Tree Registration

Nomination 152 PTR152

Species: Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa)

Location: Block 9 Section 8 Braddon

Location of Catalpa speciosa PTR 152 in Braddon



Details of tree

Street address / 150 Northbourne Avenue Braddon
Location on block / Western frontage of the block
Botanical name: / Catalpa speciosa
Common name: / Western catalpa
Tree height / 12m
Canopy broadest diameter: / 25m
Description of radial measurement /
Canopy radial measurement / R1:12.0m
R2: 8.0m
R3: 13.0m
R4: 11.0m
Trunk circumference: / 4.8m
Number of trunks: / 2
Grid co-ordinates:
MGA / X 693,878.867
Y 6,095,259.270

Registration Criteria that presently apply, other criteria may apply after further assessment.

(2) Landscape and aesthetic value

The object of this value is to identify trees that are of particular importance to the community due to their substantial contribution to the surrounding landscape.

A tree may be considered to be of landscape and aesthetic value if it is situated in a prominent location when viewed from a public place and it:

(a) contributes significantly to the surrounding landscape based on its overall form, structure, vigour and aesthetic values; or

(b) represents an outstanding example of the species, including age, size or habit; or

(c) is an exceptional example of a locally native species that reached maturity prior to urban development in its immediate vicinity.

Statement against the Criteria

This tree is a magnificant example of the species and contributes greatly to the surrounding landscape. It is located on one of the major entry roads to Canberra meaning it is viewed by thousands of Canberrans and visitors to Canberra each day. In summer, it provides a grand display of flowers. The large leaves are also an outstanding feature of this beautiful tree. This tree is therefore a worthy addition to the ACT Tree Register due to its exceptional landscape and aesthetic value.

Nomination 152


Catalpa speciosa (Western catalpa)

ACT Tree Register


Pursuant to Division 7.2 of the Tree Protection Act 2005 as the Conservator of Flora and Fauna the following decision has been made under section 52(1) to enter or not enter the above tree(s) to the ACT Tree Register



Dr A. Lane

Conservator of Flora and Fauna 30/6/2015

Requests for further information should be made to:

Tree Protection Unit Telephone: (02) 6207 8145

PO Box 158 Facsimile: (02) 6207 5956

Canberra City, ACT 2601 Email:

Tree Management Plan for Registered Tree

PTR152 Braddon Catalpa speciosa



Details of tree

Tree Location / 150 Northbourne Avenue Braddon
Identification number / PTR152
Botanical Name / Catalpa speciosa
Common Name / Western catalpa
Height / 12.0m
Trunk circumference at 1 metre / 4.8m
Canopy diameter / 25.0m
General health and vigour / Excellent
Past damage or disturbance / Alterations to ground cover & installation of a fire hydrant in Tree Protection Zone
Current Growth stage / Mature
Tree Quality Classification / Excellent
Risk Mitigation / Regular inspections

Minor Pruning work on a Registered Tree or a Provisionally Registered Tree shall only be undertaken by a qualified Arborist with a level (IV) certificate or equivalent. Please see detailed notes under Future Development below.

An arborist with certificate (III) in Arboriculture may undertake the work, under direct supervision of a level (V) Arborist using current Australian Standard 4373 Pruning of amenity trees as a guide.

Major Pruning can only be undertaken after receiving approval from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna (the Conservator) following consultation with the Tree Protection Unit and the lodgement of a Tree Damaging Activity application. However, it is recommended that this tree not be majorly pruned at present as pruning would dramatically diminish the aesthetic value of this tree.

With regards to future developments on the site, any scaffolding, if required, shall be erected in such a way that no additional pruning is required.

Ground works within the TPZ of a Registered Tree shall only be permitted after a Tree Damaging Activity application has been approved by the Conservator. The application must contain a Tree Management Plan containing details of how works will be carried out and what will be put in place to protect the tree.

The Australian Standard 4970-2009 Protection of trees on development sites and the

Tree Protection (Guidelines for Tree Management Plans) Determination 2007 should be consulted in the preparation of the Tree Management Plan.

Removal of a registered tree shall only be undertaken after receiving approval from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna (the Conservator) following consultation with the Tree Protection Unit and the lodgement of a Tree Damaging Activity application.

Future Development

Any future developments of the site within the TPZ of the tree shall only be permitted after a Tree Damaging Activity application has been approved by the Conservator. The application must contain a Tree Management Plan containing details of the development and tree protection measures.

The Tree Protection Act 2005 (the Act) provides for the Conservator to give approval in the form of a Tree Management Plan. A Tree Management Plan is essentially an ongoing approval to undertake tree damaging activities or groundwork within the Tree Protection Zone of protected trees.

The Act provides for a streamlined assessment process for tree protection matters in development applications.

A Tree Management Plan included as part of a development application may be approved prior to development application lodgment and may be amended as part of the assessment process. Any tree damaging or groundwork activities that are not included in the Tree Management Plan still require approval from the Conservator.

Specific Conditions

1.  Regular inspections should be undertaken by a qualified arborist to ensure the tree remains in good condition. (Five-year intervals would be considered appropriate).

2.  Lopping is not permitted.

3.  The installation of irrigation should not include trenching within 5 metres of the natural canopy of the tree. Above ground dripper systems are permitted.

4.  Watering the tree will be left to lessee’s discretion. Restrictions will apply subject to ACTEW and the ACT Government guidelines. In circumstances where water restrictions apply the conditions outlined within the restrictions will prevail. Information regarding water conservation and current restrictions are available on the ACTEW web site. The web address is noted below:

5.  As the root zone has had recent alterations, it is requested that substantial work history/details is provided with any Tree Management Plans submitted to the Conservator for approval. This will ensure an accurate picture of the trees health and condition so that an informed decision can be made.

6.  The installation of lights within the tree shall only be undertaken after receiving approval from the Conservator of Flora and Fauna (the Conservator) following consultation with the Tree Protection Unit and the lodgement of a Tree Damaging Activity form. The installation shall be in line with the following:

-  Lights are to be attached to Velcro strapping with no more than 1.5 wraps around each of the attachment point, leaving a minimum two finger gap between the bark layer and the Velcro strap.

-  Lighting must not be placed on the ends of limbs approximately 2 metres from the end of branches.

Conservator of Flora and Fauna ...... ………... 30/6/2015