Guidance for BASIC (Core) Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Services

2014-2015 Title III Application

LEA, Consortium, or Charter: ______Date: ______

The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA) office, Title III State Consolidated Grant Group monitored the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) the week of October 24-27, 2011. This was a comprehensive review of NCDPI’s administration of Title III, Part A, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended. As a result of this monitoring visit, NCDPI is collecting each LEA’s Language Instruction Education Programs (LIEP) information.

Directions: Using the constructs below, create a LIEP continuum rubric of services for your LEA and/or Charter. Consider the Criteria for determining the category of service, the Context in which services are provided in the LEA/Charter, and the actual Menu/List of Services that correspond to each category of service from the sample list below. Please specify how you are providing LIEP services for ELL/AIG and ELL/EC students.

Sample LIEP Continuum of Services Categories (NCDPI recommends a minimum of 3 categories of LIEP Services)

Category 1: Direct Service Level 1 / Category 2: Direct Service Level 2 / Category 3: Direct Service Level 3

LIEP Continuum of Services Rubric (Indicate the name your LEA will use for each category or LIEP Services)

Category 1: / Category 2: / Category 3:
Criteria: / General proficiency levels 1-2
Please see sample page. / Generally proficiency levels 3-4
Please see sample page. / Generally proficiency level 5
Please see sample page.
Context: / Please see sample page. / Please see sample page. / Please see sample page.
Services: / Please see sample page. / Please see sample page. / Please see sample page.

*NCDPI recommends the utilization of multiple data sources and data reflective practices.

The following constructs have been generated for your reference.

Criteria to determine the category in which each ELL is “placed”
Range of English Language Proficiency Levels (Domain specific and/or overall proficiency levels), Years in US Schools, First Language literacy, Previous Schooling (interrupted/continuous), Grade level expectations (Struggling/meeting/exceeding),
Meeting HS Graduation Requirements, Recommendations by former teachers, Grade (PreK, K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12)
Other (please specify)
Itinerant teachers, low incidences, Teacher/Student Ratio
Other (please specify)
Menu of Services* (include frequency of services)
Supplemental Computer Programs, Tutors (ESL/Content), Sheltered Instruction, Co-Teaching, Pullout ESL, Content-based ESL,
Newcomers Program, Teacher/Student Coaching, District/Student LEP Plan, Small Groups, Peer Tutoring, Teacher Assistants,
ELL related PD for content teachers, Appropriate Scheduling, Targeted Instructional Modifications/Accommodations (LinguaFolio, SIOP, ExC-ELL, relevant data analysis, use of supplemental materials, etc.)
Others (Please specify)

*The frequency and services may vary from district to district and school to school based on LEP population resources and schedules. Students can be served by an array of educational professionals through services including but not limited to the menu of services provided above in collaboration with ESL staff.

SAMPLE BASIC (Core) Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) Services

2014-2015 Title III Application

The U.S. Department of Education’s (ED) Student Achievement and School Accountability Programs (SASA) office, Title III State Consolidated Grant Group monitored the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) the week of October 24-27, 2011. This was a comprehensive review of NCDPI’s administration of Title III, Part A, authorized by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), as amended. As a result of this monitoring visit, NCDPI is collecting each LEA’s Language Instruction Education Programs (LIEP) information.

Directions: Using the constructs below, create a LIEP continuum rubric of services for your LEA and/or Charter. Consider the Criteria for determining the category of service, the Context in which services are provided in the LEA/Charter, and the actual Menu/List of Services that correspond to each category of service from the sample list below.

Sample LIEP Continuum of Services Categories (NCDPI recommends a minimum of 3 categories of LIEP Services)

Category 1: Direct Service Level 1 / Category 2: Direct Service Level 2 / Category 3: Direct Service Level 3

LIEP Continuum of Services Rubric (Indicate the name your LEA will use for each category or LIEP Services)

Direct Services Level 1 / Direct Services Level 2 / Direct Services Level 3
Criteria: / Generally proficiency levels – 1-2 R/W
Year in US Schools <2
May be SIFE, not meeting HS graduation requirements or
struggling academically, non-literate in first language. / Generally proficiency levels – 3-4 R/W
Years in US Schools >2 , long term ELLs
May be SIFE, not meeting HS graduation requirements or struggling academically. / Generally proficiency level 5 R/W
Years in US Schools varies
May be meeting HS graduation requirements and/or succeeding academically in most subject areas or language domains.
Context: / Medium size LEA with strong LEP support and small teacher to student ratio. 1 teacher may serve more than one school. LEP plan is developed at the district level and for each LEP student. / Medium size LEA with strong LEP support and small teacher to student ratio. 1 teacher may serve more than one school. LEP plan is developed at the district level and for each LEP student. / Medium size LEA with strong LEP support and small teacher to student ratio. 1 teacher may serve more than one school. LEP plan is developed at the district level and for each LEP student.
Services: / K-5: Pull out 5 days a week for minimum of 30-45 mins. Some co-teaching, content teachers SIOP trained, appropriate instructional modifications in place, afterschool tutoring provided and some TAs available for additional support.
6-8: Content based ESL class for 45 minutes per day. Content teacher team SIOP and ExC-ELL trained and students strategically scheduled. Appropriate instructional modifications in place, and after school tutoring provided in most schools.
9-12: One school offers a newcomer program for ½ day. All others offer content based ESL class for 90 minutes per day. Content teachers SIOP and ExC-ELL trained and student clustered. Appropriate instructional modifications in place and after school tutoring provided in most schools. / K-5: Mostly co-teaching with some pull out to focus on specific skill sets identified through data reflection, content teachers SIOP trained, appropriate instructional modifications in place, afterschool tutoring provided
6-8: Some content based ESL classes for 45 minutes per day, but mostly co-teaching. Content teacher team SIOP and ExC-ELL trained and students strategically scheduled. Appropriate instructional modifications in place, and after school tutoring provided in most schools.
9-12: Some content based ESL classes for 90 minutes per day, and some co-teaching. Content teachers SIOP and ExC-ELL trained and student clustered. Appropriate instructional modifications in place, and after school tutoring provided in most schools. / K-5: Mostly served by SIOP trained teachers. ESL support as needed for teachers (coaching, ELL strategies) and student (1 on 1, small group, content specific) to meet specific language needs as identified through data reflection. Appropriate instructional modifications in place.
6-8: Mostly served by SIOP trained teachers. ESL support as needed for teachers (coaching, ELL strategies) and student (1 on 1, small group, content specific) to meet specific language needs as identified through data reflection. Appropriate instructional modifications in place.
9-12: Mostly served by SIOP trained teachers. ESL support as needed for teachers (coaching, ELL strategies) and student (1 on 1, small group, content specific) to meet specific language needs as identified through data reflection. Appropriate instructional modifications in place.

NC Title III Application 2014-2015 Appendices Page 1 of 2