Challenges Confronting Modern Africa

Task: Students will work with a partner to create a 10 slide PPT presentation on modern African problems.


·  Students will choose 2 of the 4 categories below and then choose 1 specific topic to research under each of those 2 categories.

·  For EACH topic students must create a minimum of 4 slides:

o  1 slide must describe who/what it is, where it is a problem, and when it was a problem

o  1 slide must explain why it is a problem

o  1 slide must explain 1 action/step that has been taken or was taken to address the problem

o  1 slide that includes 2 of the following with a caption explaining each: picture, chart, map, or graph (include citation under image/chart, etc.—Image/Chart/etc. taken from: website)

o  The final slide will be the bibliography. You must have 4 sources—2 per each topic. See below for examples of correct bibliographic format. The first slide is the title slide.

1.One-Party Rule and Military Dictatorships 2.Terrorist Groups

Mobutu Sese Seko (Congo) ISIS in North Africa

Idi Amin (Uganda) Boko Harem

Robert Mugabe (Zimbabwe) Al-Shabab (Somalia)

Omar al-Bashir (Sudan) Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)

General Sani Abacha (Nigeria) Lord’s Resistance Army

3.Ethnic Conflicts & Civil Wars 4.Health/Environmental Concerns

Nigerian Civil War (1967-70) Malaria

Somalian Civil War (1986-present) HIV/AIDS

Rwandan Genocide (1994) Ebola

2nd Liberian Civil War (1999-2003) Desertification

Sierra Leone (1991-2002) Deforestation

Darfur Genocide (2003-present)



Last name, First name. Title of the book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Date.


Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. Date.


Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine volume (Year):

Page numbers.

Online References: (DO NOT CITE GOOGLE)

Web site

Last name, First name. “Title of the Web site.” URL Address (accessed date)


Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Encyclopedia. URL Address

(accessed date).


Last name, First name. “Title of the Article.” Title of the Magazine. Page

numbers. URL Address (accessed date).

Challenges Confronting Modern Africa Rubric


Topic #1

_____Slide #1 includes description of who/what problem is, where it’s located, and when it was/is an issue—10 pts

_____Slide #2 clearly explains why it’s a problem, goes in some depth, and describes its significance—10 pts.

_____Slide #3 clearly explains 1 action/step that has been or was taken to address the problem—10 pts.

_____Slide #4 includes 2 of required elements with explanatory captions and citations—10 pts.

Topic #2

_____Slide #1 includes description of who/what problem is, where it’s located, and when it was/is an issue—10 pts

_____Slide #2 clearly explains why it’s a problem, goes in some depth, and describes its significance—10 pts.

_____Slide #3 clearly explains 1 action/step that has been or was taken to address the problem—10 pts.

_____Slide #4 includes 2 of required elements with explanatory captions and citations—10 pts.


_____Bibliography slide has 4 required sources typed in correct MLA format, in alphabetical order; 2 per source—10 pts.

_____Overall presentation—info easy to read, not crowded onto slides, background isn’t distracting, title describes the 2 topics researched, overall effect.

Final Grade______(Both students will receive the same grade)