"When a Silence replaces the Truth

then this Silence becomes a lie. "




In front of me are two Soup-cans:

on the one is written: "Soup of Dictatorship"

and another announces: "Soup of Democracy" ...

Obviously my preference is for the second

but I would also like to see more close

about the contents of these cans .....

It goes without saying that someone like me

would only consume "Democracy" ,

even if canned andif necessary .....

But suppose also that the inscriptions

on these cans were tobe honest and exacts.

It would be unrealistic,

but to make my point now, let us suppose it.

Let us first as it would have contained

in the Can of Dictatorship:

+ A dictator

+ A rather elected dictator

and which has a parliamentary system

as old as his Republic itself.(66 years)

+ As a single party

(Since recently there 3 in total)

+ All this with an army out of proportion

to the size of the country

+ As a safety device which makes other dictator jealous.

+ Included with all this is a total secularization

of all the system and all uniformed personnel or civilian personel.

+ A free medical insurance

+ Free schools

+ And even university also free ...

+ Emancipation of women,

more than all its neighbours...

Let us look now ,at the inscriptions on the

Can with "Soup of Democracy"

There would probably sincerely also include

elements of a genuine democracy,

although at infant-level or stage .

It is important here to note what is the percentage

of this ingredient,

compared to other ingredients in this soup.

Because ...... We also surely find:

+ Tribal forces with unsettled accounts of Personal Vendetta

+ Former officials who no longer have the right to steal from the national fundsand I quote here the famous uncle of Assad and the Vice President Khaddam,who both took advantage of this dictatorship for 36 years ...... non stop !!

and the list is large,,,,

without forgetting even a former PM who has

"seen the light"

just three days before leaving Damascus ....

+ But there also and especially

huge funding coming from the Gulf:

specifically two countries that have not

a constitution, nor political parties,

nor a parliament (whether empty or not).

+ Let us add that a NATO

which is a club of all the former Colonialist

of this world

(Except Japan and the Incas !)

+ Do not forget too,

that ironically,the three excolonial powers

who literally have drawn the current borders of Syria today:

Turkey, Françe and the United Kingdom

+ Last but not least,

we find the country that liberated Iraq

and also freed the Afghan woman

and has left six million bomb-craters

in Vietnam ..... "For thatsameproposedDemocracy"

At this point ,and seeing all the ingredients for this soup

I really wonder if it would have enough room left over

for the 5% of real democracy/natural/genuine.????

So at this point I would renamed this label


At this point and where we are now...

the honest-social and socialistdictatorship ,,

would be my preference. !

Let us here end with the euphemism of soups

and pass into the dailyrealitiesand dramas.


Syria today is not punished for his dictator

but especially for its regional and international policy

Those "Friends of Syria" will not have any problem

who will winlaterthis war .


Syria is the last bastion of the Cold War

450 Km of borders with NATO !!


Syria is the last bastion against Islamism,

against the Salafism, Wahhabism

and against that "Spring"which came to us

from the kitchens of the CIA and MI6


Syria now, and after the loss of Iraq,

became the last base or the last model of

a Republic of Secular-Socialist-structures...

and anti-colonialist

or anti-Zionist

or anti-imperialist


I'm not talking about my Lebanon

because it is the Twin brother of Syria

except that we change every 6 years our Dictator

to please(in rotation) all Embassieslocated inBeirut.

And finally I would like to mention a few



there are more Christian Syrians than Lebanese Christians


there are more than Allawites inTurkeythan in Syria


there are more women in any of Harem of the Saudi King

than all the 33Syrian-women-members the parliament


All minorities in Syria, without exception,

prefer and support the "dictator"


None of these Salafist,Islamists and etc ...

not want to establish any "republic."

That was not even the case with Iran (1979)

which in any case has ended-up as a proper-republic.


there are more journalists in Turkish prisons

than in Syrian prisons. Today and yesterday!


no minorities in Turkey supports the Turkish regime,

which is, quite the opposite in Syria


The Syrian army is of Sunni-majority

Police-forces and securityare of Sunni-majority

Parliament and the Baath Party Sunni-majority as well.

So the division is notsectarian

as they say .... so often.


All those who say that they are

"Friends of Syria" have neverbeenin the past

not even in the distant past.


All terrorists, extremists and Islamist

are offered an immunity or amnesty or impunity

if they operate only in Syria!


Is it democratic democratic when a

"democratic-country" goesto change another country ??


Since that Arab-Spring, Egypt consumed

more tear gas than in Syria,

during all 20 years ...


I will not list all the groups and extremist fanaticsand all these mercenary adventurers, acting openly in Syria

because I can be accused of being "propagandist"

but I will say that none of our enemy will deny it.

It is recognized on both sides of the truth ...


This sabotage of Syria,

only serves to weaken a country

resistant to the Zionist conspiracy ...that is thecontinuousabduction of Palestine....

We note here that 90% of FSA operations

are subversives and destructive ...


A rebellion is never a revolution!

and a revolutionwould require ideologies and ideologists....

I do not see any of those values in this Hollywood and Gulfisttheatre


Á back our two soups:

I say that there is not" a fly in the soup"

but rather "a snake in the soup"

This "dictator" was never my choice

but it is a dam

that protects me from several evil options .
