
Hannah K. Knudsen, Ph.D.



University of Kentucky

College of Medicine

Department of Behavioral Science and

Center on Drug and Alcohol Research

845 Angliana Avenue, Room 204

Lexington, KY 40508

Phone: (859) 323-3947




University of Georgia, Ph.D. (Sociology) May 2003

Women’s Studies Certificate May 2003

University of Georgia, M.A. (Sociology) May 1999

University of Puget Sound, B.A. (Comparative Sociology) May 1997


Associate Professor with tenure, Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky (July 2013-present)

Faculty, Center on Drug and Alcohol Research, University of Kentucky (June 2007-present)

Associate Member, Graduate Faculty, Department of Sociology, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Kentucky (November 2009-present)

Assistant Professor, Department of Behavioral Science, College of Medicine, University of Kentucky (June 2007-June 2013)

Assistant Research Scientist, Center for Research on Behavioral Health and Human Services Delivery, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia (June 2003-May 2007)

Program Specialist, Center for Research on Behavioral Health and Human Services Delivery, Institute for Behavioral Research, University of Georgia, Athens, GA (January 2002-May 2003)


Current Support

Buprenorphine Treatment and Health Reform: Availability, Utilization, and Quality

NIDA Research Grant 1R21DA035641 (Year 1)/4R33DA035641 (Years 2-5)

Role: Principal Investigator

Funded 2013-2018

Total Award: $2,263,866

Kentucky TRIALS Substance Abuse and HIV Research Center

NIDA Research Grant No. 1U01DA036158

Funded 2013-2018

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Carl Leukefeld, University of Kentucky, PI)

Total Award: $3,463,588

Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior

NIDA Grant T32DA035200

Funded 2013-2018

Role: Associate Program Director (Dr. Craig Rush, University of Kentucky, PI/Program Director)

Total Award: $1,588,977

Adoption of Innovations in Private A&D Treatment Centers

NIDA Research Grant No. R37DA013110

Funded 2011-2016

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Paul Roman, University of Georgia, PI)

Total Sub-Award to UK: $43,987

QuitAdvisorDDS: A Point of Care Tobacco Cessation Tool for Dental Settings (Phase II)

NIDCR Grant R44DE021327

Funded 2013-2015

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Jamie Studts, University of Kentucky, Multiple PI with Mr. George Reynolds, Health Decision Technologies)

Total Award: $918,943

Completed Support

Smoking Cessation Interventions and Program Availability for Drug and Alcohol Addicted Low Income Populations in Substance Abuse Treatment

NIDA Research Grant R01DA028188

Funded 2011-2015

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Jessica Muilenberg and Dr. Lillian Eby, University of Georgia, Multiple PIs)

Total Sub-Award to UK: $68,274

Criminal Justice Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJDATS-2) Central States Center

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Research Grant No. 2U01DA016205

Funded 2008-2014

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Carl Leukefeld, University of Kentucky, PI)

Total Award: $2,638,804

QuitAdvisorOB: A Tool for Delivering Smoking Cessation Guidance to Pregnant Women

NIDA Research Grant No. R41DA032201

Funded 2012-2014

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Jamie Studts, University of Kentucky, Multiple PI with Mr. George Reynolds, Health Decision Technologies)

Total Award: $209,556

Use of Evidence-Based Practices in Alcoholism Treatment

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) Research Grant No. R01AA015974

Funded 2008-2014

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Paul Roman, University of Georgia, PI)

Total Sub-Award to UK: $129,587

CTN Membership and Adoption of Innovative Treatment Practices

NIDA Research Grant No. 2R01DA014482

Funded 2007-2013

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Paul Roman, University of Georgia, PI)

Total Sub-Award to UK: $168,254

Barriers to the Adoption of Pharmacotherapies in Publicly Funded Substance Abuse Treatment: Policy Barriers and Access to Physicians

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant No. 65111

Funded 2008-2012 (with no-cost extension)

Role: Principal Investigator

Total Award: $330,992

Smoking Cessation Practices in Community Treatment Programs

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Research Grant No. 1R01DA020757

Funded 2006-2011 (with no-cost extension)

Role: Principal Investigator

Total Award: $850,067

QuitAdvisorDDS: A Point of Care Smoking Cessation Tool for Dental Settings

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Grant No. 1R43DE021327

Funded 2010-2011

Role: Co-Investigator (Dr. Jamie Studts, University of Kentucky, Multiple PI, with Mr. George Reynolds, Health Decision Technologies)

Total Award: $196,615

Service Delivery and Use of Evidence-Based Treatment Practices in Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment Settings

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant No. 53130

Funded 2005-2008

Role: Principal Investigator

Total Award: $280,758

PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS (asterisk indicates role as corresponding author)

1.  Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (in press). The diffusion of acamprosate for the treatment of alcohol use disorder: A national longitudinal study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. NIHMS739753.

2.  Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (in press). Service delivery and pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder in the era of health reform: Data from a national sample of treatment organizations. Substance Abuse. E-publication ahead of print (April 20, 2015; DOI:10.1080/08897077.2015.1028699). NIHMS682410.

3.  Welsh, W., Prendergast, M., Knight, K., Knudsen, H., Monico, L., Gray, J., Abdel-Salam, S., Redden, S. M., Link, N., Hamilton, L., Shafer, M. S., & Friedman, P. D. (in press). Correlates of interorganizational service coordination in community corrections. Criminal Justice and Behavior. E-publication ahead of print (October 29, 2015, DOI: 10.1177/0093854815607306).

4.  Fields, D., Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (in press). Implementation of Network for the Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx) processes in substance use disorder treatment centers. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. E-publication ahead of print (May 2, 2015; DOI:10.1007/s11414-015-9466-7). NIHMS687092.

5.  Welsh, W., Knudsen, H. K., Knight, K., Ducharme, L., Friedmann, P. D., Pankow, J., Urbine, T., Lindsey, A., Abdel-Salam, S., Wood, J., Monico, L., Link, N., & Albizu-Garcia, C. (in press). Effects of an organizational linkage intervention on interorganizational service coordination between probation/parole agencies and community treatment providers. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. E-publication ahead of print (January 5, 2015; DOI:10.1007/s10488-014-0623-8). PMC4492902.

6.  Knudsen, H. K., Lofwall, M. R., Havens, J. R., & Walsh, S. L. (2015). States’ implementation of the Affordable Care Act and the supply of physicians waivered to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 157, 36-43. NIHMS729346.

7.  Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (2015). Medicaid, private insurance, and the availability of smoking cessation interventions in substance use disorder treatment. Psychiatric Services, 66, 1213-1220. NIHMS695058.

8.  Knudsen, H. K. (2015). The supply of physicians waivered to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid use disorders in the United States: A state-level analysis. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 76, 644-654. PMC4495082.

9.  Friedmann, P. D., Wilson, D., Knudsen, H. K., Ducharme, L. J., Welsh, W. N., Frisman, L., Knight, K., Hsiu-Ju, L., James, A., Albizu-Garcia, C. E., Pankow, J., Hall, E. A., Urbine, T. F., Abdel-Salam, S., Duvall, J. L., & Vocci, F. J. (2015). Effect of an organizational linkage intervention on staff perceptions of medication-assisted treatment and referral intentions in community corrections. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 50, 50-58. PMC4304936.

10.  Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (2015). Innovation attributes and adoption decisions: Perspectives from leaders of a national sample of SUD organizations. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 49, 1-7. PMC4277913.

11.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Staton-Tindall, M., Oser, C. B., Havens, J. R., & Leukefeld, C. G. (2014). Reducing risky relationships: A multi-site randomized trial of a prison-based intervention for reducing HIV sexual risk behaviors among women with a history of drug use. AIDS Care, 26, 1071-1079. PMC4065193.

12.  Knudsen, H. K.,* & Roman, P. M. (2014). Dissemination, adoption, and implementation of acamprosate for treating alcohol use disorders. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 467-475. PMC4002860.

13.  Knudsen, H. K,* & Roman, P. M. (2014). The transition to medication adoption in publicly funded treatment substance use disorder treatment programs: Organizational structure, culture, and resources. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 75, 475-485. PMC4002861.

14.  Abraham, A. J., Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (2014). The relationship between Clinical Trials Network (CTN) protocol involvement and quality of substance use disorder treatment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 46, 232-237. PMC3875300.

15.  Friedmann, P. D., Ducharme L. J., Welsh, W., Frisman, L., Knight, K., Kinlock, T., Mitchell, S. G., Hall, E., Urbine, T., Gordon, M., Abdel-Salam, S., O’Connell, D., Albizu-Garcia, C., Knudsen, H., Duvall, J., Fenster, J., & Pankow, J., for the CJ-DATS MATICCE Workgroup. (2013). A cluster randomized trial of an organizational linkage intervention for offenders with substance use disorders: Study protocol. Health & Justice, 1:6 (DOI: 10.1186/10.1186/2194-7899-1-6). PMC4193542.

16.  Quigley, J., Knudsen, H. K., Nuzzo, P., & Lofwall, M. (2013). Substance use characteristics and treatment perceptions among opioid dependent pregnant women initiating methadone treatment. Journal of the Kentucky Medical Association, 111, 261-265. (No PMC/Not NIH funded.)

17.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Muilenburg, J. L., & Eby, L. T. (2013). Sustainment of smoking cessation programs in substance use disorder treatment organizations. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 15, 1060-1068. PMC3646650.

18.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Roman, P. M., & Abraham, A. J. (2013). Quality of clinical supervision and counselor emotional exhaustion: The mediating roles of organizational and occupational commitment. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44, 528-533. PMC3602390.

19.  Abraham, A. J., Knudsen, H. K., Rieckmann, T., & Roman, P. M. (2013). Disparities in access to physicians and medications for the treatment of SUDs between publicly and privately funded treatment programs. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 74, 258-265. PMC3568164.

20.  Abraham, A. J., O’Brien, L. A., Knudsen, H. K., Bride, B. E., Smith, G. R., & Roman, P. M. (2013). Patient characteristics and availability of onsite non-rapid and rapid HIV testing in US substance use disorder treatment programs. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 44, 120-125. PMC3408854.

21.  Knudsen, H. K.,* & Roman, P. M. (2012). Financial factors and the implementation of medications for treating opioid use disorders. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 6, 280-286. PMC3492536.

22.  Knudsen, H. K.,* & Abraham, A. J. (2012). The employment of nurses in publicly funded substance abuse treatment programs. Journal of Addictions Nursing, 23, 174-180. PMC3877938.

23.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Abraham, A. J., Oser, C. B., & Roman, P. M. (2012). Physicians in the substance abuse treatment workforce: Understanding their employment within publicly funded treatment organizations. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 43, 152-160. PMC3345304.

24.  Knudsen, H. K.,* & Abraham, A. J. (2012). Perceptions of the state policy environment and adoption of medications in substance use disorder treatment. Psychiatric Services, 63, 19-25. PMC3428708.

25.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Studts, C. R., & Studts, J. L. (2012). The implementation of smoking cessation counseling in substance abuse treatment. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 39, 28-41. PMC3189278.

26.  Leukefeld, C., Havens, J. R., Staton-Tindall, M., Oser, C. B., Mooney, J., Hall, M. T., & Knudsen, H. K. (2012). Risky relationships: Targeting HIV prevention for women offenders. AIDS Education and Prevention, 24, 339-349. PMC3490206.

27.  Dye, M. H., Knudsen, H. K., Johnson, J. A., & Roman, P. M. (2012). The availability of integrated care in a national sample of therapeutic communities. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 39, 17-27. NIHMS545427.

28.  Flynn, P. F., Knight, D. K., Godley, M. D., & Knudsen, H. K. (2012). Introduction to the Special Issue on Organizational Dynamics within Substance Abuse Treatment: A complex human activity system. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42, 109-115.

29.  Savage, S. A., Abraham, A. J., Knudsen, H. K., Rothrauff, T. C., & Roman, P. M. (2012). Timing of buprenorphine adoption by privately funded substance abuse treatment programs: The role of institutional and resource-based inter-organizational linkages. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 42, 16-24. PMC3225636.

30.  Friedmann, P. D., Hoskinson, R., Gordon, M., Schwartz, R., Kinlock, T., Knight, K., Flynn, P. M., Welsh, W. N., Stein, L. A. R., Sacks, S., O’Connell, D. J., Knudsen, H. K., Shafer, M. S., Hall, E., Frisman, L. K. for the MAT Working Group of CJ-DATS. (2012). Medication-assisted treatment in criminal justice agencies affiliated with the Criminal Justice-Drug Abuse Treatment Studies (CJ-DATS): Availability, barriers & intentions. Substance Abuse. 33, 9-12. PMC3295578.

31.  Knudsen, H. K.,* & Studts, J. L. (2011). Availability of nicotine replacement therapy in substance use disorder treatment: Longitudinal patterns of adoption, sustainability, and discontinuation. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 118, 244-250. PMC3140224.

32.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Abraham, A. J., & Oser, C. B. (2011). Barriers to the implementation of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders: The importance of funding policies and medical infrastructure. Evaluation and Program Planning, 34, 375-381. PMC3114165.

33.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Abraham, A. J., Roman, P. M., & Studts, J. L. (2011). Nurse turnover in substance abuse treatment programs affiliated with the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN). Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 40, 307-312. PMC3073612.

34.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Abraham, A. J., & Roman, P. M. (2011). Adoption and implementation of medications in addiction treatment programs. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 5, 21-27. PMC3045214.

35.  Abraham, A. J., Knudsen, H. K., & Roman, P. M. (2011). A longitudinal examination of alcohol pharmacotherapy adoption in substance abuse treatment programs: Patterns of sustainability and discontinuation. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 72, 669-677. PMC3125890.

36.  Roman, P. M., Abraham, A. J., & Knudsen, H. K. (2011). Using medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders: Evidence of barriers and facilitators of implementation. Addictive Behaviors, 36, 584-589. PMC3087632.

37.  Havens, J. R., Oser, C. B., Knudsen, H., Lofwall, M., Stoops, W. W., Walsh, S. L., Leukefeld, C. G., & Kral, A. H. (2011). Individual and network factors associated with non-fatal overdose among rural Appalachian drug users. Drug & Alcohol Dependence, 115, 107-112. PMC3056907.

38.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Boyd, S., & Studts, J. L. (2010). Substance abuse treatment counselors and tobacco use: A comparison of comprehensive and indoor-only workplace smoking bans. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 12, 1151-1155. PMC2964919.

39.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Studts, J. L., Boyd, S., & Roman, P. M. (2010). Structural and cultural barriers to the adoption of smoking cessation services in addiction treatment organizations. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 29, 294-305. PMC2922688.

40.  Knudsen, H. K.,* Roman, P. M., & Oser, C. B. (2010). Facilitating factors and barriers to the use of medications in publicly funded addiction treatment organizations. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 4, 99-107. PMC2935586.