
Sequential number 360

Project Manager JAN THURGOOD

Background information Budget

Existing Adult Social Services budgets (materially saving from Head of ASC&WB not being in post Sept 2009 - March 2010

Date approved Amount Spent to date: Nothing on agencies

Proposal for approval

This requirement has arisen as a result of the cac Inspection and is required urgently to assist the Director of Social Services in the implementation of Poole's Action Plan in relation to the cac Inspection recommendations.

The contract will be for up to 9 months for 5 days a week.

Contract start date: 10th August 2009. Contract end/review date: April 2010

The Council does not have the skills or resources internally to consider a secondment opportunity.

Consultation will take place with the Trade Unions, the Leader of the Council and the Opposition and the Portfolio Holder.

Market testing has also taken place and the cost of the appointment via an agency would be as follows:

·  Day rate for candidate including agency fee: range from £500 - £850 per day (excluding expenses) plus up to 30% agency fee. Based on 5 days a week total at £500 - £850 a day total cost would be £110,000 - £186,000 including agencies fees.

·  Expenses: reasonable expenses for travel and overnight accommodation for appointed candidate

Individuals external to the Council also expressed an interest in the interim appointment. An Interview process has taken place. Three candidates were interviewed - two external candidates and one agency candidate. The interview panel included Jan Thurgood, Director of Adult Social Services, John McBride, Chief Executive and three Elected Members.

The panel has agreed on a decision to offer the placement to Harry Capron, an external candidate. References for Harry Capron have been received and shared with HR. The appointment is subject to a CRB check which is in the process of also being completed.

Reason's) for not tendering

The appointment of Harry Capron is desirable. The candidate has the necessary skills and experience to undertake the role and performed well at interviews. Satisfactory references have also been received.

Costs for the appointment of Harry Capron are as follows:

Basic Estimated Salary including 2009 cost of living pay increase: £74,787

Plus recharge costs including personal contracted provisions, employment pension and Dorset County Council on costs: £20,252

Annual total cost: £98,940 based on a contract of 9 months for 5 days a week

Considering the proposals put forward from agencies, it is possible to evaluate a reasonable cost for the appointment of a Deputy Director for Adult Social Services. Daily rates from agencies range from £500 £850 a day plus agency fee and expenses, therefore it is considered this appointment at £98,940 represents value for money.

and exception sought' See Standing Orders for full text)

Approval is sought to waive the requirement for competitive tendering under Standing Order 23 by applying the following exception referred to in Standing Order 24 summarised as follows:

o a) Negotiated tender with existing contractor. In addition to initial approval by Head of Service Unit and Head of Financial Services approval by the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet is required. (Please return this form to Legal and Democratic Services to obtain approval by the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet).

c)  Supply of goods/materials/services if:

o  (i) sold only at fixed price;

o  (ii) prices controlled by trade organisations or government order;

o  (Hi) limited number of contractors but reasonable number of these invited to submit tenders;

o  (iv) set up by other organisations ( contracting procedures equivalent to Borough of Poole ).

Requires approval from Head of Service Unit and Head of Financial Services.

IZJc) Unforeseeable and required urgently. Requires approval of Portfolio Holder or Cabinet after approval is sought from Head of Service Unit and Head of Financial Services. (Please return this form to Legal and Democratic Services to obtain approval by the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet).

D d) Repairs, supply of parts or updates for existing machinery, computers etc. Requires approval from Head of Service Unit and Head of Financial Services.

D e) Original estimate less than £25,000. (Quotation procedure followed.) Requires approval from Head of Service Unit and Head of Financial Services.

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