The ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong

Department of Geography and Resource Management

GRM3023 Hong Kong Geographical Issues

1st term, 2008-09

Teaching Staff

Dr. Huang Yefang, Lucy (FYB209, Ext. 6596, )

Prof. Marafa Lawal Mohammed(FYB 229 Ext. 6471,

Tutor: Ms. Woo Lai Yan, Karen(FYB 234, Ext 6541, )

Time / Place

Tuesday 12:30 - 1:15 pmFYB 233

Friday 9:30 – 11:15 amFYB 233

Course Description

This is an advanced course organized in seminar and workshop formats. The Problem-Based Learning approach will be adopted to study the emerging geographical issues in Hong Kong related to land and water resources, transport and infrastructure development, housing and population policies, urban development, regional cooperation and integration and environmental protection etc. The issues discussed will change from time to time in response to the changes in Hong Kong.


To apply geographical and resource management concepts learnt for a better understanding of current geographical issues occurred in Hong Kong.

  • How relevance is geographical concept to a particular issue?
  • What we, geographers, can do to solve the problem?

Students will be divided into groups. For each topic of discussion, different groups will be assigned to specific tasks and try to gather data/information, perform analysis and present their result/viewpoint for discussion and/or debate in lecture.


Two issues will be discussed in the format of seminar and workshop in the course. Each issue will be discussed with the following sections:

Section A / Background (2 hours)
  • Question identification:
  • what are the key research questions related to the topic;
  • what perspectives can we adopt to work on the topic
  • Instructors will introduce relevant background information on the issues students are going to discuss
  • Required introductory reading materials will be distributed for session D

Section B / Lecture (1 hour)
  • A mini-lecture will be offered to substantiate theoretical basis related to the topic

Section C / Problem Identification
  • To formulate study objectives
  • To identify tasks
  • To sort out student groups for the topic
  • To designate tasks for different groups
  • Students under different groups will further explore for relevant literature associated with their designated tasks

Section D / Literature Review (2 hours)
  • Based on the questions identified in sessions A and C, different groups will present based on the literature they reviewed.
  • The review will focus on
  • Theories related to the topic
  • Analytical methods related to the topic
  • Academic studies related to the topic
  • Similar studies in the world
  • Internet resources

Section E / Progress Discussion
  • After different groups have collected their data/information according to the designated task, a preliminary analysis of the data/information will be discussed.
  • The discussion will focus on
  • Relevant public/private reports related to the topic
  • Published statistics and data directly related to the topic
  • Similar studies in the world
  • Internet resources

Progress Discussion
  • Free discussion and consultation on information collected, analytical works
  • Preparation for final presentation

Section F / Final Presentation (2 hours)
  • Different groups will present their result in lecture

Research Issues

  1. Landscape Evaluation and Conservation policy in Hong Kong
  2. Roles of Hong Kong in regional integration with the mainland China

Course Content and Schedule

Week / Tuesday (1 hour) / Friday (2 hours)
1 / 2/9 /

Overview of the course

/ 5/9 / Lecture:
Background on landscape
2 / 9/9 / Lecture:
Theories on landscape / 12/9 / Problem identification
3 / 16/9 / Guideline on literature review and final paper / 19/9 / Literature review
4 / 23/9 / Reading day / 26/9 / Literature review presentation
5 / 30/9 / Progress discussion / 3/10 / Progress discussion
6 / 7/10 / Happy Holiday / 10/10 / Final Presentation
7 / 14/10 / Reflection on first project / 17/10 / Lecture:
Background on regional integration
8 / 21/10 / Lecture:
Theories on regional integration / 24/10 / Problem identification
9 / 28/10 / Literature review / 31/10 / Reading day
10 / 4/11 / Literature review / 7/11 / Literature review presentation
11 / 11/11 / Guideline on concept mapping & conceptual framework / 14/11 / Practice on concept mapping & conceptual framework
12 / 18/11 / Progress discussion / 21/11 / Progress discussion
13 / 25/11 / Progress discussion / 28/11 / Final Presentation

Course Assessment

Participation in discussion / 10%
Presentation in seminars / 25%*
Literature review paper / 15%
Reading paper / 10%
Final paper on selected topic / 40%

*10% for peer assessment

Literature review paper on landscape issue: Each student needs to hand in a literature review paper with a length of 1,500-2,500 words one week after the literature review presentation. At least 5 academic literatures should be critically reviewed.

Reading paper on the issue of regional integration:Each student should choose two relevant academic literatures and write a critical comment of these two literatures with a length of less than 500 words.

Final paper:Each student can select any one of the topics to work on the final paper. The final paper should include sections of introduction, literature review, conceptual framework, main body of project, conclusion and references in a length of 3,000-6,000 words. The deadline to submit the final report is on/before 10 Dec 2008.Late submission will be penalized by deducting 10% of the mark per day.

Academic Honesty Guideline:

"Attention is drawn to University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and to the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations. Details may be found at . With each assignment, students will be required to submit a statement as the example below that they are aware of these policies, regulations, guidelines and procedures."

Declaration statement for student assignment (Use CUPIDE statement if applicable)

I declare that the assignment here submitted is original except for source material explicitly acknowledged. I also acknowledge that I am aware of University policy and regulations on honesty in academic work, and of the disciplinary guidelines and procedures applicable to breaches of such policy and regulations, as contained in the website




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