Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

University of South Florida

November 5, 2009

Attendance: Alex Dunbar, Victor Basantes, Palan Seemangal, Chris Potter, Mike Taube, Brendan Turnbull, Olti Tase, Gin Perez, Dr. Fehr, Dr. Schnitzler

Officer Meeting Minutes

·  Alex printed the flyers from HYPE. Victor has the speakers and room.

·  Advertisement needs to be done. Victor is putting them in business and CIS. Mike is going to put them in the dorms. Alex will take Cooper and library.

·  Alex needs to e-mail Cherine to get her to e-mail everyone about S-PAC.

·  Alex and Palan are putting in the order for food for S-PAC.

·  Alex looked into embassy suites and their galleria is open Dec.4.

·  We have to decide catering with Aramark or embassy suites. We also have to decide a speaker for the Senior banquet. Chris and Brendan will look for a speaker. Mike e-mail Irene about recent graduate list. Christi Basch would be a good candidate. Alex will get a google.doc going for possible speakers with info on the speakers. Dr. Schnitzler has some contacts for speakers.

·  Alex got a name from Dr. Ferekides, Tom Murphy with Titan America, who would be willing to give tours of his company and wants to get more involved with USF societies. Alex will contact him about the banquet.

·  Alex and Gin will work on the posterboard and take it down to the fishbowl.

·  Dr. Fehr brought up a good thing to do which would be to write a paper for southeast conference. It is due December 1.

·  T-shirt competition for southeast conference would be good as well.

·  Gin is going to contact EXPO group for the meeting times.

·  Alex is going to contact IEEE newsletter people.

IEEE USF, University of South Florida, 4202 East Fowler Ave., Tampa, FL 33620

Minutes taken by: Chris Potter