Public Health Managers’ Injury Prevention Alliance

Core Group Meeting

Monday, September 14th, 2015, 10:00AM – 11:30AM


Call-in numbers:(416) 850-2050 or 1 (866) 261-6767 code: 18652131#.

Participants: Loretta Bernard (Central East), Mary Ann Diosi (North East), Amanda Kroger (Central West), Daphne Mayer (East),Shannon Robinson (North West)

Regrets: Mary Lou Albanese (South West), JoëlleAubin (North East), Hilda Chow (East)

Co-Chairs: Loretta Bernard, Amanda Kroger (interim)

Recorder: Stefanie Menezes (OIPRC)

1. Review of the agenda / There were no changes to the agenda,
2. Review of the minutes from last meeting / There were no changes to the minutes.
3. In-person meeting follow-up / a)Action items from in-person meeting (Manager list)
The Manager list should be completed soon; the OIPRC is currently looking at the status of people who have left and who will be taking over.
b)OIPPN Meeting report back
In early June, there was an in-person OIPPN meeting.
Brandy Tanenbaumwas working on one of the agendas for OIPNN. She joined Loretta’s team this summer and has done some work related to MVCs and concussion. She prepared a background document and came up with some things that perhaps the group can look at.
4. Injury Prevention Business Case / The IP Business Case has been in the works over the last several months. A draft was presented to OPHA and Parachute and they provided some recommendations on how to proceed.
The document was reworked over the summer and now the group is tightening up the Call to Action. It should be ready to share in the next while, with the document complete by January.
It will be shared with stakeholders, public health units, and other target audiences that the group is trying to sort out.
5. Other Business
a)OIPRC Advisory
b)In-Person Meeting
c)Jason LeMar
d)Ben Rempel / a)OIPRC Advisory
An in-person meeting will take place on October 14th. It will be a day to get together and look at the OIPRC work plan. The main focus will be collective impact. Tamarack is an organization that does a lot of collective impact work and they have recommended a consultant to come in and provide some insight on collective impact and how it pertains to the OIPRC.
b)In-Person Meeting February 2016
Another Managers in-person meeting is in the OIPRC budget for this year. There will be an early planning meeting in October.
c)Jason LeMar, PHO Alcohol Policy Resource Centre – request
Jason is interested in connecting with the managers to present his work
The group decided to invite him to a Core Group teleconference to learn more and strategize. He may be able to share a broader perspective. The Core Group can see what he’s about and see if there is an opportunity to put him on the agenda for the in-person meeting in February after he has presented to the smaller group.
d)Ben Rempel, PHO – request
Ben is interested in introducing the Health Promotion Capacity Building team from PHO to the managers. He has requested some time in an upcoming meeting to present his work.
The group decided to invite him to a Core Group teleconference, and perhaps to the in-person meeting in February.
e)RNAO and Fall Prevention Workshops
RNAO has a falls best practice guidelines. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care wants representatives from RNAO to work with their local long-term care facilities and get them more on board with fall prevention work. The MOHLTC and local LHINs are trying to reduce the number of falls in long-term care facilities. The best practices pieces that they are trying to put out are alternatives to restraints and prevention of falls in older adults in long-term care settings. It is not a prevention piece per se, but more intervention. / Any ideas or things to consider for the in-person meeting in early 2016 should be forwarded to Loretta.
Shannon to send Loretta information on the communications group that she mentioned.
6. Updates on collaborations/projects
a)OCPN / One Voice
b)LRADGs and Youth
c)Provincial LRADG Workgroup / a)OCPN / One Voice:
SilvanaFarrace-Perry chairs the Ontario Concussion Prevention Network (OCPN). The OCPN priorities are focused in the area of networking, information sharing, and knowledge exchange. Over the past year the membership has expanded to include 31 health units as well as other local, provincial, and federal stakeholders interested in concussion.
The focus of OCPN this past year has been to share resources and strategies in preparation for the Ministry of Education Concussion Policy/Program Memorandum No. 158 (PPM158) requiring all school boards to have a concussion policy. Five interested health units worked on the development of a 2 Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS) concussion modules to obtain better local concussion data. They have also been collaborating with Dr. Shelina Babul from BCIRPU, and the OIPRC to bring the Concussion Awareness Training Toolkit (CATT) to Ontario.
In June, Holland Bloorview hosted the first ever International Symposium on Pediatric Concussion entitled “One Voice”. The two-day symposium provided a forum for international leaders in pediatric concussion to share knowledge, build consensus, mobilize information, and establish an action plan.
The focus question was “In the next 3-5 years, what do we need to do to help children with concussion do the things they want, need, and love to do?”
Mary Ann raised a question: There are two modules that were specific to concussion: one on general awareness, and one for parents and caregivers of children, teens and youth and how they felt managing concussion and knowing what to do.
Were they developed?
Yes, they are new modules.
b)LRADGs and Youth:
Work is ongoing for both subgroups (ages 10-14 years, and 15-18 years). The 10-14 year group is targeted towards parents and the 15-18 year group includes strategies that were initially discussed by Hamilton.
There are 6 tip sheets and one overall tip sheet.
Lisa from Kingston Health and Amanda from York have reviewed each page to make some further changes and comments on the graphics, text placement, and content. Lisa is updating the tip sheets with the Kingston Health communications team.
CCSA was very supportive of the group’s initiatives when first established. There will be possible promotion through PHO grand rounds. Maria is the contact if this is the decided route.
There will be two phases of evaluation: the first to be completed 6 months after the launch and the second will be dependent on the feedback from the first phase.
The next meeting is in October.
Mary Ann raised a question: Will the 6 tip sheets be offered in French as well?
There is a plan for that.
c)Provincial LRADG Workgroup:
This group was ending, but there are some spin offs that are still happening and the groups are looking for different opportunities to keep it alive.
Updates from the Provincial Alcohol Strategy/Framework Steering Committee:
The final draft of the “pitch” document was shared with the OPHA alcohol workgroup, but it is not available for distribution at this time.
OPHA, OMA, CAMH, CMHA, AMHO, and PHO are the current organizations on the steering committee. PHO is not sure they will be named on the document since it is an advocacy piece.
The steering committee is asking other key stakeholders to endorse the document. A larger framework document will be finalized, however a shorter “pitch” document was created to counter the current changes in alcohol access.
CAMH shared information that the premier wants Ontario to have an alcohol strategy and that her government plans to announce consultations soon; it looks like the government is moving in a good direction on their own.The group is thinking of sharing the “pitch” document ahead of any government announcement as this will allow the group to frame the issues and to ensure that they are on the government’s go-to-list of organizations to engage. / For more information, contact Silvana at York Region at
7. Updates from Priority Groups / Core Managers / Mary Ann – The North East has a partnership with the LHIN for fall prevention. They are now working with partners across the North East to implement the Stand Up program.
Sudbury specific – as follow up to the meeting last fall regarding car seats:they are looking at how they can work with their partners to roll out a comprehensive plan. The report from the first meeting was only shared with the people who attended. The group just completed an alcohol use report that is going to be shared with the Board of Health.
A drug strategy report will also be shared with the Board of Health and presented to the Committee of Council to the City of Greater Sudbury.
They are also looking to develop a drug strategy for Manitoulin Island and the community of Espanola.
Amanda – Waterloo is currently undergoing a review, identifying which activities will stay, which will go, and what things we need to start doing.
Daphne – In June, they held a fall prevention and management stakeholder meeting. It included other health units, Community Care Access Centre, the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation and others, to get a sense of where the stakeholders were in developing a fall prevention and management strategy. There was lots of interest and the planning group will be tasked with bringing it forward and developing it.
The Texting and Driving campaign was initiated by Kingston Fire and Rescue and was launched in June. It received a fair amount of media attention.
Loretta – The alcohol and other drugs report is coming to an end.
They are working on a comprehensive strategy/agenda for the school board regarding substance misuse. A number of pieces are in place, with a planned launch for September.
There will be a new campaign about marijuana that will include Cineplex ads and 4 key messages that will be shared with the school board as well, aiming for November.
Mental health – there will be a collaborative strategy within the branch. Meetings are beginning this week, with representatives from injury prevention and substance misuse.
Concussion – they are working on a campaign, hoping to tie it in the upcoming Will Smith movie about concussions in the NFL.
7. Next Core Group meeting / Meeting scheduled for October 14 needs to be rescheduled.
8. Proposed Core Group Meetings for first half of 2015
(Second Wednesday of most months) / Stefanie and Loretta will put together some dates for a doodle poll to schedule to next 3 meetings.