APRIL, 2004, Newsletter —from Ken & Melli Johnson
USA address: 5379 Beulah Land Africa address: B. P. 122
Lakeland, FL 33810-1895 Bujumbura, Burundi, AFRICA
Phone/Fax: 863-815-2796 Phone/Fax: 257-22-34-31
Email: Email:
Web Site: www.rainbowcentre.net
Support address: Christian Missions In Many Lands (CMML), P. O. Box 13, Spring Lake, NJ 07762-0013
“LIVE IN THE LIGHT!”--Mary Engelbreit “Mama, I has ‘sunscream’ on!” –Cindy (4)
Dear Friends and Family, March 29, 2004
A week ago a heavy rainstorm blew down two trees in our backyard narrowly missing the rabbit hutch, and one outside our driveway gate, just missing our worker on his bicycle. Kenny and two others hacked away in the drizzling darkness to clear it off the road. The electricity went dead. We struggled to keep the candles lit as wind swirled into the house...all thrillingly adventurous to seven very un-sleepy children! I think it so much better to hear thunder from a storm than booming from bombs which, thankfully, we haven’t heard much of lately.
There is new life bursting out everywhere...the Burundian bean crop is thriving--great news for farmers. Our Buttercup gave birth to 13 more Golden Retriever puppies--all fat and furry. Then Fairlight, not to be outdone, produced 4 kittens a week ago. The chickens have noisy chicks. The roses are “beautatiously” blooming. All of this just before Easter, when my heart bends toward Jesus' amazing love for me. I keep humming that old hymn: "Quick from the dead, my risen Lord is seen...Love has come again, like wheat that springeth green."
Saturday was our third Health Day at the Rainbow Centre for our Twizere (Let's Have Hope) community group of caregivers. Last time we treated around 120 and it was a very long day. This time we treated only 70 babies and finished by mid-afternoon. Our volunteer pediatrician, Dr. Raafat Morgan, had been sick all week with malaria, but when we suggested postponing the Health Day, he refused, saying that he would be better--and he was, for which we thank God! Dr. Morgan works all week at the busiest hospital in the city, the only pediatrician, seeing sometimes 90-100 babies and children a day. Please pray for him as he plows through the lines of pushing, impatient patients.
His wife, Lillian, is due to have their second child and will go to her home in Cairo for delivery. She invited the girls and me to go with her and meet her family and visit the pyramids, the Nile, the museums, the Red Sea, etc, during Easter holiday. At first I laughed at such an impossibility. Now, why do I do that? Here I am in Africa, in one of the worst war zones, with seven adopted Burundian children and an amazing husband...I'm often overwhelmed to near hysterical joy at where God has brought me. So if God opens the door to visit Egypt with an Egyptian sister, why do I wonder? Incredible as it seems while I write this, I will be getting on a plane next week with Sarah, Lizzie, Carly and Cindy and visiting an historical country of the Bible! While swimming in the Red Sea, I will try to imagine it dividing by the power of God. Wow! Ken will be at home with our three sons—so I know you will pray for him.
The wall at the mission has lengthened to the point of closing the last gap—a great encouragement to Ken. The Blind School wall at Gihanga is taking much longer with ongoing struggles from neighbors who have encroached on the property and are disinclined to move their goat sheds and outhouses. One doesn't simply shoo these people away. Instead we are praying for them and for good relations.
APRIL, 2004, NEWSLETTER from Ken & Melli Johnson, page 2
The calendar featuring the president’s wife with the Rainbow Centre Arms of Love babies (I counted an even dozen!) is off the press and we’re enclosing the cover photo sent to us by e-mail. In the picture Cindy is sitting next to the First Lady and is holding baby Angel. The calendar headlines proclaim in Kirundi, "TAKE CARE OF ORPHANS. PROTECT THEM FROM AIDS.” Click here for the photo.
It's time for bed, so I'll turn out the lights and go to sleep in the confidence of your prayers and love and God’s “night-light” of protection. Promises like these help keep me “Light-hearted”. Whee!
"...the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you."-- Isaiah 60:2.
"Light is the symbol of truth." --James Russell Lowell
"You are the light of the world." --Jesus
Lots of Love and a Blessed Easter!
Melli & Ken, Sarah, Lizzie, Carly, Cindy, James, Daniel, & baby Samuel