North West Wales Netball League
Rules (updated May, 2016)
1.League Entry
- To be entered in the league all teams must have entry forms in by the closing date.
- Team sheets must be handed in on the night of the teams’ first game.
- Teams will not be awarded any points for games played in the league until their team sheet is handed in to the division secretary.
- Team sheets must include all players’ names andWelsh Netball affiliation numbers.
- All players must be affiliated to Welsh Netball.
- Entry fee into the league must be paid in full by the date specified by the committee.
2.The League
- The league will comprise of a number divisions dependant on the number of entries, matches will be played on the dates and times specified on the fixture list.
- Matches will not be rearranged except in the event of extreme weather conditions when the leisure centre may cancel fixtures.
- All teams will pay a deposit of £50 which will be refunded at the end of the season if the team has not infringed the rules. Teams must be represented at the AGM to collect their deposits.
3. Structure
- The league shall be structured based on the number of teams entered in the league. The committee will structure the divisions to provide each team with the appropriate level of competition.
- Each team will play each other once, twice or 3 times depending on number of teams in each division.
- New adult teams into the league will be entered into the lowest adult division.
- Teams will not be allowed to join mid season.
- Players must be at least school year 9 to play in the league.
- Each year divisions will be determined by the previous season’s results.
- Bottom team in the division will be relegated to the below division.
- Top team in each division will be promoted to the above division.
- There will be a playoff between runners up in a division and 2nd from bottom in the above division. The winner of this match will play in the higher division.
4. Transferring Players
- Players will be allowed to move from a team in lower division to play for a team from the same club in a higher division a maximum of 3 times per season. On the 3rd occasion the player will remain in the higher division and will not be permitted to play in the lower division.
- If a club has more than one team in the same division a player from a lower division can play for both/all teams in the higher division. A player will remain in the team they play for on the 3rd occasion for the remainder of the season.
- A club with more than one team in the same division must not move players between teams.
- There will be no transfer of players between clubs unless the player has not played for the club for whom they are registered. The league must be informed and agreed by both teams in writing.
- If a team has to withdraw from the league, transfer may take place.The league must be informed in writing.
- Teams may add players to their teams during the course of the season, players names and affiliation numbers must be added to entry forms,which will be kept by the division secretaries, before they can play. There will be no maximum number of players per team.
- Teams guilty of playing a player registered with another club or playing a player from a higher team will lose that game 40-0 and have 3 points deducted from their league total.
5. Fixtures
- Play will be in accordance with IFNA Official Rules of Netball (Amended 2016).
- Matches will be timed by the scorers and for division 1, 2 and 3 will consist of 4 quarters of 13 minutes. With 1 minute at quarter time and 3 minutes at half time.
- At the end of each match each team must nominate a player of the match for the opposition and record this clearly on the score sheet.
- Points
Win = 5 points
Draw = 3 points
Lose by 5 or less goals = 2 Points
Loss = 1 point
- If 2 teams are tied at the end of the season, goal average (goals scored divided by goals against) will decide the leaguepositions; if it is still tied goal difference will be counted.
- Late arrivals – Teams not ready to start on the umpire’s whistle – the opposition will be given the first centre pass and teams will be penalised 2 goals for every minute late on court. After 5 minutes the non-offending team will be awarded the game 40-0.
- Failure to arrive - Teams failing to arrive to play their game will be penalised by having 5 points deducted, lose the game 40-0 and will be responsible for paying both umpires.
- Teams who are unable to fulfil a fixture will lose the game 40-0 or the average goals scored per game (at the end of the season), whichever is higher,and must inform:-
The Division Secretary
The Umpires
The opposition team Captain
by 9pm on the Sunday before the game. Failure to do so will result in 5 points being deducted from their league total. Any team cancelling after the specified time will also pay a fine of £10.00, to be paid to the division secretary.
- If a cancelling team fails to inform bothumpires, that team will also be responsible for paying both umpires the appropriate fee.
- If a team abandons a match the non offending team will win 40-0.
- If the umpires or the leisure centre has to stop the match the game will be rearranged unless 3 quarters of the game have been played in which case the score will stand.
- If a team cancels 3 matches during a season they will lose their deposit.
- If a team cancels more than 3 matches they will pay a £25 fine per match to the league.
- Teams will be deducted one point for every match they cancel.
6. Uniform & Equipment
- Teams must wear bibs lettered front and back.
- Full kit including skirt must be worn; newly formed teams will be given one season before this rule applies.
- Players new to a team will have until the start of the following season to wear the correct kit.
- Any player not wearing full kit will be fined £10, payable to the division secretary.
- All teams must bring a match standard (size 5) netball to every match.
7. Umpiring
- Each team must name an umpire on the entry form. Umpires can only be named on one team’s entry form.
- Umpires will not umpire games played by their own team.
- Umpires must be C grade or have attended a level 1 course and have a mentor.
- Any named trainee umpires must be working towards becoming a C umpire.
- failing to turn up will result in the team being deducted 3 points.
- Teams must provide a scorer for the same match that they are responsible for umpiring.
- Failure to provide a scorer will result in a team being deducted 1 point.
- If an umpire is more than 5 minutes late for a match their team (or the team who has organised that umpire) will be deducted 3 points. If more than 5 minutes late the match must be re-arranged and the offending team will have to pay for the cost of the court.
- If a scorer is more than 5 minutes late for a match their team (or the team that who has organised that scorer) will be deducted 1 point.
- Scorers should refrain from using their phones during a match.
- If umpires cannot honour their commitment they must find a replacement.
- If a team is unable to find a replacement and the league has to find an umpire the team will be deducted 1 point.
- If a replacement umpire cannot be found the match of the team unable to provide an umpire will be cancelled and they will lose 40-0.
- Umpires must wear a white t-shirt/top and appropriate shoes.
- Umpires are to be paid before the match takes place:
C = £10
B = £12
A = £14
8. Score Cards
- NWW Netball League score cards must be used and can be collected from the division secretaries at the leisure centres.
- Teams must text the match result and POM to the Results Secretary by midnight on league nights.
- Failure to text/late texts will result in a 1 point deduction.
- Teams are responsible for getting thecompleted score card to the division secretary.
- The score cards must be clearly filled out and have:-
2 x Umpires signatures
2 x Scorer Signatures
2 x Captains Signatures
2 x Team lists (first and surnames)
1 x Player of the match nomination from each team.
9. Injuries
- Extra time will not be allowed for injury. Injured players have 30 seconds to leave the court.
- Where a considerable amount of time is lost due to an injured player not being able to be moved or the court needs to be cleaned due to blood, the match will be abandoned and may be played at another time. This will apply to any following game into which the injury runs.
- If 3 quarters of the match have been played the result will stand.
10. Blood Policy
- An umpire is required to hold play when a player who is bleeding is noticed and no on court player has called time.
- To stop play the umpire shall blow the whistle and the time shall continue to run. The player must leave the court immediately.
- The player cannot take court until:
-The wound is adequately covered
-Blood stained clothing is removed or cleaned
-The ball and the court are cleaned if necessary
11. Breach of Rules
- Any breach of the rules should be brought to the attention of the committee in writing immediately thereby enabling them to take appropriate action.
12. Pregnancy
- Women cannot play or umpire in the league once they reach 12 week of pregnancy.