Amberwood HOA Meeting Minutes October 5, 2017
In attendance: Kevin Gardiner: President, Michael Dabrowa: Vice President, Carrol Long: Treasurer, Anne Gardiner: Secretary, Patrick Martin.
Minutes from previous meeting: Anne. Luau was a success with over 40 in attendance. Reviewed project list for Fall Beautification Day. Set date for November 4th. We will begin gathering quotes for remodel of clubhouse interior for the future.
Financial Review: Carrol. We are on budget with additional funds for needed projects. Current balance:$19,526.87
Board finalized plans for the November 4th Fall Beautification Day. Kevin will order pine straw and send out e-mail to community.
Job List: 1. Clean debris from drainage ditch alongside clubhouse
2. Spread pine straw around front landscaping and clubhouse.
3. Pressure wash tennis court banner.
4. Paint trim in girl’s pool bath.
5. Pressure wash/ paint front fence
6. Pressure wash/ stain fence panels along clubhouse parking lot.
7. Repair toilet/shower in girl’s pool bath.
8. Replace garbage disposal in clubhouse
9. Secure stair column on front clubhouse porch
10. Replace broken swing(s) on playground
Due to concerns over issues/ damage/ theft at the pool, the Board discussed putting security cameras at the clubhouse to monitor the pool and parking lot. Kevin will look into options and costs to move forward with this project. Carrol will look into the cost of bringing in WiFi to the clubhouse.
The Board planned for the Annual Holiday Party for adults, scheduled for December 9th. The HOA will provide three main dishes and bottled water. Attendees will bring a side/dessert and drink of choice.
The date of December 2 was finalized for decorating the clubhouse.
The Board approved purchasing new furniture for clubhouse from Costco. We will continue to gather quotes to remodel clubhouse to budget this as a big project next year.
The next HOA meeting tentatively set for November, when the board will prepare for the Annual Community Board Meeting and finalize Holiday Party Plans.