Covenant Community Church

Congregational Meeting

October 4, 2015

12:10 PM

The meeting was called to order at 12:10PM by Council Chair Chuck Ullrich.

Pastor Joe opened with prayer.

Gail G. established that a quorum was present.

Pastor Joe began with apologizing for hiring our two new interns prior to our meeting. He then read our Relational Covenant.

Quarterly Update – Art Tucker

Art T gave a brief quarterly update of the finances.

News continues to be good. For the first ninemonths of the year our giving continues to be over budget. Our expenses also continue to be under budget.

Art also noted our special funds continue to be well funded. Art opened floor for questions. No questions were expressed.

Chuck began by discussing the reason for this meeting, namely s change to our budget to allow the hiring of an aide for Kristen Buddies as well as the hiring of two interns.

As Kristen has grown older it has become more important that we are able to furnish professional help to assist our volunteers with Kristen’s care during worship services. Council has approved the search for this aide and is now coming to the Congregation for approval of the hiring of this aide. No questions were posed to Chuck.

The discussion then turned to our interns. Pastor Joe noted that he will be working with Christian Formation to determine what is needed in the future. In the meantime, Pastor Joe suggested that interns could be a good fit for us. Shelby immediately said yes. Pastor Joe found out that Corey is actually in a pastoral program. Corey was happy to come on board in this capacity.

Joyce Arnold asked what Corey’s job duties would be. Pastor Joe indicated that the duties were outlined in the job description.

It was noted that each intern would receive a stipend of $500 per month and that this would amount to about $3500 for 2015.

There were paper ballots for the vote which Marlene Evans and Millicent Delozier will count. Only members should vote.

Fred Guthrie noted there was still mulch if anyone is interested in buying it.

Jim Fields asked if the aide is a Christian, Amy Wolff confirmed that she is a Christian.

Pastor Joe commented that both interns are also Christians.

Chuck U shared the results of the vote – Overwhelming yes for the new aide and our two interns.

Amy Wolff also gave a little background on our new aide, Roslyn Grant. She worked at Children’s Hospital.

Pastor Joe closed in prayer at 12:33 PM.

Minutes submitted by:

Gail Garrison

Council Recording Secretary

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