Political Parties Webquest




  • One of the founding principles of the American system of government is the necessity of compromise. This has ultimately led to the formation of two major political parties: the Democrats and the Republicans.
  • The purpose of this assignment is to help you determine the beliefs of these two major political parties.
  • This project will consist of a series of four (4) specific tasks and assignments. These should be completed in the order/sequence listed below.

Step 1: Background Reading

Step 2: Basic Definitions

Step 3: 2 Major Parties Research

Step 4: Positions of Minor Political Parties

NOTE: In addition to this hard copy, electronic copies of the assignment and worksheets are available online at my website (posted in “Class Presentations” section).


Step 1: Background Reading

What is a political party?

What do political parties do?

Why do we have a two party system?

In order to answer each of these questions and have the necessary background, you will need to read Chapter 5, Sections 1 & 2 in your Magruder's American Government textbook.

(We’ll review this in class on Wednesday & Thursday)

Step 2: Basic Definitions

What is the difference between left- and right-wing?

What does GOP stand for?

  • Before you are ready to start researching the political parties, you will need to have a basic understanding of terminology relating to the parties.
  • After reading the chapter and taking notes, complete the Political Party Definitionsworksheet.

Step 3: Party Research

  • Truly informed voters spend a considerable amount of time researching the platforms of each party. Now that you know the basic terminology, you are ready to take on this task.
  • Use the What Does Each Party Believe?worksheet to research the beliefs of each party.


  • Each of the major political parties has a specific belief on each of the issues listed on the worksheet (i.e., Federal Budget, Social Welfare, Abortion, etc.). Your assignment is to use the internet or other resources to determine the beliefs of each party.
  • In the appropriate column, write the party's stance and list the source used to determine it. In the final column, jot down your beliefs. They may be similar to one of the parties, they may be different than both parties, or they may be a combination of both.

Political Party Web Sites

This is just a beginning list of potential resources. A wide variety of other sites are available. Be careful as you evaluate them. Some are naturally more accurate than others. Part of being a careful researcher is being able to determine the reliability of the source.


(Young Democrats)


(Young Republicans)

Step 4: Positions of Minor Political Parties

  1. Look at the web sites for the 4 minor political parties listed below and read the goals (sometimes called platforms) at the following web sites:
  2. Briefly describe/list 3 or 4 of the goals for each party.
  3. Green Party
  4. Libertarian Party
  5. Reform Party
  6. Socialist Party