EA 1 - Modern Day Genocide

Expository Presentation
Standards: 9-10:W.2, RI1.2, SL.3, SL.4


The Holocaust is not the only genocide to happen in history. Unfortunately, there are genocides that have even taken place even after the Holocaust. In this group project, you will research modern genocides and present your findings to the class in a formal presentation.

You will complete this assignment with your table using Google Slides and sharing the Google Slides will all members of your group. We will have laptops/lab time in class to conduct the research on November 17-19.Any part of your presentation that is not complete will be homework. We will begin presenting on November 20th.


The following topics are your table’s research assignment. In order to educate each other as much as possible, I have assigned each table a research topic.

  • Table 1: Rwanda Genocide
  • Table 2: Sudan/Darfur
  • Table 3: Uganda
  • Table 4: Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Table 5: Cambodia
  • Table 6: Bosnia
  • Table 7: Armenia
  • Table 8: Guatemalan Civil War


  • Use Google Slides
  • 3-5 minute presentation
  • At least 6 pictures total-on a slide with words or on a slide on its own
  • Information is organized in bullet points
  • An in-text citation is next to each bullet point
  • During your presentation, you can reference a notecard, but you cannot read directly from the slide
  • Each group member must COMPLETE THEIR ASSIGNED SLIDES
  • The slideshow is due on November 20th.


Slides are in the correct order and formatted correctly/8
Works Cited Slide is formatted correctly:/10
Google Slides includes a unique design, but looks professional/4
At least 6 pictures are in the presentation/6
Includes required information on each research slide (#1-8): /40
In-text citations are present in each required slide:/12
Presentation is formal, 3-5 minutes and covers the required information /20
Total: /100

Slide requirements:

  • Slide 1: (title slide)– DIAMOND
  • The genocide you researched
  • Your names
  • Slide 2: Overview - HEART
  • How did it start? Include at least 3 facts.
  • Slide 3: Overview continued - HEART
  • What was it like? Include at least 3 facts.
  • Slide 4: Overview - HEART
  • How did it end?OR What is happening now?
  • Slide 5:Facts in numbers - SPADE
  • Possible ideas: number of years/victims/distance between groups
  • Slide 6: First hand account - SPADE
  • If possible, highlight one person and describe his/her experience
  • Slide 7: Help - CLUB
  • How are people helping current victims?
  • Slide 8: Education - CLUB
  • How are people trying to stop it?
  • How are people spreading the word about this?
  • Slide 9:Conclusion– DIAMOND
  • Your final comments
  • Slide 10: Works Cited– DIAMOND
  • All of the sources you used in the correct format

Preliminary Research
Use this information as a reference when you are creating your presentation. Each person must submit their own worksheet.

Genocide: ______Dates: ______

Conflict between: ______

Summarize your genocide in a 5+ sentence paragraph.

List 10 important events and dates in order (use an in-text citation).











Who has been supporting victims?

What do we know about firsthand accounts?

Your overall viewpoint (5+ sentences, be more specific than “This is sad.”):

Sources cited in correct MLA format (need at least 5):
Dean, Cornelia. "Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet." New York Times. New York Times, 22 May 2007. Web. 25 May 2009.



