Modern World History Unit 1 Philosophe Research Presentation75points

Objective: To reinforce and expand upon the central ideas of the Enlightenment and the political ideas of the Philosophes (and a few more)

Assignment: Working with a small group, students will be assigned a Philosophe from the Enlightenment period (or a political thinker from history), complete the required research, and present their findings to the class.

Requirements: Written (25 points)

Research – Complete in-depth research of the main points identified for your assigned Philosophe. Your group members are the “experts” on your Philosophe’s background, education, family, and MAIN IDEAS about government!!!

  1. Bibliography (5 points)with a minimum of five sources
  2. Two-sided Note Sheet (20 points)to be handed out to the class during the presentation that includes:
  1. Anoutline/explanation of the main points about government
  2. Primary Source from the Philosophe’s most famous book (one-two paragraphs)
  3. Quote from the Philosophe with explanation
  4. Song Lyrics of a song that embody the Philosophe’s main ideas
  5. Explanation of the connection to our government or society
  6. Constitution? Declaration of Independence? Election of 2016? Etc…

Requirements: Presentation (50 points)

  1. 6-10 minute presentation that includes:
  2. Two-sided note sheet that includes the information indicated above
  3. Powerpoint with a minimum of seven slides
  4. Complete explanation of the main ideas
  5. Analysis (with a reading) of the Primary Source
  6. Playing the chosen part/lyrics of the song and explaining the connection
  7. Clear explanation of the Philosophe connection to our government or society

Grading (See Rubric)

The Books and Main Ideas of the Philosophes…and a Few Others

Book / Some Main Ideas to be Researched, Presented and Discussed
Aristotle Politics / The original idea of “political science”
Politics is an organism not a machine, and gives people the opportunity for a good life
Community is most important (a city-state)
◦Man is governed by Natural Laws, Ethics and morality
“Man is by nature a social animal”
Niccolo MachiavelliThe Prince / About leaders (“Princes”) and whether they should be loved or feared
A “guidebook” for rulers
◦They should be Shrewd, Manipulative & Selfish
Princes are NOT concerned with what is morally right, but in maintaining their own power
“The ends justify the means”
Rene Descartes Discourse on the Method /
  • Search for knowledge using logic
Doubt everything until proven
People must change their old ideas
Provisional moral code (good vs evil)
“I think, therefore I am”
Baron de Montesquieu On the Spirit of Laws /
  • People are generally insecure
Checks and balances
Three branches
Separation of powers
“Power should be a check to power”
Voltaire Candide / Enlightened Monarch
Freedom of:
◦Separation of Church and State
“I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Social Contract / Agreed with democracy, only our environment (government) restricts us with Civil society and general will
State of Nature
His views on education
“Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains”
Adam SmithThe Wealth of Nations / Free-market Capitalism
An “invisible hand” would guide the economy
Laissez-faire – government should be hands-off of the economy
The real tragedy of the poor is the poverty of their aspirations
James MadisonBill of RightsU.S. Constitution / Representative government
Designed the Federal System
Calvinist ideas
“Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power”
Mary WollstonecraftA Vindication of the Rights of Woman / Equal rights and Better education needed for women
A society based on reason and logic
Enalienable rights
Women’s sufferage
“Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience.”
Karl Marx
The Communist Manifesto / Predicted that the workers would someday REVOLT against the wealthy
Class struggle Capitalism would destroy itself
Dictatorship of the proletariat
“Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains”
Philosophe / Main Ideas
Aristotle / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Niccolo Machiavelli / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Rene Descartes / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Baron de Montesquieu / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Voltaire / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Jean-Jacques Rousseau / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Adam Smith / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
James Madison / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Mary Wollstonecraft / Background:
Her Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:
Karl Marx / Background:
His Main Ideas:
Most Famous Book/Quote:
Connection to today:

Modern World History Philosophe and Enlightenment Presentation Rubric

Philosophe: ______
Student Names: ______
Presentation______/50 Bibliography_____/5 Note Sheet______/20



CATEGORY / 10-9 / 8-7 / 6-5 / 4<
Organization / Student presents info in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow. Presentation lasts 6-10 minutes. / Student presents info logical sequence that audience can follow. Presentation is longer or shorter than 6-10 minutes. / Audience has difficulty following presentation because presenter jumps around. Presentation is much longer or shorter than 6-10 minutes. / Audience cannot understand presentation bcz there is no sequence of information. Presentation is significantly longer or shorter than 6-10 min.
Content Knowledge / Shows a full understanding of the topic with explanations and elaborations. Answers all questions / Shows a good understanding of the topic, but does not elaborate. Answers most questions. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. Answers some questions / Does not seem to understand the topic very well. Cannot answer questions.
Visuals / The PP shows considerable work/creativity which makes presentation considerably better. / The PP shows work/creativity and which make the presentation better. / The PP is complete and may make the presentation better. / The PP is incomplete and may even detract from the presentation.
Creativity / Student shows creativity in presenting information. / Student shows some creativity in presenting information / Student shows little creativity in presenting information. / Student shows no creativity in presenting information.
Speaking Skills / Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, and mispronounces no words. Attire is professional.
Obvious practice / Speaks clearly and distinctly all (100-95%) the time, but mispronounces a few words. Attire is appropriate.
Practice is evident / Speaks clearly and distinctly most (94-85%) of the time. Mispronounces some words. Attire is adequate.
Little evident practice / Often mumbles or can not be understood OR mispronounces many words. Attire is inappropriate.
No evident practice

Written Work

5 / 4 / 3 / 2-0
Bibliography / Contains minimum 5 sources and proper MLA format / Contains 4 or 5 sources and/or improper MLA format / Contains 3 or 4 sources and/or improper MLA format / Contains less than 3 sources and/or improper MLA format
20-18 / 17-16 / 15-12 / 11-0
Note Sheet / Contains all required elements and assists in student understanding. / Contains most required elements and assists in student understanding. / Contains some required elements and may assist in student understanding. / Contains few required elements and does not assist in student understanding.
