Target Heart Rate

It is important to exercise within the target heart zone (THR). The THR is unique to each person and will change as a person ages, and as his/her conditioning levels increase or decrease. The target heart rate zone is between 60 and 85% of an individual’s maximum heart rate. The worksheets on the following pages will help students understand how to establish and track exercise using their target heart rate zones.

Finding Your Target Heart Rate Zone

Step 1: Start with 220.

Step 2: Subtract age; this equals one’s maximum heart rate.

Step 3: Subtract resting heart rate from maximum heart rate.

Step 4: Multiply number from step 3 by .60 for the lower end of THR zone.

Step 5: Multiply number from step 3 by .85 for the higher end of THR zone.

Step 6: Add resting heart rate to both the low and high ends of the THR zone.

Computing Your Target Heart Rate (THR) Range


Purpose: To practice working in your target heart rate range by doing a walk/jog

or stationary cycling workout.

Procedure: Provide answers to the following questions and graph your workout

on the chart provided.

1. Draw a ······· line on the chart to represent your maximum heart rate. Write it down here ______.

2. Draw a —— line on the chart to represent the lower limit (60%) of your target

heart rate zone. Write that number down here______.

3. Draw a ----- line on the chart to represent the upper limit (90%) of your target

heart rate. Lightly shade in your target heart zone. Write your upper limit down

here ______.

4. What is your pre-exercise heart rate? ______Mark it on the chart.

5. We will do a 30-minute workout. Try to stay within your THR zone. Record

your heart rate at times listed below.

HR after a 5-minute warm-up ______

HR after 10 minutes of exercise ______

HR after 15 minutes of exercise ______

HR after 20 minutes of exercise ______

HR after 25 minutes of exercise ______

HR after 5-minute cool down ______