Beta Test PlanIDEEV2500BetaPlan.doc

Beta Test Plan For

InTether Desktop Enterprise Edition

InTether Receiver


April 4, 2003

Infraworks Corporation

4030 West Braker Lane, Suite #450

Austin, TX 78759

(512) 583-5000

April 11, 2003

Infraworks Corp.

4030 West Braker Lane, Suite #450

Austin, TX 78759

(512) 583-5000

Dear Infraworks Beta Participant,

Thank you for participating in beta testing for the Infrawork’s InTether Desktop software. The primary objectives of this beta program are to:

  1. Ensure the highest quality release possible by early identification of program errors and usability issues.
  2. Provide you with an early understanding the new product features.
  3. Allow you an opportunity to provide feedback to the Infraworks product development team regarding features that are important to you.
  4. Prerelease review of available user documentation.

In order to meet these objectives within the beta period, Infraworks is providing this Beta Test Plan Guideline document to enable beta customers to execute their test plans. Please feel free to add additional tests and feedback, as you see fit.

All beta program reviews are due back by Wednesday, April 23. You can submit these reviews electronically to , via mail at the above address or via fax at

(512) 583-5075. If you have any questions or difficulties during your beta review, please do not hesitate to email or call Infraworks product support at


Thank you again for your participation. Your input will enable Infraworks to create the products you need for your digital property protection.


Melody Norsworthy

Director of Quality Assurance

(512) 744-4259


Release Overview

This release of InTether Desktop Enterprise Edition contains many new features and enhancements to the Desktop Packager, Outlook and Lotus email plug-in, InTether ID Manager and the InTether Receiver. Descriptions of these new features are provided in this section.

InTether Outlook Plugin - InTether Email Body

Figure 1 - New InTether Email Body Icon

The Microsoft Outlook plug in now includes an InTether email body button. This will allow you to edit a new email and save the contents in an InTether format. The original email is saved in your sent items folder. The addition or deletion of this feature is available through the Install program.

Receiver Changes

The release receiver accommodates new permissions, Encrypt Only and Print Only. When absorbing an “Encrypt Only” package, the new Absorb Encrypt Only InTether File dialog will be presented. This dialog has an area to enter the password, if required and an area for you to specify where the file will be saved.

This release of the receiver no longer has the Content Manager. All content is managed through the native Windows file system. You can access all packaged and received files via Windows Explorer. By default, all saved files will be placed in the c:\InTether\<user name>\Received directory.

The amount of data being received is now restricted only by the amount of the hard disk space available. The previous release restricted the amount of data being received to one gig. There must be at least 10 meg plus the files size being received to continue using the InTether Receiver.

Packager Interface Enhancements

Figure 2 - New Desktop Packager Interface

When you begin to use the email plug-in packagers and the desktop packager, you will notice that the interface has changed since the last release. These changes accommodate the two new features for the packager. These features are Encrypt Only and Allow Printing.

Encrypt only allows you to create InTether Packages that are just encrypted. When Encrypt only is selected, authentication options (password and Include Recipient’s ID) are the only other options that can be selected. Once the recipient receives an “encrypt only” package, the file and associated applications will behave in the normal unsecured manner. The encrypt only permission is selected by default the first time you use the product.

Allow Printing allows the recipient to print the contents of an InTethered file. Save, Cut/Copy/Paste and Screen Capture are restricted operations.

General Instructions

Please complete the functional verification tasks for the InTether Desktop on at least one of the following platforms.

Operating System / Memory (minimum) / Hard Disk Space (minimum)
Windows 2000 / 64 MB RAM / 5 MB
Windows NT 4.0 with SP6 or greater / 64 MB RAM / 5 MB
Windows XP / 128 MB RAM / 5 MB
Windows 98 or 95 / Not recommended for beta testing.

Table 1Supported Platforms

  1. Please answer the questions on the form in Appendix A; either by writing on the hard copy or by opening an electronic copy of this document and typing your answers.
  2. Please use your own creativity when testing the product. These test cases are written as a guideline so that you will see all of the new features of the product.
  3. Return your feedback to Infraworks product support by April 23, 2003.

Beta Test Tasks

  1. Complete Part 1: Install the InTether Desktop and Receiver software from the CD or by copying the install to your desktop. Follow instruction in the Installation and Configuration Guide. The programs installed include:

InTether Desktop Enterprise Edition

InTether Receiver

  1. Complete Part 2: Functional Evaluation. These activities evaluate the software’s basic ability to generate the expected results; in the way you need them. Besides the listed functions, please use the software for other tasks you feel are important.
  2. Complete Part 3: Overall Comments and Usability Evaluation. This section asks you to rate various aspects of the software using a 5-point scale.
  3. Complete Part 4: Specific Questions. These questions request your feedback on specific areas of the software.
  4. Please list any cosmetic errors you encounter, such as typos, missing graphics, etc. Note the screen name that appears in the top title bar for each item you are addressing.
  5. You may be asked to send the log files located in c:\temp\ to Infraworks at the conclusion of your testing. Please save these log files.
  6. Return the completed feedback form located in Appendix A to Infraworks by April 23, 2003.

Part 1: Product Component Installation and Configuration

Testing Setup

Before you will be able to install this release of InTether, you will need to uninstall previous releases of the InTether Desktop and Receiver. Failing to do so will result in unpredictable results during the install of release 2.5. NOTE: You will loose any InTether Content you currently have on your system.

If you need to save your InTether contents, contact your system administrator. They will perform a backup of your system to save your content.

Update the Test Results form in Appendix A, as you execute the following test cases. Your system administrator will be installing and providing any required information regarding how to access the UID Manager Server. System Administrators – refer to the Install Guide for information on how to install and configure the UID Manager Server and the Broadcast Server.

Test Case 001: Be sure you do not currently have InTether Desktop or Receiver installed on your system. Install InTether Desktop Enterprise Edition using the setup.exe installation program. Follow instructions in InTether Desktop Installation and Configuration Guide. Record the Operating System you are using in the test results form. Record the machine speed and memory you have on your test machine. Once the Receiver is installed, your machine will reboot. Verify that the InTether Receiver icon is located in the lower right hand corner of you screen.

Figure 3- InTether Receiver Icon

Expected Results: InTether Packager and Receiver were easy to install and the documentation was adequate in following the install process and bringing up the product. The InTether Receiver icon is located in the lower right hand corner of you screen in the systray. (See Figure 3- InTether Receiver Icon).

Test Case 002: Right Click on the InTether Icon and select Version Number. Record the version number and build in the Test Results form.

Expected Results: The InTether Receiver Information screen will be displayed with the version number of The build number depends on the product build used for beta testing.

Test Case 003: Right Click the InTether Icon and select View Trusted Aps.

Expected Results: A scrollable list of the applications InTether supports will be presented in the Trusted Apps Dialog window.

Test Case 004: Right Click the InTether Icon and select View Supported File Types.

Expected Results: A scrollable list of file types InTether supports will be presented in the Supported File Types Dialog window.

Test Case 005: Right Click the InTether Icon and select View InTether ID.

Expected Results: InTether Id will be displayed in the InTether Receiver Information dialog. This ID is unique for each machine.

Test Case 006: Right Click the InTether Icon and select Copy InTether ID to Clipboard. Paste the InTether ID by pressing CTRL+V into an open document.

Expected Results: InTether ID can be cut and pasted into the document.

Test Case 007: Right Click the InTether Icon and select Preferences. Change the Logging Level to Verbose and press Apply. Right Click the InTether Icon and select Preferences to verify that changes are sill in affect.

Expected Results: By default the Logging Level will be set to Critical and the Enable Secure Process Dialog will be selected. After change the Logging Level to verbose and reopening the dialog, the Logging Level will remain verbose. Logs produced during receiver execution will have the maximum amount of information at the verbose level.

Test Case 008: Right Click the InTether Icon and select Readme. Read the receiver information.

Expected Results: If a PDF reader is available on your system, you will be able to read the Using Receiver documentation. If you do not have a PDF reader installed on your system, you will receive a message instructing you to download Adobe Acrobat Reader from

Test Case 009: Double Click the InTether Packager Icon on your desktop. Select Help and About. Record the Version and Build number in the Test Results form.

Expected Results: The Desktop Packager will be presented. The version will be Build number is dependent upon the last build created for the beta test.

Test Case 010: Register your receiver with the UID Manager Server. To do this select Start – Programs – InTether Receiver – Registry GUI. Your system administrator has installed the broadcast server for the UID Manager.

Expected Results: You should receive confirmation that you have registered with the UID Manager Server.

Part 2: UID Manager, Packager and Receiver Functional Evaluation

TEAM GOAL: Package and receive 1000 packages by the end of testing!

Desktop Packager

The Desktop Packager is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is used to package or InTether files. The Lotus and Outlook Plug-ins enable access to the desktop packager while working with a new email message. The InTether Receiver is a stand-alone program that allows the recipient of an InTethered file to access the content in a secure manner. The permissions associated with a secure file are defined by the originator of the InTether packager. This set of tests will guide you through the features of the desktop packager and the receiver.

Test Case TC011: Begin executing the InTether Desktop Packager by double clicking on the InTether Packager Icon located on your desktop. Select a file that you would like to package by pressing the browse button located next to the “Select file for packaging” field. Click on the “Encrypt & Add Permissions” button. Press “Create Package” to create the InTethered Package. You will be prompted to view the secure files. Press “Yes” to view the package you just created. Double click on the package and an InTether Absorb dialog will be presented. Select “Save & Open” to view your secured file.

Expected Results: An InTethered Package will be created and viewed. The Secure Process Monitor will be displayed in the lower right hand corner of the screen. The InTether file will be available for access in the c:\InTether\<user name>\received directory.

Test Case TC012: From the InTether Desktop Packager, select a file that you would like to package by pressing the browse button located next to the “Select file for packaging” field. Click on the Encrypt Only button. Press “Create Package” to create the InTethered Package. You will be prompted to view the secure files. Press “Yes” to view the package you just created. Double click on the package and the Absorb Encrypt Only InTether File dialog will be presented. Select “Save & Open” to view your encrypted file.

Expected Results: An encrypted file will be created. When the file is accessed, there is no Secure Process Monitor. The file does not have any limitations such as restrictions on cut, paste, save or print.

Test Case TC013: From the InTether Desktop Packager, select a file that you would like to package by pressing the browse button located next to the “Select file for packaging” field. Click on the “Encrypt & Add Permissions” button. Select “Allow Printing”. Press “Create Package” to create the InTethered Package. You will be prompted to view the secure files. Press “Yes” to view the package you just created. Double click on the package and the Absorb InTether File dialog will be presented. Select “Save & Open” to view your secured file. Print the file. Attempt to save the file.

Expected Results: A secured file is printed but not saved.

Test Case TC014: Open a new email and pressing the “InTether Attachment” button to access the InTether Packager from Outlook or Lotus Notes. Record the email application (Outlook or Lotus Notes) you are using in the testing results form. Select a file that you would like to package by pressing the browse button located next to the “Select file for packaging” field. Click on the Select UID button. Select the UID for the recipient of the email. If there are no entries in the UID Database, create one. You can use your personal InTether ID and send an email message to yourself. Click on the “Encrypt & Add Permissions” button. Click on the Create Package Button. Send the note with the attachment.

Expected Results: A secured file can be accessed only by the intended recipient.

Test Case TC015: This test can only be performed with Microsoft Outlook. Open a new email. Enter text in the email body. Press the “InTether Email Body” button to access the InTether Packager. Send the InTethered Email.

Expected Results: An email is sent with an InTethered Email Body. The email in the sent folder is not InTetherered.

Test Case TC016: Open a new email in Outlook or Lotus. Press InTethered Attachment button. Select a file for packaging. Press Select UID. Select the UID for your beta test partner from the global database and press ok. Create the package and send the email to your beta test partner and one other beta participant.

Expected Results: An email is sent with an InTethered Attachment. The beta test partner is the only person who can read the attachment.

Test Case TC017: This is the last test case but the most time consuming. Ideally, we would like each test team to create and email 100 InTether packages.

Package supported file types and also be sure to try and package file types that are not supported. Place in your email the permissions used so that the recipient can verify the correct permissions were received. The recipient should also verify that cut, copy, paste, print, and screen capture are blocked as appropriate.

Expected Results: All possible file types can be packaged and received. Various sizes can be absorbed into the Receiver. All permissions can be used and are working correctly. File Types that are not supported cannot be packaged.

Appendix A - Beta Tester Feedback Form for InTether Desktop Enterprise Edition Version

Your name: Your Organization:

Phone: E-mail: ______Date: ____

Please complete the forms in this appendix while you are performing your tests. A convenient way to do this is to have an electronic copy of this form open while you are running the beta test cases. Enter your results as you complete each test. Return this form to Infraworks by April 23, 2003.

Part 1: Product Component Installation and Configuration Test Results

Test Case / Passed (P)
Failed (F) /
Test Results and Information (record any problems or concerns here.
TC001 / Install Desktop and Receiver
Operating System: ______
Machine Speed: ______MHZ
Memory: ______
TC002 / Receiver Version: ______Build: ______
TC003 / View Trusted Aps
TC004 / View Supported File Types
TC005 / View InTether ID
TC006 / Paste InTether ID
TC007 / Preferences
TC008 / Readme
TC009 / Access to InTether Desktop
Build Number: ______
Version Number:______
TC010 / Register InTether ID

_Part 2: Functional Evaluation

Test Case / Passed (P)
Failed (F) /
Test Results and Information (record any problems or concerns here.
TC011 / Create and Receive a simple InTether Package.
TC012 / Create and Receive an Encrypt Only Package.
TC013 / Allow Printing
TC014 / InTether Email Attachment
Email application used: ______
TC015 / InTether Email Body
TC016 / InTether Email Attachment with UID

Additional Comments