Date: June 22nd
To parents/guardians atSæterdal barnehage
Preparations for the World Cycling Championships, 16.– 24. September
Consequences for ourbarnehage
The World Cycling Championships are being held in Bergenon 16.– 24th September of this year. It is one of the biggest sporting events in the world. The riders will be cycling in the streets ofBergen, and many spectators are expected along the courses. The championships are broadcast to 300 million TV viewers.
We will be open for four days
Barnehagenwill be openas normalduring the World Cycling Championships, from Monday 18.toThursday 21th September. During the four days, we will celebrate and incorporate the World Cycling Championships in a variety of ways.
Friday 22th September is a planning day andthe kindergarten/school/SFO is closed.
Many roads will be closed to ordinary traffic
It is likely that many people be affected in some way as many roads will be closed to ordinary traffic during the event and public transport will be diverted.Many people will probably need to alter their routine during the four days that kindergarten/school/SFO is open.This especially applies to those who usually need to travel by car or bus. Pedestrians and cyclists can cross the course at special points. Guards will sluice peopleacross when it is safe.
Consequences for us
We are well underway in preparing for the consequences the World Cycling Championships will have for thebarnehage. We are doing this in cooperation with those who will run municipal services during the eventand in dialogue with representatives of the World Cycling Championships. The Collaboration Committee(Samarbeidsutvalget) is and will also be involved and oriented.
Many things will be solved through good planning. We therefore believe it is important that you already now familiarise yourself with how the championships will affect barnehageduring the four days we are open. This will make it possible for you to start planning the days.
Sæterdal barnehage is located away from the areas most affected, but parents might experience closed streets going to or from work. The closing times are from 08.30 a.m. to 07.00 pm. We encourage you to start planning arrangements with relatives, friends or other parents to be ready to pick your child up at the barnehage before closing-time, if you risk being stuck in traffic.
Sunday 17th Sept. the Woman’s and Men’s Team Time Trials will pass along the Bjørgeveien. We encourage everyone to meet up, together with their children, to cheer on the cyclists.
Useful website
Check for updates on the website
Here, you will find links to descriptions and maps that show the courses, roads that will be closed and in which zone (red, orange, yellow) our barnehage is located. The website will be continually updated leading up to the World Cycling Championships.
The organiser of the World Cycling Championships is Bergen 2017 AS, which is owned by the Norwegian Cycling Federation (NCF). Bergen Municipality is the host municipality, and will assist Bergen 2017 AS prior to and during the event.
More information will follow
As the championship approaches, we'll come back with more information about what thedaily activities in the barnehagewill be like during the World Cycling Championships.
If you have any questions or are wondering about anything, please contactme.
Kind regards
Berit Wangsholm, styrer