Surveyor Scan Control Release Notes

(Version 5.2, Build 002)

Revision History:

Build 002 (10/12/2016)

·  Fixed bug #1783: “CyberGage sometimes erroneously determines that the PolyWorks license has expired”.

·  Added Feature Request #984: “CG360: Improved handling of glass/no glass change”.

·  Added Feature Request #998: “CG Quick Inspection Mode”.

Build 001 (9/20/2016)

·  Fixed bug #1780: “SLP Probe: stopping a scan when "Show Current Scan" is on sometimes causes crash”.

·  Fixed bug #1781: “SSC fails to start on Windows XP machine”.

·  Fixed bug #1782: “Sensor Calibration Wizards sometimes fail in the vertex tmp layer when more than one scan was collected”.

·  Added Feature Request #995: “CG: Better way to handle missing PW dongle or expired license on startup”.

·  Added Feature Request #996: “CG: Get Barcode reader functioning with Inspect Dropdown.”.

·  Added Feature Request #997: “CG360: disable Repose And Rescan by default and enable only through Registry Key”.

Using Surveyor Scan Control


Installation Basics

Surveyor Scan Control is currently available on CD-ROM or internet download from your LDI distributor. The CD-ROM was created so that installation will begin when it is inserted into your computer. LDI suggests that if you are unfamiliar with the Surveyor Scan Control installation process that you cancel the installation and refer to the Surveyor Installation Instruction file included on the CD for detailed installation instructions.

The distribution CD-ROM contains everything needed to install the software as well as many extras. See the README.TXT file on the CD-ROM for more information.

The internet download includes these three files: Release Notes.doc, Surveyor Installation Instructions.chm, and Setup.exe.

Release Notes is a Microsoft Word document that contains technical descriptions of the current Surveyor Scan Control version that you are about to install on your PC.

Surveyor Installation Instructions contains the information required to install and configure Surveyor Scan Control onto your PC. As a default, it will open in your web browser.

Setup.exe is the executable file used to begin the installation process on your PC.

After verifying that your system meets the minimum system requirements, simply follow the Installshield Procedure. To update to the most current version of Surveyor Scan Control, please see the Live Update Procedure section.

NOTE: In order for Surveyor Scan Control to function properly, the user installing the software must have local administrator rights on the installation PC. Also note that Live Update is disabled when non-local administrators are using the machine.

SURVEYOR SCAN CONTROL Computer Specifications

·  PC Minimum Requirements

·  Operating Systems supported: Windows NT 4.0 SP4, Windows 2000 SP2, or Windows XP

·  Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher

·  256 MB RAM

·  10 GB hard disk space

·  Minimum of 100 MB of space on hard drive C (Location of Windows OS)

·  Minimum of 500 MB of space on installation drive

·  1024x768 screen resolution with at least 256 colors

·  A Network Interface Card with NetBios installed (required for security key in Windows NT only)

·  PC Motion Control System (USER supplied) to provide its own motor tuning parameters settings for smooth servo operation. (Surveyor Scan Control does not control tuning)

·  PC Recommended Requirements

·  Windows 2000

·  2 GB RAM or greater

·  80 GB Hard Drive or greater

·  128 MB RAM AGP OpenGL accelerated graphics card such as NVIDIA GeForce4, NVIDIA Quadro4, ELSA Gloria4, or Wildcat VP.

·  CD-RW drive or DVD-RW drive

·  3 button mouse

InstallShield Procedure

The InstallShield for Surveyor Scan Control is designed to guide you through the installation process as easily as possible. The Setup Program gives you the tools to customize your setup as well as to easily configure your hardware without having to be a Windows expert.

NOTE: Although you do not have to have Administrator right's on the PC to run Surveyor Scan Control, you should log-in to the PC as a local Administrator to install Surveyor Scan Control. Contact your Network Administrator for assistance if needed.

Installing Surveyor Scan Control

1.  Be sure that your operating system is up to date with all current Microsoft Windows Update releases. (This can be done by using the Windows Update option under the Start Menu or by visiting the Microsoft web site.)

2.  Verify that the user logged into the PC has Administrator rights.

3.  Insert the Surveyor Scan Control 4.0 CD-ROM. The setup program should begin automatically. If it does not, locate and run the Setup.exe file from the CD-ROM.

NOTE: If you have installed Surveyor Scan Control previously, you may receive the warning below. Please select Yes and continue on.

4.  The Surveyor Scan Control InstallShield will now launch, showing you the Welcome Screen.

5.  Click Next to continue.

6.  The Customer Information window will now appear.

a.Your Windows User Name and Organization will automatically be detected and entered into the appropriate fields as defaults. These entries maybe be edited at this time.

b.Use the radio button at the bottom of the screen to install the application for all users or only the current user. NOTE: It is recommended to install this application for all users. (default)

c.Click Next to continue.

7.  The Installation Path Screen will open.

a.You may either accept the default installation location (C:\Program Files\Laser Design\Surveyor\) or select a custom installation location. A custom location may be selected by using the browse button to locate the desired location.

NOTE: Even if you select an installation location other than the Drive C (hard disk or partition) with the Windows Operating system, Surveyor Scan Control still requires a MINIMUM of 100 MB of free space on Drive C.

b.  Click Next to continue.

8.  The Data Folder Path Screen will open.

a.  You may either accept the default installation location (C:\Program Files\Laser Design\Surveyor\data\.) or select a custom location. A custom location may be selected by using the browse button to locate the desired location.

b.  Click Next to continue.

9.  The Setup Type Screen will open.

a.  Select the Setup Type you wish to use.

b.  Click Next to continue.


·  We recommend the Typical Setup for most installations.

·  Advanced users may select the Custom installation.

·  Typical Setup will install all available components and features.

·  Compact Setup will install the minimum required features.

·  Custom Setup will allow you to choose which features you wish to install.

·  Uninstalled components can be installed later by rerunning the InstallShield.

10.  If you have selected the Custom Install, the Setup Screen will now open. If you have selected the Compact or Typical Install, please skip to step 11.

a.  You may begin to unselect the components you wish not to install. NOTE: All components are selected for installation as default.

b.  Click on a box to the left of each component to select or unselect individual components. (ex. Surveyor 1200 and equivalent Motion Control is not selected while the Surveyor DS-Series Motion Control is selected)

c.  LDI recommends only installing the motion control module required for your machine and the Manual Motion Controller to reduce the required disk space for the installation.

d.  Click Next after you have made all of your selections.

11.  The InstallShield will ask you to verify your installation selections.

a.  Verifying that all of your selections are correct.

b.  Click Next to Continue

12.  If you have chosen to install the RPS Line Scanning Module, the RPS Hardware Setup window will appear. See the Laser Configuration Process.

13.  If you have selected either the Surveyor 1200, DS-Series, or RE-Series Motion Control Modules, the Motion Control Configuration Utility window will appear. See the Motion Control Configuration Procedure.