/ In-Home Supportive Services
Advisory Committee Meeting
June 6, 2012
Meeting Report

The Yolo County In-Home Supportive Services Advisory Committee met on the 6th day of June, 2012, in the Dining Room of Margaret McDowell Manor, 1525 Merkley Avenue, West Sacramento. CA.

Members present: Winnie deAnda, Sherrie Ewing, Ellen Berman Edwards, Judith Givens, Frances Gracechild, Johanne Lewis, Deliliah Jordan-Kozielski and Mary Helen Uribe

Members not present: Nunie Mata and Sheila Allen

Staff present: Frances Smith, PA Director and Evan Wyatt, PA Secretary

Guests present: Sandra Rodriguez, Deputy Director for Jim Provenza, Anson Houghton, Resources for Independent Living (RIL), and Elaine Musser, Chair of TRIAD, subcommittee of Yolo County Commission on Aging and Adult Services, Margarita, Debbie and Helena, residents of Margaret McDowell Manor.

Agenda Item No. 1

Call to Order/Welcome and Introductions

Frances Gracechild called the meeting to order and welcomed all of the Advisory Committee members, guests and residents of Margaret McDowell Manor. She congratulated Mary Helen Uribe on her recent appointment to the Advisory Committee. She also thanked Johanne Lewis and Mary Helen Uribe for hosting the meeting at their residence.

Agenda Item No. 2

Roll Call

Fran took roll. She announced that a quorum was present.

Agenda Item No. 3

Public Comment

There was no Public Comment

Agenda Item No. 4

Member Reports

Sherrie reported that she attended Capitol Action Day, marched around the capitol and listened to the speakers. She also talked with a reporter, who gave her more than 10 seconds to tell her story about how cuts in hours would affect her. She said she told him that no matter who is in power she still has to eat and needs someone to assist her with meals.

Winnie stated that the Capitol Action Day speakers were all on “our” side but only two legislators came to speak, Wes Chesbro and Ellen Corbett, because the legislature was in session and they had to stay to vote on issues.

Fran reported that there were about 1,000 people marching, all wearing bright yellow tee-shirts that were provided for the event by Service Employees International Union (SEIU). She added that SEIU also paid for the box lunches for everyone.

Deliliah expressed her happiness to be back at the meeting with all the committee members who are active and informed.

Frances G informed the group that the new federal agency, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), now combines the Administration on Developmental Disabilities, the Office on Aging and the Office on Disabilities. The ACL is encouraging efforts at local levels to ramp up activities to inform individuals of options in the community if they prefer community choices instead of out of home placement in a more holistic approach toward aging, long term care, and independent living. She explained that in her role as Director of Resources for Independent Living she arranged a meeting with Deana Lea, director of C4A in Sacramento and included Anson Houghton from RIL and Fran Smith, from the Public Authority to discuss the feasibility of forming an Aging and Disability Resource Connection, one of the programs that fall under the Administration Community Living. She said talks are still in the stage of exploration of possibilities.

Johanne reported that she worked in nursing homes for many years and knows there comes a time for some people when that is the most appropriate place for them to live and she hopes that option remains open. Winnie added that as people age their needs do change.

Deliliah raised concerns regarding patient care in nursing homes. She noted that the older we get the spectrum of choice narrows and we need funds for equipment and staff. Frances G added that there are many concerns about patient rights, civil rights and options for people with disabilities.

Judith announced that the increased work load in her office will prevent her continued service on the Advisory Committee. The committee accepted her letter of resignation with regrets.

Agenda Item No. 5

Fraud Prevention Video

Elaine Musser, Chair of the Yolo County TRIAD Task Force, presented a video that focused on preventing consumer fraud. In addition to the video, she stressed the importance of protecting ones personal identification information such as social security card, bank and credit cards, etc. Committee members participated in the lively discussion that followed the video. Frances G thanked Elaine for her presentation.

Agenda Item No. 6

Minutes of May 2, 2012

Fran read the minutes of the May 2nd. The word “maximum” in Agenda Item 3, needs to be changed to “minimum.” Sherrie moved, seconded by Mary Helen, to approve the minutes with that correction. Motion carried.

Agenda Item No. 7

New Business

Fran explained that the Area 4 Agency on Aging held a Town Hall Meeting in Davis on June 27th in Davis seeking responses to their Community Services Questionnaire on services needed by older adults to live independently. She distributed copies of the survey form and asked AC members to complete and return it.

Agenda Item No. 9

Old Business

Update on Governor’s Proposed Budget

A chart listing the most recent version of budget cuts proposed by the governor was reviewed. Fran noted that the fiscal committees of the Assembly and Senate will hold hearings on all the budget items, take their votes and submit to the governor for his consideration. As of June 6th, reductions to domestic and related services for IHSS consumers who live with another individual and a new 7% across the board cut are still included in the proposed budget. The number of “pilot” managed care plans is now at 8, not 10, in this budget. She added that a group of advocates continue to offer alternative suggestions for reducing the deficit. The deadline for adopting a balanced state budget is June 28th.

The plan put forward by provider unions to establish a statewide public authority is contained in Senate Bill 1503. Fran stated that indications are that the most likely compromise on this issue is that wages and benefits will be negotiated by a statewide public authority for just the 8 counties that transition IHSS into managed care beginning in 2013 and local public authorities will continue to carry out all other mandated functions.

Healthy Aging Alliance

In the absence of Sheila, no report was given.

Agenda Item No. 10


There were no announcements.

Agenda Item No. 10


Deliliah moved, seconded by Sherrie, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.

Next Meeting: July 11, 2012 (date change)

Department of Social Services

25 N Cottonwood St., Woodland

(Note: It is not possible to meet on July 11 at the DESS Building. Frances Gracechild asks that we do not meet in July this year, but hold the next meeting in August. The date will be August 8. The agenda will follow.)