Rogue Community College Budget Committee Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2017

  1. Call to Order – Kevin Talbert, Immediate Past Chair, Rogue Community College (RCC) Board of Education, called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 16, 2017, Redwood Campus, 3345 Redwood Highway, Room 2, Grants Pass, OR.

Due notice was given.

  1. Determine Presence of Quorum – A quorum was confirmed with the following committee members in attendance: Pat Ashley, Ian Bachtel, Darlene Dart, Russ Milburn, Colleen Padilla, Matt Stephenson, Claudia Sullivan, Kevin Talbert, Dean Wendle and

Jerry Work.

  1. Introduction of Guests –RCC District employees: Cathy Kemper-Pelle, Debbie Dice, Natalie Herklotz, Curtis Sommerfeld, Lisa Stanton, Sarah Wofford and Denise Nelson.

4.Appoint Budget Committee Chair for Budget Process

Budget Committee member Jerry Workvolunteered to serve as the 2017/18District Budget Committee Chair thusMr. Workwas appointed by Dr. Talbert to serve as Chair.

Mr. Work addressed the Committee and provided historical background regarding the budget process.

5.Review Budget [Oregon Budget Law, Chapter 294 (Oregon Revised Statutes)]

  1. Review Budget

[Oregon Budget Law, Chapter 294, (Oregon Revised Statutes)]

  1. Review 2016/17 Budget Process

Lisa Stanton, Chief Financial Officer, provided a PowerPoint presentation of the 2017/18 RCC Proposed Budget (see file). A spreadsheet document titled “Rogue Community College As of May 16, 2017” was distributed (see file). Budget Committee members asked questions throughout the meeting. Ms. Stanton and Vice President Sommerfeld answered their questions accordingly.

  1. Budget Message

(see pages 1 – 4of the book titled “Proposed Budget 2017-18”)

Highlights of the Budget Message include:

  • A balanced budget is being presented
  • When preparing the budget, revenue and expenditure forecasts are prepared within the context of the current economic conditions.
  • The budget presented is developed over several months with considerable College-wide participation. It takes into consideration the long-term effect of the current economic challenges and the financial health of the College.
  • The College proactively manages its financial resources, adopting budgetary principles that address its core themes, strategic plan, revenue enhancements, and the impact of its current actions on its future final health. The focus throughout the budget development and planning process is to determine the optimal balance of revenue, expenditures, and program and service levels, while taking into account the economic realities of the community.
  • Ms. Stanton reviewed the budget assumptions (see page 3)
  1. Review Proposed Budget 2017/18

a.Economic Environment Student FTE (see chart – PowerPoint)

b.Economic Environment State Reimbursement (see chart – PowerPoint)

c.Revenues (see chart – PowerPoint)

  • Tuition & Fees – 37.1%
  • Property Taxes – 33.7%
  • State Operations – 22.0%
  • Other Revenue & Transfers In – 7.2%

Budget Changes – Revenues

FY 2016/17 Adopted Budget$44,409,215

State Operations$ (688,513)

Property Taxes$ 413,651

Tuition and Fees$ 652,475

Other$ (27,000)

Transfers In$ 1,867,278

Fund Balance$ 580,215

FY 2017/18 Proposed Budget$ 47,207,321

d.Expenditures (see chart – PowerPoint)

  • Personnel & Other 73%
  • Materials & Services and Capital – 15.1%
  • Transfers Out – 11.9%

e.Budget Changes – Expenditures (General Fund and College Services Fund Combined):

Before AdjustmentsProposed Budget

Fiscal Year 2016/17 Adopted Budget / $44,409,215 / $44,409,215
Personnel / $1,171,511 / $(226,554)
Other Personnel / $594,607 / 94,607
Materials and Services District / $318,698 / $318,698
Materials and Services Non District / $17,175 / $17,175
Capital / $(24,998) / $(24,998)
Transfers / $(142,557) / $1,631,188
Contingency / $564,203 / $564,203
Reserve for Future Expenditures / $423,787 / $423,787
Fiscal Year 2017/18 Budget / $47,331,641 / $47,207,321

f.Future Year Assumptions

  • Enrollments are expected to remain stable
  • The Public Employee Retirement System (PERS) is uncertain due to potential new legislation
  • Increase in costs due to additional facilities

Budget Committee members were encouraged to contact Lisa Stanton or Curtis Sommerfeld if they have any questions or concerns.

6.Public Comment – None

7.New Business – None

8.Adjournment – Jerry Workstated the next Budget Committee meeting will be held on

May 25, 2017, 3:00 p.m., Table Rock Campus. Mr. Workadjourned the meeting at 3:50 p.m.

Meeting minutes submitted by Denise Nelson, Assistant to the Board of Education