Healthy Living Thematic Unit 6:33 PM

THIRD GRADE SPANISH LESSON PLAN: Listening and creating a weekly chart using word processing.

Focus and Review: Students perform at the Intermediate-Low level as stated in the ACTFL proficiency guidelines. These students have received enormous amounts of meaningful and comprehensible input since kindergarten. That is why, they are able to understand sentence-length utterances consisting of recombinations of learned elements in a limited number of content areas, particularly because of strongly supported situational context. As for today, they understand and perform a basic list of general commands, can listen to short illustrated stories in Spanish at their reading level and understand the present tense. Today they will be exposed to other commands and vocabulary related to dental health. We already read the story of “Lo Universal y lo Particular” by Julio Cortazar in an adapted version for third graders, and we are learning all about dental health. Since today we are going to listen and perform a list of sentences in the context of being at home at night and wake up next day because later we are going to see a short film or video of a nurse explaining and showing in Spanish how to brush our teeth (age and language appropriate) and role play it, we need to make sure that they understand and add to their repertoir the second person in the present tense: / Materials and time:
Grammatical structures: te estiras, apretas la pasta de dientes, apretas el boton del reloj despertador, roncas, te cepillas los dientes, te cepillas los dientes moviendo el cepillo asi, en circulos pequenos, te masajeas tus encias con el cepillo de dientes asi, en circulos pequenos, no te cepillas los dientes de arriba abajo porque los pedazos de comida se meten debajo de las encias. / N/A
Spanish instructions for Focus and Review: “Buenos dias ninos, cuando escuchen la musica del CD (point to the CD player) hagan lo mismo que yo” (repit if necessary)Teacher on her/his feet and students seated on the carpet: “Imagina que estas en tu casa en la noche, (the background music makes cricket noises) estas cansado (slouch) muy cansado, tus ojos se cierran asi (mime the appropriate movement at every phrase), tu cuerpo se siente pesado y te estiras, te estiras, bostezas, bostezas bien duro, apretas el boton de la alarma (have an alarm clock handy and press the button) para que la alarme te despierte manana, cierras tus ojos y te duermes como un bendito y hasta roncas, roncas, roncas asi, sigue dormido, empieza a salir el sol y suena la alarma (alarm goes off) te despiertas y te estiras, te estiras bien fuerte, bostezas al mismo tiempo, te rascas el costado asi, asi, te rascas el cuello, abre la llave del agua, te lavas las manos y la cara con agua y con jabon, te despabilas con el agua fria de la llave asi asi, chiflas asi, chiflas porque estas contento, chiflas, chiflas tomas la pasta de dientes, abres la tapa, apretas la pasta de diente asi, apretala suavecito, la pasta sale del tubo de pasta de dientes y pones un poquito en tu cepillo de dientes, pone un poquito en tu cepillo de dientes asi, te cepillas asi, mueves el cepillo en circulos pequenos, circulitos, circulitos, asi,asi, tu no te cepillas los dientes de arriba abajo asi (exagérate this movement) porque los pedazos pequenos de comida se meten debajo de las encias, te cepillas asi moviendo el cepillo en circulos pequenos y te masajeas las encias, estas encias asi asi, te enjuagas la boca, escupes el agua, tomas la toalla, te secas y te vas a la escuela a empezar un nuevo dia” (children get up as the teacher gestures and models “te vas a la escuela” going to their desks) / -CD player
-CD with nature noises
Objective: Students will be able to understand simple instructions in Spanish in how to brush their teeth with the right technique and will also learn to monitor themselves daily when they brush their teeth through the creation of a weekly chart in Spanish with the instructions learned today in class. Teacher states the following to the students: “ Hoy vamos a ver un video corto que ensena como cepillarse los dientes. Yo apreto el boton y ustedes escuchan, escuchan (point ears) y ven el video (point eyes), luego vamos a hacer una grafica (point it) en la computadora que nos recuerde cepillarnos los dientes de la manera correcta.” Note: (if possible instead of a film bring a dental nurse that speaks the target language and instruct her to give her demonstration following a certain sentence pattern bringing her tools along with her) / 1min.
Teacher input: Show film. If the video has some kind of difficult or unfamiliar concept, the teacher can stop the video every time and explain it in easier words. / -TV –video tape
12 min.
Guided practice: When the film ends, the teacher tells the students that she is going to model every instruction that the dental health video said using a recording telling step by step what you should do. (Use a real brush) Students are shown how to write each instruction (a total of 8 sentences) in Spanish. Students are shown how to use word processing to create a simple weekly chart with the days of the week in Spanish with a footnote stating the 8 steps for brushing teeth using the right technique. / -brush
-tape recorder
-tape with verbal instructions.
-Power Point presentation
-1weekly chart already made. 15min.
Independent practice: The class is divided in three groups and (5 students in each group) and each one of them rehearse the instructions given by the tape recorder in Spanish by taking turns (each student holds a real brush and teacher assists the three trials). / -15 brushes
Closure/Assessment: Provide 2 sets of children’s dental kits and instruct the children to play dentist in two groups. They play dentist using the instructions they learn today in Spanish. The third group uses the computers to create the charts. Teacher plays dentist with the students, but also assists the students in the computers. Teacher rotates the groups so each group can access the computers to create the charts. [ Note: provide ample time for assessement so children can role play independently while the teacher ‘plays’ too with them while observing, they could role-play pretending that one student is a Fama who is a dentist and other student role play Cronocopio as a patient assuming that in a previous lesson they read Famas and Cronocopios , “Lo universal y lo particular,” and focused in the spontaneous and care free nature of Cronocopio and that he would be the kind of person that will forget to brush his teeth with the right technique] / -two toy dentist kits
20 min.
lunes / martes / miercoles / jueves / viernes / sabado / domingo