Springfield Public School 2016-2017Council Meeting

Meeting #1: Thursday October 6, 2016

7:00pm School Library

In Attendance:Regrets:


Melanie Raven – TreasurerSabine DiSumma – Member at Large

Hamada Elmoursi – Chair

Robert Stancu – Principal

Jason Madore – Member at Large

Maryann Baran – Non-Teaching Rep

Dave Martin – Teaching Rep

Karen O’Dell – Teaching Rep

Asma Tasawar – Member at Large

Christine Chung – Member at Large

Ellen Wang – Member at Large

Nicky Rossi – Community Rep

Minutes prepared by: Christine Chung


All listed above

Tracy Finch, School Office

1Welcome and Introduction – Hamada Elmoursi

Hamada called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

1.1Approval of agenda

2Principal’s Report – Robert Stancu

2.1Reorganizing this year was very smooth and required minimal movement. We didn’t lose or gain any teachers. We only had to move a total of 10 students to comply with Primary Class Size reduction numbers. Otherwise, classes remained the same with no change in staff.

2.2EQAO scores (which will be published online) have been released. Our school achieved higher medians than Board and Province numbers. Only area of concern was Grade 6 Math where only 57% of our students achieved a proficiency level of 3 or higher. (Still above Board and Province numbers of 50%). Province wide, Grade 3 is continually improving and hence focus will be put on helping Grade 6 improve these results. Staff looked at the actual EQAO questions (those that were provided as EQAO only releases half of all questions) to determine which questions posed the most difficulty for students. This will enable staff to identify which math strands may require more emphasis, as well as look at what the actual curriculum entails. We were able to see that Geometry and Measurement are the main areas in need of additional support. Teachers will be asked to develop their own problems similar to those that have caused problems for the students or embed these areas further in class. Benefits of staff working collaboratively is that these areas of concern can also be looked at in earlier years to better prepare students (Gr 1 and 2 teachers will also look at focusing on these areas to help those students when they reach Gr 3). A parent observed that these numbers may not reflect the results that were sent home. A discrepancy was advised, but we have asked that the parent review the results and we would re-address at our next meeting. The question was raised that why is only half the questions released for review, and the response is that EQAO wants to reuse these questions and hence will only release half. If parents would like to see additional questions, the EQAO website also provides sample questions. Over the past few years EQAO has permitted students with special need or ESL students to use the electronic version of EQAO. Essentially the text can be electronically read to the students. Over the past 5 years it has been proven to be successful and as a result, the scores for these students also increased. Parents also wanted to contribute to the school’s success plan and these suggestions will be addressed at our next meeting.

2.3Numeracy will be a large focus of our School Success Plan. This is also Ministry mandated that Numeracy be a focus in all schools.

2.4School Budget: The Ministry gave Springfield $50,814.00 based on grade level. Students from K-3, every student generated $104.50; Gr 4-5: $115.50; Gr 6: $146.50; Special Ed and Developmentally Disabled students: $200.00

2.5Distribution of this budget is as follows:

$800 each classroom for expenses each class may require

$6000 Administration – paper, postage, office supplies

$2000Computer supplies

$6129Library ($13.50/pupil)

$500Core French


$500Special Ed

$500Visual Arts

$1500Extracurricular Sports


$15,800Non-specific – Robert will use some of these funds to purchase a Nelson Math Literacy Kit for each Grade level (K to 6). This is guided reading activities that are math based. This Kit totals $6900. Teachers will be requested to use these as a resource as much as possible

2.6A parent requested we utilize Twitter again as a form of communication with families. Sharing quick photos or event updates proved useful. Staff will look into who can maintain the twitter account this year.

2.7Another inquiry was made regarding the use of Raz Kids and Prodigy. Raz Kids is in use, but it is unsure if we have renewed Prodigy. There were mixed responses with satisfaction of Prodigy. Math IXL was also brought up, and that it is a more challenging website in comparison to Prodigy.

2.8Creative Playground: Robert originally wanted to request that the playground from Willow Glen be transferred to Springfield. Unfortunately, the Board decided another school was in greater need of this playground. Robert wanted to suggest that we can take this on as a fundraising initiative. Over a few years, we can look at raising enough funds to gradually save up to pay for our own playground. It was suggested that this be brought forward to our next meeting for further discussions. The Board feels this playground is still safe enough, but not realizing that many components of this playground have already been removed due to safety hazards. Chains, ladders, slides, tires have all been removed from the playground and never replaced. We will bring forward this issue.

3Treasurer’s Report – Melanie Raven

3.1Opening Balance for this school year is $9962.18. No income to report as of yet, but pizza will be added shortly. Please refer to statement for detailed itemized report. We discussed Jungle Sports and Council funding. Historically council subsidized 50% of this event. It was proposed to reinstate this amount to 50% (which is approximately $1600). This should decrease the students’ fee from $8 and $5.

3.2After all preapproved items pending payment, we have an available balance of $3928.38.

4Pizza Update – Christine Chung

4.1This first pizza term will run until December. We received $7453 in orders. Orders look higher than last year. Most students in most classes placed an order.

4.2This year we have decided to go with Dominos Pizza. They are closer than last year’s supplier. We had a few delivery and/or quality issues last year and hence the move to try another company.

4.3Pizza charge is $8.00 for cheese and $8.50 for pepperoni. Profit margin is roughly 40%. It was requested that Dominos give us a few sample pizzas at our next meeting. We will arrange with Dominos.

5Friends of the Forest Campaign – Dave Martin

5.1We raised $13,411 last year. The original plan was to plant 2 - 30ft trees, but unfortunately, we have run into bureaucratic issues. The stumps have not been entirely removed and hence we cannot continue with planting. We have also been mandated to use Board Approved Vendors which means the company that Dave originally sourced (although most economical) cannot be used.

5.2The major concern is that the Board does not have it in their budget to complete this job. Removing the trees cost over $100,000 and removing stumps will cost over $20,000. It is understandable that the board is in a difficult position balancing the budget on this issue, but our concern is that the trees are starting to grow again.

5.3First order of business is that we need to open a Project File with the Board. The initial thought is to propose an outdoor classroom, but the total of our monies raised is insufficient to complete these types of plans. This is ongoing and we are continually moving forward on this initiative. We feel it is imperative to get something started as our student population worked so hard to raise these funds last year. An update of this Campaign will be forwarded to our students and families right away.

5.4It was addressed that the Board Approved Vendors most often charge a much higher inflated price than other companies (Dave’s supplier exemplifies this). Students and their families worked very hard at raising this money and would like to see as many trees planted as possible. We will have to wait and see as progress is made on this issue.

6Activities for 2016-2017 school year: - Hamada Elmoursi

6.1Hamada addressed the need for a Volunteer Coordinator. We would like to have a database of volunteers ready to reach out to more parents. Robert offered to send home a form reaching out to parents interested in participating.

6.2On a high level, we need volunteers for various events, i.e., Move-a-thon; Teacher Appreciation Dinner, Movie Nights, Fun Day, Musical

6.3Movie Night was address as a potential fundraiser. We have not charged in the past, but if we charge admission, then we can consider purchasing a license ($600 per year). We really need to see if there are more parents ready to get more involved. Will address this at the next meeting.

6.4It was suggested that maybe parent council members/volunteers could have t-shirts identifying them as a group other parents can approach to learn how to get involved. Many parents do not understand what they can do to help enrich the students lives while at school.

6.5Karen volunteered to take on position of Volunteer Coordinator – Thank you so much!

6.6We should also have a table set up in the gym for next Thursday’s Open House. It was recommended that the table be set up in the gym and hopefully more parents will learn about Council and be willing to get involved. We will try to obtain last year’s visuals for this year’s table.

6.7Christine volunteered to organize Teacher Appreciation Dinner scheduled for November 17th. We will require 2 shifts: 1 – to set up (from 3:00-4:30) and 2 – to clean up (from 6:30-7:30) We will require 2-3 parents per shift. Christine will send out more information to coordinate this.

7Bring Forward Items:

~ EQAO results review

~ Volunteers

~ Teacher Appreciation Dinner

~ Move-a-thon

~ Movie Night

8Next Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 7:00pm in the library.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at 8:57pm,