Point Loma High School

Course Syllabus

COURSE TITLE: Cinematic Arts

TEACHER: Anthony Palmiotto

Room 901


The overall purpose of the course is to improve student achievement and help the student connect academics to the real world. The course will also help prepare students for college or various careers in the multimedia industry.

This course provides hands-on video and multimedia production.

This course will also examine narrative film art and film history by viewing a selection of Classic, Hollywood and Contemporary cinema.


The student is involved in project-based learning in film, video and multimedia production.

The student observes and studies the creative process (e.g. ideas/themes in film or multimedia).

The student demonstrates speaking and leadership abilities through discussion, performance, direction and/or committee work in the development of multimedia quarter/semester projects.

The student will learn a professional non-linear editing program called Final Cur Pro.

The student will learn and employ the basic concepts of film editing, cinematography and sound design.

The student will complete multiple multimedia projects throughout the school year.

Through writing and small and large group discussion, the student makes judgments about the point-of-view and techniques of a writer, director and actor.

The student learns the vocabulary of film and multimedia and applies this vocabulary to assess stylistic techniques of directors, cinematographers, and screenwriters.

The student will have a visual portfolio of multimedia projects at semesters/years completion. Projects could include - videos, photography, story boards, scripts, graphic design and other forms of visual presentations.

The student observes and analyzes through writing and discussion a variety of films, genres, writers and directors.

The student meets with distinguished artists, writers, directors and actors to gain insight into the creative process of film and multimedia to gain knowledge of careers in the industry.

Students are encouraged to use a variety of technology and resources in the classroom library and media center, including screenplays.

Students will explore careers in the multimedia industry.


Complex Thinkers: The students will have the opportunity to work individually and collectively to analyze themes, conflicts, and characters. Students will assume leadership roles in the development of video and multimedia projects.

Effective Communicators: Students will have the opportunity to discuss themes, story elements, conflicts, problems, etc… Students will participate in small and large group discussions and also make presentations to the class.

Responsible Self-Directed Learners and Workers: Students will meet deadlines on assignments and learn to utilize time management skills. Students will learn to work cooperatively and use shared decision-making skills.

All students will be encouraged to create original projects, create resumes and do career exploration activities in the multimedia field.



All essays or written assignments will be graded on the basis of content, grammar, structure and syntax.

Tests and Quizzes on vocabulary and theories of film and multimedia production will take place throughout the year. A midterm and a final exam will be given.

A notebook is required in this class. Many of the test questions as well as key themes for essays will be discussed in class; it is therefore imperative, that you take daily notes on discussions.

Homework and other classroom assignments will be collected and graded on due dates. Please make sure all written work is carefully revised and edited before you submit your final draft.

Final Grades will be based on all work you have completed.


Class Work, Class Participation, Homework, Essays, Tests and Class Projects will be tallied and scored accordingly to a point system which will be explained at the beginning of the school year to the student.


Students will be graded on their behavior and attendance in class. Please be aware of the school’s tardy and truancy policy. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up all missed work. It is recommended that you telephone someone in class or call me at my office (223-3121) or e-mail me at to obtain assignments.

Do not fall behind. If you need assistance or there is a problem I should know about, please see me. Fifteen days of absence for any reason may result in a failing grade at the semester and/or a U in citizenship.


Understanding Movies by Louis Gianette

Film Scenes for Actors -

From Word to Image -

Assorted Screenplays -


The 3 B’s

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

Be on Time and Prepared

and Absolutely NO TALKING during films and screenings.


I am on campus daily. Please let me know in advance if a conference or an appointment is needed.

Remember if you need assistance with your assignments and projects, please ask for advice. If you are absent, you may call the school for your assignments or you may email me at –