Table of Contents

A.  Introduction

Effective Professional Learning: Using this Package…..3-5

B.  Presentation Package

Facilitators Agenda………………………………..………………….6-12

Participants’ Agenda…………………………………………………13

C.  PowerPoint

·  PowerPoint Slides numbered………………….PP1-PP36

D.  Appendices/Activities………………………………………………………..14-30

E.  Resource List……………………………………………………………………..31

The British Columbia Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association would like to thank the committee of practicing principals and vice-principals in addition to Dr. Bruce Beairsto for contributed hours of their time to the research and development of the Supervision For Learning Field Guides.

Supervision For Learning Committee

Chair Person

Don Boyd

Committee Members

Jessica Antosz Beverly Forster

Carmen Barber Jennifer Gardner

Liz Bell Leanna Garner

Cale Birk Read Jorgensen

Daniel Blais Kevin Leach

Woody Bradford Laird Ruehlen

Gaila Erickson

Special recognition and thank you to Dr. Bruce Beairsto

Clarifying Purpose

Effective Professional Learning

Suggestions for How to Use this Package

The purpose of this Field Guide is to provide materials and activities which will encourage dialogue and discussion about Supervision For Learning.

The activities and resources are intended to:

1.  Prioritize the learning

2.  Foster inquiry

3.  Facilitate the dissemination and sharing of knowledge

4.  Inspire engagement in Supervision For Learning

5.  Encourage a partnership in learning

6.  Improve learning, teaching and leading in school systems

In implementing professional improvement Ron Ferguson of Harvard University, shares several strategic actions that will foster sustained success:

1.  Select ideas that foster trust not mistrust

2.  Ensure shared leadership

3.  Plan, initiate and implement in ways that inspire

4.  Support ongoing implementation

5.  Recognize, celebrate and reward accomplishments

6.  Sustain coherence

The following steps will support the implementation of this professional learning package:

1.  The package is divided into 4 sections, each designed to be about 30 – 45 minutes long.

2.  Appoint a member to become the Lead Facilitator and coordinate the session or sessions.

3.  You can work alone or with a committee to organize the delivery of the sessions.

4.  The Lead Facilitator or committee should choose the dates, locations, times and send out an invitation to your targeted audience.

Clarifying Purpose

Suggestions for Use of this Package - Continued

Facilitator / Resources, Materials and Preparation / Timing
Read the package and decide how you want to present materials in your community, district and / or schools. / ·  Book your location
·  Email invitation
·  Collect all materials
·  Order AV: laptop, LCD projector, speakers, screen, lavaliere, flipchart and stand, tape
·  Materials to bring:
o  Chart paper
o  Large post-it-notes
o  Pens
o  Markers
o  Highlighters / 2 – 3 weeks before
·  Review materials (dry run) prior to the presentation
·  Make name tags
·  Order catering
·  Room setup (sessions need tables of 4 – 5 people)
·  Assemble all participant / facilitator materials (create sample package) / 1 week before
Enjoy the day
·  Plan to be ready a half hour prior to your session
·  15 minutes before the end of the day, have a discussion on next steps and where this will fit in future sessions
·  If you are dividing this package into a series, suggest to participants a variety of opportunities to use some of the ideas and one particular piece that can be tried alone or with a partner and reported on at the next session
·  Give people time to complete the Feedback Form and have a formal closing
·  Debrief with the planning committee, using the facilitator evaluation form
Mail feedback forms to:
Gaila Erickson
Manager, Professional Learning
#200, 525 West 10th Avenue
Vancouver, BC V5Z 1K9
Thank you for helping to make Supervision For Learning a continued success. / Day of presentation(s)
Facilitator’s Agenda – 2.5 hour Program
Time / Instructions / Materials
Individual preparation for first session / Activating and Engaging: Preparing for the Session
Participants are asked to reflect on the following questions prior to the session:
Descriptive Overview
To support administrators in identifying the key elements involved in aligning values within an organization. This session will provide information that will be helpful in determining the ‘elements’ that need to be clarified before a purpose can be achieved through Supervision for Learning.
Clarifying Purpose:
Clarifying purpose means ensuring that professional relationships, staff collaboration, learner focused dialogue, and systems and supports are focused on improving learning for all with clear expectations, progress monitoring, and mutual accountability.
5 minutes
10 Minutes / Introduction of facilitator(s) and participants
This package is designed to build on and sustain conversations and work related to the theme of Clarifying Purpose.
Key intention:
“An essential part of leadership is the creation of a performance-oriented culture that has professional learning and collaboration at its core (Sparks, 2005).” Clarifying purpose means ensuring that professional relationships, staff collaboration, learner focused dialogue, and systems and supports are focused on improving learning for all with clear expectations, progress monitoring, and mutual accountability.”
Overview of package
“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” Mitch Albom quotes
Presenters - Liz Bell, Read Jorgensen, Woody Bradford
This package includes the following sections and may be used in a variety of ways to meet the needs of individuals.
Ice Breaker Activity
Ø  8 values you feel are the most important in helping students succeed (i.e. respect, responsibility, fairness, wisdom etc..)
Ø  Write them on cards – or cut and paste into squares
Ø  Facilitator leads bingo
Ø  First to get three spaces filled vertically, horizontally or diagonally calls out, “Supervision for Learning!”– winner
Ø  Values need to be discussed and defined before the goal or target can be achieved – Leaders have a key role in managing values on the journey of clarifying the purpose for learning / Slide 2
Bingo Board
2 Minutes / Learning intentions for Clarifying Purpose:
·  To develop a common language and understanding of learning and supervision within a context of shared values
·  To develop the evidence for learning with the ongoing intention of clarifying the purpose of the S4L / Slide 3
3 Minutes / Clarifying The Purpose - Video / Slide 4
5 Minutes / Overview – Setting the Stage
Defining Clarifying Purpose / Slides 5, 6
Section 1
Developing A Common Language / Slide 7
10 minutes / Activating and Engaging: Supervision vs. Evaluation
Activity #1 Reflect on a Word
Define Supervision and Evaluation
Ø  Participants give their own take on each word
Ø  Multiple takes on a word allows for participants to establish the norm that different takes are useful and helpful to the group’s overall learning / Slide 8
T - Chart
Chart paper
5 Minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussion
Definitions: Supervision vs. Evaluation
Leadership – Common Language
Learning By Doing / Slides 9, 10, 11, 12
5 Minutes / Accessing – Video Clip: Developing a Common Understanding of Learning / Slide 13
10 minutes / Activating and Engaging: Web Questions

Activity #2 - Common Language - Constructivist Learning Groups

Ø  In small groups participants assign themselves 1 – 5. One person records responses.
Ø  Facilitator explains that the group will be asked a series of questions they must answer. These questions are related to a larger question.
Ø  Facilitator reads question. Each participant writes their response down on their worksheet.
Ø  Group members share with each other their responses to the question
Ø  Facilitator will choose a number (1-5). This person shares the response from their group
Ø  Facilitator will go through each sub question until the larger question is discussed as an entire group
Actions you may see… / Slides 14, 15
Activity #2 – Web
Slide 16
5 minutes / Section 2
Exploring Shared Values / Slide 17
Accessing –Video Clip: Exploring Shared Values / Slide 18
5 minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussion
Moving to Action / Slide 19
15 minutes / Activating and Engaging: Mission Statement Scramble

Activity #3 - Mission Statement Scramble

Ø  The table groups review the examples of mission statements provided
Ø  5 common values need to be agreed upon and removed from the mission statements
Ø  The group will prioritize them in terms of their ‘shared values’ at the table (these can be aligned with previous experiences in the table group’s own schools)
Ø  The group will prepare to share out to others the priority and meaning for each value as agreed upon by the group / Slide 20
Mission Statements activity sheet
Section 3
Evidence For Learning / Slide 21
5 minutes / Accessing – Video Clip: Evidence for Learning / Slide 22
5 minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussion
Schools are Data Rich Environments
Leadership – Evidence for Learning / Slides 23, 24
15 minutes / Activating and Engaging: Question Bank

Activity 4 - Evidence For Learning - Question Bank

Ø  Create a bank of questions you would use to clarify the purpose of interpreting data
Ø  Create these questions as if they were being used to seek more information during a one on one meeting with a staff member
Ø  Pair, Share: share your questions with a partner. - Take turns role playing the principal and teacher. / Slide 25
Question Bank
5 minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussion
Sources of Evidence / Slide 26
Section 4
The Ongoing Intention / Slide 27
5 minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussion
Leadership – The Ongoing Intention / Slide 28
5 minutes / Accessing – Video Clip: The Ongoing Intention / Slide 29
15 minutes / Activating and Engaging: Getting Started – Hot Potato

Activity 5 - Hot Potato

Ø  The larger group is broken into smaller groups (5 - 7 people)
Ø  The facilitator will pose a series of questions. One question at a time. Members will be given 30 seconds to think about a response and then the music will play.
Ø  As the music plays, table members will pass the chart paper and pen around. When the music stops, the person who has the pen writes the responses on the chart.
Ø  The facilitator will give the group 5 minutes to review what is on the chart paper. During this time group members can respond or ask for clarification from comments written by others. / Slides 30, 31
Chart Paper
5 minutes / Exploring and Discovering: Discussions
Actions / Slides 32, 33
10 minutes / Closure: Final Thoughts
Questions/Thoughts/Reflections / Slide 34
Post Assessment: Ticket Out / Slide 35
Follow Up Activities: Continuing to Explore and Discover Clarifying Purpose

Activity #1 - Mission Statements to Student Achievement

Ø  How do mission statements and priorities become truly learner centered?
Sharing of Examples:
Ø  Consider ways that your mission statement comes to life in your school.
Ø  How is your mission statement learner centered?
Ø  How are your priority values demonstrated within the classroom, and within the culture of the school?

Activity #2 - Treasure Hunt

Ø  Choose a few different sources of data (Formative vs. Summative)
Ø  Look at what the data is telling you
Ø  Prioritize the most important trends you see from the data
Ø  Separate or identify groups of students who are ‘at risk’
Ø  Create an action plan with the purpose of increasing student achievement
Ø  When creating the plan, embed values that connect with commitments people will be making to see the plan through

Activity #3 - Evaluation vs. Supervision

Set the Stage - Going through the Process
Setting - Choose the subject area (i.e. art, math, language arts) and grade level
Character - Choose the teacher and experience level of the teacher
Plot - It is the evaluation year for this teacher. You are trying to ensure the process is worth while so that learning occurs. In your initial evaluation process meeting with the teacher. Describe how you would clarify the purpose for learning. Write some things down that would help guide the conversation between you and this teacher. Some things to think about...What values are in place for your school? How is Evaluation vs. Supervision defined in the school? What are the structures in place to support the process? How are you going to ensure there is a balance of professional and personal conversations along the journey? What data will you use and look at together to help guide the process?
Once you have completed writing the ‘mock’ script you would use, take turns with a partner role playing the scenario. Make sure your partner (the teacher) links their ‘role’ to the setting and character that has been described.

Clarifying Purpose

Participants’ Agenda – 2 hour Program
Section 1: Developing a Common Language
Section 2: Exploring Shared Values
Section 3: Evidence for Learning
Section 4: The Ongoing Intention

Clarifying Purpose


Clarifying Purpose - Survey

Definition: “An essential part of leadership is the creation of a performance-oriented culture that has professional learning and collaboration at its core (Sparks, 2005).” Clarifying purpose means ensuring that professional relationships, staff collaboration, learner-focused dialogue, and systems and supports are focused on improving learning for all with clear expectations, progress monitoring, and mutual accountability.

For the following statements, please rate each statement in TWO ways:

1.  How prevalent is each practice used in your school right now?

2.  To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Level of Use / Level of Agreement
Please rate each practice as:
1 Used once a reporting period
2 Used once a month
3 Used twice a month
4 Used weekly
5 Used daily / Please rate each statement as:
1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Undecided
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree
Practice / Current Level of Use
(1 to 5) / Statement / Personal Level of Agreement
(1 to 5)
1 / Data and other evidence used in learner focused dialogue. / Data and other evidence are the basis for all learner focused dialogue.
2 / Staff, individually, set measurable targets for improving student learning. / Staff, individually, set measurable targets for improving student learning.
3 / Staff, collectively within groups, set measurable targets for improving student learning. / Staff, collectively within groups, create and follow action plans to achieve targets for improving student learning.
4 / Staff, individually, create and follow action plans to achieve targets for improving student learning. / Staff, individually, create and follow action plans to achieve targets for improving student learning.
Practice / Current Level of Use
(1 to 5) / Statement / Personal Level of Agreement
(1 to 5)
5 / Staff, collectively within groups, create and follow action plans to achieve targets for improving student learning. / Staff, collectively within groups, create and follow action plans to achieve targets for improving student learning.
6 / Staff action plans and targets, for individuals and groups, are the primary vehicle for achieving the school’s annual growth plan. / Staff action plans and targets, for individuals and groups, are the primary vehicle for achieving the school’s annual growth plan.
7 / Staff, individually, create and use classroom assessments to monitor student progress to achieve targets. / Staff, individually, create and use classroom assessments to monitor student progress to achieve targets.
8 / Staff, collectively within groups, create and use classroom assessments to monitor student progress to achieve targets. / Staff, collectively within groups, create and use classroom assessments to monitor student progress to achieve targets.
9 / Staff use protocols to examine student work together to assess student understanding and barriers to improved learning. / Staff use protocols to examine student work together to assess student understanding and barriers to improved learning.
10 / Student work that demonstrates improvements in learning is displayed throughout the school. / Student work that demonstrates improvements in learning is displayed throughout the school.
Practice / Current Level of Use
(1 to 5) / Statement / Personal Level of Agreement
(1 to 5)
11 / Staff action plans, targets, and evidence of work to improve teaching and learning is publicly shared and displayed. / Staff action plans, targets, and evidence of work to improve teaching and learning is publicly shared and displayed.

What are five activities that you use to clarify purpose with your staff?