Westover Green Community School

Westover Green, Bridgwater, Somerset TA6 7HB

Headteacher: Heather Good

Deputy Head: Richard Rosslyn

Telephone: 01278 422943 Fax: 01278 446003



Cedar Class Summer Term Newsletter

Dear Parents/ Carers,

We hope that you had a restful holiday and found lots of opportunities to enjoy the lovely weather. Amazingly, we are now entering the third and final term of year 4 and have an exciting term of learning ahead of us! We are particularly looking forward to some of the interesting topics that we have in store and some trips out to Noah’s Ark Zoo farm, and the YMCA.

Below we have put together information about the topics your children will be learning about as well as useful information and dates.

Topics this term

Half term 1 / Half term 2
English: Stories by a significant author (Secret Seven by Enid Blyton) & Persuasion texts/letters linked to the story of the Kapok Tree. / English: Explanation texts, Newspaper reports, recounts.
Maths: Decimals, Money, Perimeter. / Maths: Angles, Shape & Symmetry, Position and Direction, Statistics, Area, Time.
Science: Habitats and Food Chains / Science: Habitats and Food Chains. Geology: Volcanoes and Rock information.
History/Geography: Rainforests (cross curricular) Mapping and features of a rainforest. / History/Geography: Features of a rainforest, Volcanoes.
Art: Collage, colour washes and painting / Art: Rainforest animals D&T: Making Volcanoes
PE: (outdoor) Striking and Fielding games and athletics. / PE: (outdoor) Striking and Fielding games and athletics.
RE: Islam / RE: Islam
Computing: Comics / Computing: Designing a game


Thank you for all of your hard work with homework over the year. The children are now much better in completing their homework each week, which is brilliant to see. Now that the children are in the swing of completing it regularly, please continue to encourage them to do so. Homework will continue to be set each Wednesday, and collected in the following Wednesday. Homework is essential in order to encourage the children with their learning and help them to meet their learning targets. It is not just about reinforcing learning in the classroom, it also plays a key role in preparing the pupils for the future, in terms of improving organisational and study skills and developing independence.

Homework club will continue to run on a Monday after school until 4.00pm and in addition the children are welcome to come into the classroom to read or complete homework quietly most lunchtimes during the week. This is open to all of the children. To act as an incentive, there will also be the times table competition as well as the reading competition at the end of the half terms. Mrs Good’s ‘Homework Zone’ will take place again on a Wednesday for any children who have not completed their homework. However, we are hopeful that nobody from Cedar class will need to attend!


It may also be of use for you to know that Cedar Class PE sessions will be on a Tuesday (Outdoor) and a Thursday (indoor). Please make sure that a full PE kit is provided and kept in school, as on the run up to sports day, we will most probably do PE on additional days to practice. Can we remind you that earrings need to be able to be removed and long hair needs to be tied back.

Forest School

Forest school will run again. We will keep you informed as to when, when we have the dates confirmed. Please as always can you ensure your child has the suitable forest school clothing ready, as if children do not have their kit on the specified days then they will be unable to take part. Forest school kit is: wellies/old shoes that cover the whole foot and old clothing. Jeans or joggers and a long sleeved top/jumpers are perfect and a waterproof coat if raining!) Please note that shorts and t shirts are not allowed for safety reasons.


We are continuing with the attendance league and with only a term to go, it is getting exciting to see who will be going to McDonalds in a Limo, Hollywood bowl and ultimately the £100! As always it is essential that your child is in school on time for everyday they possibly can. If on the odd occassion illness strikes, please ensure you let the school office know by 8.45 am at the latest.

Keeping Safe in the sun

With the odd glimpse of sun we have had, it has been a reminder that the sun is strong even at this time of the year. With this in mind, please make sure on sunny days that your child comes to school having had sunscreen applied already at home and with a suitable sun hat. There are now very good ‘once a day’ sunscreens available to buy.

Dates for your diary

Monday 1st May – Bank Holiday

2nd May - 9th May – Forest school sessions are proposed to take place at some point over this time.

Wednesday 17th May – Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm trip

Tuesday 23rd May – YMCA activity day

Friday 26th May – Sports Morning (Sports morning will be weather depending)

Monday 29th May – Friday 2nd June – Half term

Thursday 6th July – Westover Green Summer Fayre

Tuesday 11th July – Reports afternoon – Details will come nearer the time.

Friday 21st July – End of term. Summer holidays start.

There may well be other additional activities that crop up over the term. We will keep you informed as and when they occur.

If you have any concerns or queries and would like to talk to us, as always, we are happy to do so. Although we are usually busy at the beginning of the day, we will always try and make time available at the end of that day or another suitable day/time.

Thank you very much for your on-going support. Here’s looking forward to another great term!

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Braund and Mrs K Barnes