GPS Location of Crashes

GPS coordinates of crash locations are valuable information in a crash report. The accuracy of the GPS coordinates adds value to the localities during analysis and helps during decision making.

The FR300 contains fields to enter the GPS latitude and longitude of the site of the crash on Page A.

Users can obtain the GPS coordinates from the built in mapping client in Report Beam. Select the globe icon on the left bottom corner of the screen and then select ‘Launch Mobile Mapping’

This will bring up the mapping client that allows users to select a location and obtain the GPS latitude and longitude for that location.

Mapping tools

Zoom to Rectangle: To zoom within a particular area, click on the ‘Zoom to Rect’ and draw a rectangle on the map by clicking and holding the left mouse button.

Pan: Click on the ‘Pan’ button and then click on the map and move the map to pan around the map.

Zoom to Extends: Click on the ‘Zoom to Extends’ to zoom back to view the entire state.

Zoom In and Zoom Out: To zoom in and zoom out in steps click on the + and – buttons.

Locating a crash:

Zoom to the location of the crash using the tools to within 50 feet or less of the location (Use the scale on the top left of the map to determine amount to zoom).

And then place the cross hairs on the location of the crash and right click. A red triangle will be placed on the location and the corresponding GPS latitude and longitude will be displayed in the lower left portion of the map.

To change the location, right click on the new location and the red triangle will move to the new location and the GPS latitude and longitude data will change.

To enter the GPS location in the crash report click on ‘Save’ and the GPS values will be entered in the crash report.

Other options for GPS latitude and longitude:

Users can enter GPS latitude and longitude from other sources such as google maps, Smart Phones, In-dash cameras etc, however the GPS latitude and longitude have to be in the following format xx.xxxxxx The GPS valuessuch as 51° 28' 38" N etc will be allowed in Report Beam.