Student Success/Educational & Career Planning

Spring 2008

PSYC 1171 – LC

Tuesdays @ 3:00

Thursday – work on E-text

Instructor:Stephanie Wilkinson

Academic Advisor – Behavioral Studies

D205, 371-5079


Office Hours: 8:30 to 11:30 Mon.-Thurs.

How to Contact the Instructor:

See me before or after class. You may schedule an appointment with me at or chat with me at advisorstephanie (Yahoo ID) . You may also call me at my office which is the least preferred method.

Required Text:

E-text purchased at the bookstore. CollegeScope. This looks like a credit card with an access code.

Course Objectives:

1. Personal Growth and Life Management

  • Personality, interests and values
  • Life time goals
  • Time and money management
  • Interpersonal communication
  • Appreciation of diversity
  • Life stages
  • Motivation

2. Career Assessment and Research

  • Analyze personality, interests and values to select an appropriate college major and career
  • Create an educational plan consistent with major and career choice
  • Analyze employment trends and impact of technology on future career choice
  • Assess work skills necessary for success in the 21st Century
  • Complete career research project on a career that matches personality, interests and values
  • Practice decision-making techniques

3. Lifelong Learning

  • Apply psychological principles of learning to practical learning tasks in college and throughout life
  • Apply learning principles to reading, note taking and test taking
  • Evaluate learning style and select appropriate learning strategies for lifelong learning
  • Assess multiple intelligences
  • Complete a behavioral modification project to change or begin a pattern of behavior (habit)
  • Practice effective writing techniques

4. Health and Wellness

  • Assess wellness: physical, nutritional, alcohol and drugs, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual
  • Develop a personal wellness action plan
  • Understand the physiology of stress and practice stress management techniques
  • Practice techniques for relieving test anxiety
  • Examine strategies for successful longevity

5. Critical and Creative Thinking

  • Describe fallacies in reasoning
  • Practice a critical thinking process
  • Apply a creative thinking process
  • Practice techniques for positive thinking

6. Use of technology

  • WebAdvisor
  • Email
  • MyAC
  • Internet


Read the chapters, complete the quizzes and journal entries prior to your scheduled class time. You will be required to read approximately one chapter per week. In order to receive full credit for your assignments, they must be completed before the class meets.

Grading Criteria:

Check your grades at (MyAC).

  1. DWYA & PEPS Inventories /Chapter Assignments, Journals & Exercises 33%
  2. Career Research & Presentation 33%
  3. Midterm 33%
  4. Participation1%

Breakdown of points:

Each chapter is worth 3 points (33 total), the Career Paper is worth 33 points, the Midterm is worth 33 points and participation is worth 1 point. This could be the difference between an A and B, B and C, C and D or passing so be sure to participate in class. Participation begins with preparation (doing your chapters).

90-100 points = A

80-89 points = B

70-79 points = C

60-69 points = D

0-59 points = F

How to Make the Instructor Happy:

  1. Arrive to class on time. However, better late than never.
  2. Be prepared for class. However, come to class even if you are not prepared.
  3. Show respect by listening to other students’ opinions and ideas.
  4. Feel free to express your own opinions and ideas.
  5. Appreciate differences such as culture, language, economic background, academic ability, physical disability or lifestyle.

How to Irritate the Instructor:

Ask the following questions:

  1. Did I miss anything important last time? Everything we do is important.
  2. I’ll be absent next week. Will I miss anything important? Yes, you will.
  3. What is the assignment? Consult your calendar, but ask if questions.

How to Irritate the Instructor and Other Students:

  1. Talking while another student is talking.
  2. Talking while the instructor is talking.
  3. Interrupting the class with your cell phone.


Attendance is essential. If you are tardy or leave early, your participation grade will be affected. If you miss 3 days, your letter grade will be dropped one grade level.

Disability Statement

Any student who, because of a disabling condition, may require some special arrangements in order to meet course requirements should contact DisAbility Services (SSC Room 119 or call (806) 371-5436) as soon as possible.

Complete Ch 3 for next meeting (Handout) / Tuesday 01/15/08
Go over the online e-text and start completing the DWYA and PEPS Inventory
Chapter 3 Improving Memory & Reading to be discussed in PSYC 2301 class / Tuesday 1/22/08
Chapter 1 Understanding Motivation / 1/29/08
Chapter 2 Managing Time / 2/5/08
Chapter 5 – Taking Notes / 2/12/08
Chapter 4 – Test Taking / 2/19/08
Work in Groups to Prep for PSCY 2301 Test / 2/26/08
Chapter 6 - Exploring Your Personality & Major / 3/4/08
Chapter 7 – Learning Style & Intelligence
Midterm Opens / 3/11/08
Chapter 8 - Exploring Interests & Values / 3/25/08
Speaker or film / 4/1/08
Speaker or film
Go Over WebAdvisor & Degree Plans / 4/8/08
Registration / 4/15/08
Chapter 12 - Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle / 4/22/08
Chapter 9 - Planning your Career & Education & Ch 10 Communication & Relationships
Talk about PSYC EXAM / 4/29/08
Career Research & Presentation / Finals Schedule
Reminder: Chapters, quizzes and journals entries are to be completed prior to the class meeting listed in the right column. / GRADE Distribution
59 and Below

Materials Required:

  1. E-text
  2. Folder or Binder for class materials***
  3. Spiral***
  4. AmarilloCollegePlanner/Calendar***

*** Bring text, binder, and calendar to class each day unless otherwise notified.