Workshop:Biodiversity and Water

– Links between EU nature and water legislation –

Representation of Northrhine-Westfalia to the EU

Rue Montoyer 47, 1000 Bruxelles

17-18 June 2010


Last Name / First Name / Organisation / Affiliation (Member State/NGO. Stakeholder group) / Email
Arvela / Marita / ETC Biological Diversity / EEA /
Bauernfeind / Maximilian / DG MOVE / COM /
Bäumel / Egon / Government of the Province of Styria / AT /
Baumueller / Andreas / WWF European Policy Office (EPO) / NGO /
Beckmann / Claus / BASF – The Chemical Company / Stakeholder /
Bender / Michael / Gruene Liga/EEB / NGO /
Berrozpe-Garcia / Carlos / DGENV / COM /
Borchardt / Gustaaf / DGENV / COM /
Born / Charles-Hubert / Université Catholique de Louvain / BE /
Bosze / Szilvia / DGENV / COM /
Brooke / Jan / UK WFD Navigation Task Group/PIANC / Stakeholder /
Bruchon / Franck / FR /
Byrne / Colin / Dept of Environment Heritage & Local Government / IE /
Camacho / Antonio / Ministry of Environment, and Rural and Marine Affairs of Spain / ES /
Cardona / Claudine / Malta Environment and Planning Authority / MT /
Cardoso / Ana Cristina / JRC / Researcher /
Casazza / Gianna / DGENV / COM /
Castel-Exner / Claudia / EUREAU / Stakeholder /
Cenni / Mario / IT
Chrysopolitou / Vasiliki / Spesial Secretrariat for Water of the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Climate Change. / GR /
Codling / Ian / WRc / COM /
Cooper / Glen / Natural England / UK /
Cortellini / Liliana / Ministry of the Environment / IT /
Curelea / Ramona / Ministerul Mediului / RO /
D’Antoni / Susanna / Institute for Environmental Protection and Research / IT /
de Hemptinne / Frederic / EWA / Stakeholder /
De Shepper / Karin / Inland Navigation Europe / Stakeholder /
de Wit / Pim / Port of Rotterdam/ESPO / Stakeholder /
den Haan / Klaas / CONCAWE / Stakeholder /
Debiec / Barbara / National Water Management Authority (KZGW) / PL /
Dinesen / Lars / Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning / DK /
Dotti / Federica / DGENV / COM /
Drocourt / Claire / MEEDDM-DGALN / FR /
Drüke / Joachim / DE /
Elbersen-van der Straten / Jeanine / Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality / NL /
Ferreira / Joao / Instituto da Água-IP / PT /
Fragakis / Christos / DG RTD / COM /
Freyhof / Jörg / Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin / Researcher /
Fridolin / Herdis / Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation Dept / EE /
Galvan / Rogelio / Planning Bureau of the Ebro River Basin District / ES
Gammeltoft / Peter / DGENV / COM /
Gätel / Dominique / EUREAU / Stakeholder /
Ghione / François / MEEDDM-DGALN / FR /
Ginalski / Andrzej / National Water Management Authority (KZGW) / PL /
Gnittke / Inka / Federal Ministry on the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety / DE /
Grohs / Sibylle / DG ENV / COM /
Hamer / Mick / ECPA / Stakeholder /
Hidalgo / Rafael / Ministry of Environment, and Rural and Marine Affairs of Spain / ES /
Hochfeld / Boris / HamburgPort Authority / Stakeholder /
Howell / David / SEO/Birdlife / NGO /
Hödl-Kreuzbauer / Edith / Austrian Federal Environment Agency / AT /
Hoffmann / Andreas / Umweltbundesamt / DE /
Horn / Jennifer / WRc / COM /
Hosek / Michael / Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the CzechRepublic / CZ /
Ingendahl / Detlev / Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz NRW / DE /
Iversen / Anders / Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management / NO /
Jaensch / Dominik / Federation of German Chemical Industries (VCI) / Stakeholder /
Jekel / Heide / Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety / DE /
Jula / Graziella / Ministerul Mediului / RO /
Karottki / Ivan / Agency for Spatial and Environmental Planning / DK /
Keto / Antton / Finnish Environment Institute / FI /
Keulen / Christine / Walloon Ministry (DGARNE) / BE /
Köhler / Ralf / DE /
Kokko / Aira / Finnish Environment Institute / FI /
Kremer / Francois / DG ENV / COM /
Krol / Durk / EUREAU / Stakeholder /
Krolopp / András / Nature Conservation / HU /
Lauff / Max / LU /
Leiner / Stefan / DG ENV / COM /
Lucas / Thierry / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) / UNEP /
Lyche Solheim / Anne / EEA ETC Water / EEA /
Magdaleno / Fernando / Ministry of Environment, and Rural and Marine Affairs of Spain / ES /
Maier / Cornelia / Umweltdachverband / AT /
Mair / Raimund / DG ENV / COM /
Martens / Koen / Flemish Environmental Agency / BE /
Martin / Angel / ECPA / Stakeholder /
Matser / Marcel / Institute for Infrastructure and Innovation /
Meine / Manfred / HamburgPort Authority / Stakeholder /
Moroz / Sergey / WWF European Policy Office (EPO) / NGO /
Nachtergaele (back-up) / Lieven / Nature and Forest Agency / BE /
Netz / Bernd-Ulrich / State Agency for Agriculture, Environment and rural areas of the German State Schleswig-Holstein (LLUR) / DE /
Neumann / Frank / Institute for Infrastructure and Innovation /
O’Briain / Micheal / DG ENV / COM / Micheal.O'
Olk / Christoph / Evonik Gmbh / Stakeholder /
Pedusaar / Tiia / Ministry of the Environment, Water Department / EE /
Pettiti / Laura / Ministry of the Environment / IT /
Plössnig / Christian / Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung / AT /
Plum / Nathalie / IKSR-Sekretariat / International Commission of the Rhine /
Pollard / Peter / SEPA / UK /
Pusch / Martin / Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Berlin / Researcher /
Reichard / Monique / LU /
Rejec Brancelj / Irena / Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning / SI /
Renaud / Charlotte / EURELECTRIC / Stakeholder /
Rodriguez Romero / Jorge / DGENV / COM /
Roels / Bas / Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality / NL /
Runge / Tania / Copa-Cogeca / Stakeholder /
Ryan / Jim / Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government / IE /
Schmedtje / Ursula / DG ENV / COM /
Schmülling / Ulrike / Federation of German Chemical Industries (VCI) / Stakeholder /
Schwaiger / Karl / Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management / AT /
Sergides / Lefkios / Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment / CY /
Setien / Elisa / EFCC (European Federation for Construction Chemicals) / Stakeholder /
Sides / Elizabeth / Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government / IE /
Silva / Mario / Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza e da Biodiversidade / PT /
Slavikova / Alena / Ministry of Environment / CZ /
Solvoll / Kjersti / Norwegian Directorate for Nature Management / NO /
Sorby / Lennart / River Basin District Authorities / SE /
Suda Lanzon / Nadia / Malta Environment and Planning Authority / MT /
Sundseth / Kerstin / Ecosystems / BE /
Tranvik / Lena / Species Information Centre, Swedish EPA / SE /
Teller / Anne / DG ENV / COM /
Underhill / Ralph / RSPB/EEB / NGO /
Valente / Marta / Ministry of the Environment / IT /
van de Bund / Wouter / JRC / Researcher /
van den Berg / Marcel / Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management / NL /
van den Berg / Andre / Afdeling Ruimte Wonen en Natuur / NL /
Van Den Bergh / Erika / Research Institute forNature and Forest / BE /
van der Molen / Diederik / Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management / NL /
Verbücheln / Georg / Head of Department 2: Nature and Land Conservation, Fisheries / DE /
Vertegaal / Paul / Natuurmonumenten / NL /
Vial / Jean-Claude / Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and Marine Affairs Department / FR /
Villmann / Agnes / Ministry of the Environment of Estonia, Marine Environment Department / EE /
Wallace / Rory / DEFRA / UK /
Weil / Stephane / FR /
Welschbillig / Nora / LU /
Werner / Beate / EEA - Water / EEA /
Whale / Graham / CONCAWE / Stakeholder /
Whitmore / Gavin / ECPA / Stakeholder /
Wild-Metzko / Sonja / HamburgPort Authority / Stakeholder /
Willemsen / Albert / ICOMIA - EE / Stakeholder /
Wolff / Frank / LU /
Zagyva / Andrea / Ministry of Environment and Water in Hungary / HU /
Ziegler / Christine / Evonik Gmbh / Stakeholder /

As of 15.6.2010.