A Guidance Document for Map Data Submissions
This folder contains several files to aid in your submission of mapsand GIS data for your Fuels Management project:
- The Data_Template zip file contains a blankArcGIS 9.2 File Geodatabase with the structure and format required for submission. It is strongly encouraged that GIS contractors utilize this template for data submissions.
- The Data_Template_BasicArcView_License_Only zip file contains a blank ArcGIS 9.2 File Geodatabase with the structure and format required for submission for users that only hold a Basic or ArcViewArcGIS License. This version of the template has the topology rules removed from the geodatabase since they are not supported at this license level. If your license level permits, it is encouraged that you use the full data template since topology is one criteria that is evaluated upon submission.
- The Sample_Data_Submission zip file contains a sample File Geodatabase that illustrates what a data submission might look like.
- The Sample_Map_Submission zip file contains sample maps that illustrate the required map content to be submitted.
- The Spatial_Appendix document contains a Maps & Spatial Data Submissions Appendix excerpt from the program guide. This document contains the specific map and spatial data requirements for this type of project submission.
Domains have been included in the File Geodatabase to ensure attribute values are valid. General topology rules have also been created. It is recommended you complete the following processes before submission to ensure your submission will pass the initial quality assurance test.
- Validate the topology included in the File Geodatabase and correct any errors.
- Run the Validate Features command from the Editor toolbar while in an ArcMap edit session and correct any errors.
- Run the Check Geometry tool and repair any errors.
If you prefer to view the Domain code value, rather then the code description in ArcMap or ArcCatalog you can toggle this on/off by going to Customize->Options->Tables (in ArcGIS10) or Tool->Options->Tables (in ArcGIS 9.2 and 9.3) and checking off the "Display coded value domain and subtype descriptions" checkbox.
If you have any questionsand/or feedback please contact:
Melinda McClung
GIS Analyst
Wildfire Management Branch
This information is also available as part of the program guides which can be found on the UBCM website.