
Program Support Fee / $300.00 / $300.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Videos / $800.00 / $800.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Exam Fee / $2,500.00 / $2,500.00 / 0.0% / $0.00 / $0.00
Misc / $2,000.00 / -$26,811.76 / $28,811.76 / $28,811.76
Sub Total / $27,000.00 / -$3,450.78 / $30,450.78
TOTAL EXPENSES / $98,250.00 / $8,739.53 / 91.1% / $89,510.47