Present: Cllr Turner (Chair) Cllr Jacobs (Vice-Chair), Cllr Pearce, Cllr Naylor, Cllr Mondy, Cllr Hodgson, Cllr Ware, Cllr Taylor, Cllr Whittaker, Melanie Borrett (Clerk) County Cllr Boyd, District Cllr Boundy

Also Present: Mr Richard Haste

1.03.17  Apologies For Absence, PCSO Sandra Brown

2.03.17  Declarations Of Interest From Members

Cllr Hodgson declared pecuniary interests in Planning Applications 1/0166, 1/0093/ and 1/0133 (WDOI001/2017)

3.03.17  Waste and Recycling Service Change proposals - Guest Speaker – Richard Haste

Torridge is changing the way it collects waste and recycling to reduce waste and increase recycling, meet the statutory target of recycling 50% of all waste by 2020, increase the range of items collected for recycling and manage the cost pressures facing our service resulting from the reduced government funding, increasing numbers of housing being built, the need to modernise the fleet of vehicles and the need to provide a new modern depot.

A number of other Councils are looking to move to 3 weekly/monthly collections. Torridge is the only Devon Council which still collects waste for landfill on a weekly basis and research and evidence suggests this has a restraining effect on the level of recycling. The planned changes to a fortnightly black bag collection, while at the same time extending the range of plastics collected, and enhancing food and garden waste collections, are expected to have a positive effect on recycling rates, reducing the amount waste that ends up in environmentally damaging landfill.

The Council feels that the above proposals offer a balanced approach by extending the range of services TDC provide to more people, offering more ways to recycle while limiting the impact of cost to a small charge per year for garden waste where people choose to receive this service and the Council expect this comprehensive package of measures to deliver a better outcome for the environment.

The improved service from 2018 will bring weekly recycling collection – boxes and bags, plus additional mixed plastic materials. Weekly food waste collection offered to 100% of residents in new dedicated receptacle. Fortnightly non-recycled waste collection for landfill. Fortnightly green waste collection offered for 100% of residents at an annual charge of £35. Project to investigate single modern depot options by June 2018 to replace the 3 current depots which are no longer suitable for increased recycling and processing.

4.03.17  Public Participation

5.03.17  Minutes

Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd February 2017, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, 8 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR042/03/17)

6.03.17  Planning Matters

(a)  New Applications

i.  1/0133/2017/FUL, The Barton, Eggesford Road, Winkleigh, Mr N Clayton (Clayton Cabinets) Erection of a building to be used as a joinery workshop (B1) with new vehicular access and associated turning area.

Cllr Mondy declared predetermination on this application and took no part in discussions or vote but remained in the meeting. Cllr Hodgson left the meeting due to declaration of pecuniary interest

Proposed by Cllr Jacobs that WPC support this application, seconded by Cllr Naylor, 7 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR043/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning) Cllr Hodgson returned to the meeting

ii.  1/0029/2017/FUL, Higher Coulson, Bondleigh, Mr & Mrs Burniston Siting of Wagon for tourism use and composting toilet Proposed by Cllr Mondy that WPC support this application, seconded by Cllr Whittaker, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR044/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning)

iii.  1/0016/2017/FUL, Bedwells Removals and Storage Winkleigh, Mr Edward Bedwell, Steel portal frame extension to existing building

Cllr Hodgson left the meeting due to a declaration of pecuniary interest

Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC support this application, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR045/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning)

Proposed by Cllr Mondy that the outside lighting takes into account the dark skies, seconded by Cllr Whittaker, 6 in favour, 2 against and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR059/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning)

iv.  1/0093/2017/FULM, Devon Plant Services Winkleigh Airfield, Proposed construction of 4 industrial units (B2)

Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC support this application with the outside lighting taking into account the dark skies, and protecting the hedges during construction, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR046/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning) Cllr Hodgson returned to the meeting

v.  1/0164/2017/LBC, Tallat House, Wembworthy, Mr & Mrs Minton, Single Storey lean to extension

Proposed by Cllr Hodgson that WPC support this application, seconded by Cllr Whittaker, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR048/03/17) Action item – Clerk (update TDC Planning)

(b)  TDC application decisions

1/0035/2017/AGMB Barn at Heath Farm Winkleigh – Prior Notification for the change of use of agricultural building to no.1 dwelling under Class Q – REFUSED Proposal is not permitted development and in the interests of residential amenity

(c)  Pre-School Site – Clerk informed the meeting that Geoffrey Cox MP had acknowledged the letter from the Parish Council on this matter and asked to be kept informed. Clerk also readout a letter dated 22/03/17 received from M&J Developments Ltd as follows “I have approached various companies as regards completing the site demolition and I am currently awaiting their quotation and confirmation of time scale as we are mindful of the urgency to solve the situation. I am aware that local residents will be concerned with the site appearance and I am genuinely making every effort to ensure that it is cleared as soon as possible working with the local authorities and other agencies.”

7.03.17  Financial Matters

(a)  Financial Regs Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC approve the amendments to online banking, seconded by Cllr Mondy, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR058/03/17) Action item – Clerk (instigate policy)

(b)  Financial Schedule of payments Proposed by Cllr Mondy that WPC approve the schedule of payments as presented by the Clerk, seconded by Cllr Naylor, 8 in favour, 1 abstention and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR049/03/17) Action item – Clerk (send payments) (See Appendix A)

(c)  Budget Year to Date and Bank Reconciliation (See Appendix B)

As Responsible Finance Office, the Clerk reported that the bank reconciliation was in order and the year to date budget, with 9 days remaining of the financial year, gave the 2016-17 budget as currently over budget by £779.49, however, the conveyance solicitor to resolve the cemetery deed covenant was £798.00, accounting for the total overall overspend. This was funded by additional income received via a higher VAT reclaim than expected for the current financial year. Allowing for outstanding payments and payments due in early April prior to receipt of the precept payment, WPC have £1283.00 in the current account which can be used for any purpose for which the Parish Council have powers to incur expenditure, including grants.

(d)  Appointment of internal auditor Proposed by Cllr Turner, that WPC sign the contract to appoint Alison Marshall as WPC Internal Auditor for 12 months commencing 1st April 2017 at a set fee of £175.00, seconded by Simon Hodgson, 1 abstention, 9 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR050/03/17) Action item – Clerk (to forward contract and make arrangements for 2017-18 internal audit)

(e)  Parish Website - Neighbourhood Plan Proposed by Cllr Naylor that WPC purchase a single additional page for the Parish Website to host the Neighbourhood Plan at a one off cost £25 plus VAT, seconded by Cllr Jacobs, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR060/03/17) Action item – Clerk (to order new web page and arrange its content)

(f)  Grant Application All Saints Church Clock Proposed by Cllr Whittaker that WPC approve the grant application with immediate effect due to fund raising already taking place for an imminent replacement, to the amount of £500.00, seconded by Cllr Ware, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR061/03/17) Action item – Clerk (Send Payment)

(g)  Grant Application Community First Responder £350.00 Proposed by Cllr Pearce that WPC request additional information on the equipment to be purchased and the grant to then be considered during current policy timescales for payment in 2018 if still applicable, seconded by Cllr Taylor, 2 against, 7 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR062/03/17) Action item – Clerk (notify First Responder and request additional information)

8.03.17  Current Business

(a)  Shute Lane Useable Path Project Cllr Jacobs reported that water has been ingression causing mud and this would be resolved shortly with the majority of Shute lane now complete. A 5 bar gate will be added at the end of Shute Lane by end of March leading to completion of phase 1 other than tidy up what was the path above Shute Lane. Phase II to extend path from Elms Meadow Estate on to Shute Lane will then commence. Report to be submitted to TDC on expenditure of grant monies Action item – Clerk (Compile and submit report to TDC by end April 2017)

(b)  TAP Fund 2016 footpath map project Cllr Jacobs reported that 1700 walk booklets were to be printed, cost £450, to be available for the community shortly, fully funded by the Tap Fund grant - Report to be submitted to TDC on expenditure of grant monies Action item – Clerk (Compile and submit report to TDC by end April 2017 and return unspent monies)

(c)  P3 Pathways Partnership Cllr Jacobs reported that a funding application had been submitted to the Pathways Partnership for the forthcoming financial year and WPC should receive about £500 for first year followed by £300 per annum to maintain the current footpaths Action item – Clerk (to monitor receipt and expenditure of monies)

Cllr Jacobs was commended by the Council for the outstanding work he has carried out on this project on behalf of the Parish

(d)  Bus Shelter Seckington Cross (Zukis) and Community Enhancement Fund Grant Application - Cllrs Naylor and Pearce reported that they, the Clerk and Chair had attended a site meeting with Darryl Jagger the Highways Officer and the site was deemed unsuitable for placement of bus shelters due to safety concerns, land tenure and lack of demand/usage. WPC will further investigate the possibility of provision of a single ‘outdoor/weather shelter’ for persons congregating at the site in consultation with the owners of the land Action item – Cllrs Naylor and Pearce (to liaise with owners of Zukis restaurant with regards to a shelter)

Cllr Naylor also reported that the community enhancement fund grant application of £10,000 incidentally submitted by him had been acknowledged as an error and no further action would be taken on the application. Any Future correspondence on the subject of funding sent to Cllr Naylor is to be forwarded to the Clerk to reply.

(e)  Bus Shelter Exeter Road Cllr Ware reported that she had obtained some drawing of a proposed bus shelter at no cost to the Council, incorporating a stone base, oak frame open lattice structure and slate roof. Basis for design would occupy the same footprint as the current shelter, Mr Hill was will to remove the existing structure and relay the foundations at no cost to the Council. A final set of drawings to be obtained and submitted to planning department by Clerk to ascertain if planning permission required, prior to existing structure being demolished Action item –Cllr Ware (to obtain drawing including dimensions and proposed materials) and Clerk (planning enquiry following receipt of drawing)

(f)  Dog Bin Hollocombe Cllrs Hodgson and Pearce reported that there had been a written request made to the Parish Council from residents of Hollocombe requesting that the dog bin remain where it was as it was in a central location.

Proposed by Cllr Whittaker that WPC leave the current dog bin in situ and do not purchase an additional bin, seconded by Cllr Pearce, all in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR063/03/17)

(g)  Refurbishment of Bench Hollocombe (Cllr Naylor/Pearce) to be deferred to next pcm due to weather

(h)  Dog bin Old Chulmleigh Road Cllr Turner reported that since the dog bin had been removed from outside of the cemetery, there were more instances of dog waste being disposed of along Old Chulmleigh Road and the Council should consider reinstatement of a dog bin at this location rather than outside of the Cemetery. Proposed by Cllr Turner that WPC purchase a new dog bin and arrange for it to be sited at Old Chulmleigh Road from the next years asset budget, seconded by Cllr Ware, 1 abstention, 8 in favour and Resolved, Motion Carried (RR064/03/17) Action item – Clerk (to order and arrange siting of dog bin)

9.03.17  Reports

(a)  County Cllr Boyd reported that Devon County Elections will take place on empire day May 4th, he remains our County Cllr until Election Day

(b)  Dist Cllr Boundy Apologised for not attended recent meetings other than Standards Meeting in Torridge due to poor health but hope to return to full action in May

(c)  Chair

·  2 Vacancies on Parish Council which may be filled by Co-option, with 1 application to be considered at the Extra-Ordinary Parish Council meeting on 28th March 2017 - Mr Adrian Mercer

·  Cllr Taylor joined the internal Bungalow Group, Internal Audit Review Group and Finance Group, all in favour.

·  Annual Public Meeting 3rd May reminder to Cllrs to submit annual reports on working groups to Chair by 17th April and to advise of any community representatives who may wish to give a short presentation

·  Annual Parish Council Meeting 31st May reminder to Cllrs that all policies to be reviewed and suggested amendments to be submitted to Clerk by 20th May to allow for inclusion and circulation to members prior to 31st May

·  Devon & Cornwall Police - letter received regarding redistribution/reduction of officers based in the Torridge area to 4 Police Officers and 3 PCSOs (See Appendix C) WPC to invite to Insp Sean Kenneally - Area Inspector to explain the changes at the Annual Public Meeting on 3rd May Action item – Clerk (to email D&C Police with invite)