Colfax PTO Executive Board

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


In attendance:

Shannon Ewing

Paul Foster

Jenny Ganger

Darcy Gordon

Barbara Griffin

Donna McCartney

Ida Simpson

Meeting convened at approximately7:10 p.m.

I.Recycling Program – Paul Foster for Jane Opgaard

Jane Opgaard and her committee have coordinated the start of recycling for ColfaxALA. As part of the program, a group can come to do a launch program at the school. Questions were raised re. the cost of the program ($750), what it would include, who would be involved and if there is any flexibility with the price. This item will be on the agenda for Thursday’s PTO meeting. Jane should be prepared to discuss it.

NOTE: following the EB meeting, Jane sent an email that the group doing the assembly has some funds available they could apply to the program, reducing our cost to $250 - $275.

  1. Bob O’Connor Community Playground Build Day / Fund Raising – Shannon Ewing

Build Day

A flier has gone home asking for volunteers for build day.

T-shirts will be provided to all volunteers. To date we have 3 sponsors for the t-shirts (Crazy Mocha, East End Veterinary Medical Centre and Sherri Mayer).

MANY volunteers are needed throughout the day. Volunteer committees include:

Build (Alan Finkelstein captain),

Registration (Darcy Gordon & Kathleen Knauer captains),

Food (Dale Templin captain),

Children’s Arts & Crafts (Melanie Weisbord & Leslie Grodin captains),

Grounds Beatification (captain needed).

A budget for build day will be presented at the PTO meeting on 4/3.

Fund Raising

There will be a bake sale on 4/22, primary day.

Plant sale flyers will go home next week. Volunteers needed to help distribute the plants on 5/7.

  1. Carnaval – Ida Simpson

Ida has met with Cathy Kress and Rhonda Rothman re. Carnaval. Kathy is the chairperson of the event.

Carnaval will be in conjunction with the grand opening of the new building. Principal May-Stein is working on the grand opening aspect.

Committee chairpersons / coordinators include:

Music – Kate Borger & C.E. Pino

Games – Paul Foster

Cultural Tents – Carolyn Ludwig

T-shirts – Donna McCartney & Shannon Ewing

Baskets for “Kangaroo” auction – Shannon Ewing & Darcy Gordon


Set-up – NEEDED

Clean-up – NEEDED

Prizes – NEEDED (suggested Lisa Stupar and/or Sue Berman)

Tickets – NEEDED

Ida will ask the Mrs. Moule and Mrs. Pinizzotto if they might coordinate some student musical participation.

Ida will check to see if team mascots, fire trucks, SWAT teams, etc. can be at the event.

  1. 2008 – 2009 Executive Board

All EB members should be thinking about who might serve on next year’s EB.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Darcy Gordon, co-secretary